Class Iterator
Visibility | Function |
public | __call(string $key, mixed $args) : mixed Convert function calls for the existing keys into their values. |
public | __clone() : void Clone the iterator. |
public | __construct(array $items=array()) : void Constructor to initialize array. |
public | __get(string $offset) : mixed Asset value Magic getter method |
public | __isset(string $offset) : bool True if the value is set Magic method to determine if the attribute is set |
public | __set(string $offset, mixed $value) : void Magic setter method |
public | __toString() : string Convents iterator to a comma separated list. |
public | __unset(string $offset) : void Magic method to unset the attribute |
public | append(array/\Grav\Common\Iterator $items) : \Grav\Common\$this Append new elements to the list. |
public | count() : int Implements Countable interface. |
public | current() : mixed Can return any type. Returns the current element. |
public | filter(\callable $callback=null) : \Grav\Common\$this Filter elements from the list filter status |
public | first() : mixed Get the first item |
public | indexOf(mixed $needle) : string/int/false Key if found, otherwise false. |
public | key() : string/null Returns key on success, or NULL on failure. Returns the key of the current element. |
public | last() : mixed Get the last item |
public | next() : void Moves the current position to the next element. |
public | nth(int $key) : mixed/bool Return nth item. |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(string/null $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(string $offset) : void Unsets an offset. |
public | prev() : mixed Return previous item. |
public | random(int $num=1) : \Grav\Common\$this Pick one or more random entries. |
public | remove(string $key) : void Remove item from the list. |
public | reverse() : \Grav\Common\$this Reverse the Iterator |
public | rewind() : void Rewinds back to the first element of the Iterator. |
public | serialize() : string Returns the string representation of the object. Returns string representation of the object. |
public | shuffle() : \Grav\Common\$this Shuffle items. |
public | slice(int $offset, int/null $length=null) : \Grav\Common\$this Slice the list. |
public | sort(\callable $callback=null, bool $desc=false) : \Grav\Common\$this/array Sorts elements from the list and returns a copy of the list in the proper order |
public | toArray() : array Convert object into an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert object into JSON string. |
public | toYaml(int $inline=3, int $indent=2) : string A YAML string representing the object. Convert object into YAML string. |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void Called during unserialization of the object. |
public | valid() : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. This method is called after Iterator::rewind() and Iterator::next() to check if the current position is valid. |
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator, \Traversable, \Countable, \Serializable
Class Plugin
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $name, \Grav\Common\Grav $grav, \Grav\Common\Config/null/\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config=null) : void Constructor. |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | config() : array Get configuration of the plugin. |
public | getBlueprint() : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint Simpler getter for the plugin blueprint |
public static | getSubscribedEvents() : array By default assign all methods as listeners using the default priority. |
public | isAdmin() : bool Determine if plugin is running under the admin |
public | isCli() : bool Determine if plugin is running under the CLI |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(string $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(string $offset) : void Unsets an offset. |
public static | saveConfig(string $plugin_name) : bool Persists to disk the plugin parameters currently stored in the Grav Config object |
public | setConfig(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : \Grav\Common\$this |
protected | disable(array $events) : void |
protected | enable(array $events) : void |
protected | isPluginActiveAdmin(string $plugin_route) : bool Determine if this route is in Admin and active for the plugin |
protected | loadBlueprint() : mixed Load blueprints. |
protected | mergeConfig(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page, bool/mixed $deep=false, array $params=array(), string $type='plugins' ) : \Grav\Common\Data\DataMerge global and page configurations. plugin settings. merge with the plugin settings. |
protected | parseLinks(string $content, callable $function, string $internal_regex='(.*)' ) : stringThis function will search a string for markdown links in a specific format. The link value can be optionally compared against via the $internal_regex and operated on by the callback $function provided. format: plugin:myplugin_name |
This class implements \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface, \ArrayAccess
タクソノミオブジェクトは、タクソノミマップへの参照を保持するシングルトンです。このマップは多次元配列として構築され、site.yaml ファイルで定義されたタクソノミーを使用し、ページオブジェクトを再帰したとき構築されます。基本的に、タクソノミーを参照しているページが見つかるたびに、そのページへのエントリがタクソノミーマップに格納されます。タクソノミマップは次のような形式です。format: [taxonomy_type][taxonomy_value][page_path] For example: [category][blog][path/to/item1] [tag][grav][path/to/item1] [tag][grav][path/to/item2] [tag][dog][path/to/item3]
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav) : void Constructor that resets the map |
public | addTaxonomy(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page, array/null $page_taxonomy=null) : void Takes an individual page and processes the taxonomies configured in its header. It then adds those taxonomies to the map |
public | findTaxonomy(array $taxonomies, string $operator='and' ) : Collection Collection object set to contain matches found in the taxonomy mapReturns a new Page object with the sub-pages containing all the values set for a particular taxonomy. |
public | getTaxonomyItemKeys(string $taxonomy) : array keys of this taxonomy Gets item keys per taxonomy |
public | iterateTaxonomy(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page, \string $taxonomy, \string $key, \Grav\Common\iterable/string $value) : void Iterate through taxonomy fields Reduces [taxonomy_type] to dot-notation where necessary |
public | taxonomy(array/null $var=null) : array the taxonomy map Gets and Sets the taxonomy map |
Class Utils
Visibility | Function |
public static | arrayCombine(array $arr1, array $arr2) : array/false Array combine but supports different array lengths |
public static | arrayDiffMultidimensional(array $array1, array $array2) : array Returns an array with the differences between $array1 and $array2 |
public static | arrayFilterRecursive(array $source, callable $fn) : array Recursively filter an array, filtering values by processing them through the $fn function argument |
public static | arrayFlatten(array $array) : array Flatten an array |
public static | arrayFlattenDotNotation(array $array, string $prepend='' ) : arrayFlatten a multi-dimensional associative array into dot notation |
public static | arrayIsAssociative(array $arr) : bool Array is associative or not |
public static | arrayLower(array $a) : array/false Lowercase an entire array. Useful when combined with in_array() |
public static | arrayMergeRecursiveUnique(array $array1, array $array2) : array Recursive Merge with uniqueness |
public static | arrayRemoveValue(array $search, string/array $value) : array Simple function to remove item/s in an array by value |
public static | arrayUnflattenDotNotation(array $array, string $separator='.' ) : arrayOpposite of flatten, convert flat dot notation array to multi dimensional array. If any of the parent has a scalar value, all children get ignored: admin.pages=true becomes admin: pages: true |
public static | checkFilename(string $filename) : bool Returns true if filename is considered safe. |
public static | contains(string $haystack, string/string[] $needle, bool $case_sensitive=true) : bool Check if the $haystack string contains the substring $needle |
public static | convertSize(int $bytes, string $to, int $decimal_places=1) : int Returns only the number of units, not the type letter. Returns if the $to unit type is out of scope. Convert bytes to the unit specified by the $to parameter. |
public static | date2timestamp(string $date, string/null $format=null) : int the timestamp Get the timestamp of a date strtotime argument |
public static | dateFormats() : array Return the Grav date formats allowed |
public static | dateNow(string/null $default_format=null) : string Get current date/time |
public static | download(string $file, bool $force_download=true, int $sec, int $bytes=1024) : void Provides the ability to download a file to the browser |
public static | endsWith(string $haystack, string/string[] $needle, bool $case_sensitive=true) : bool Check if the $haystack string ends with the substring $needle |
public static | fullPath(string $path) : string Helper method to find the full path to a file, be it a stream, a relative path, or already a full path |
public static | generateRandomString(int $length=5) : string Generate a random string of a given length |
public static | getDotNotation(array $array, string/int/null $key, null $default=null) : mixed Get a portion of an array (passed by reference) with dot-notation key |
public static | getExtensionByMime(string $mime, string $default='html' ) : stringReturn the mimetype based on filename extension |
public static | getExtensions(array $mimetypes) : array Get all the extensions for an array of mimetypes |
public static | getMimeByExtension(string $extension, string $default='application/octet-stream' ) : stringReturn the mimetype based on filename extension |
public static | getMimeByFilename(string $filename, string $default='application/octet-stream' ) : stringReturn the mimetype based on filename |
public static | getMimeByLocalFile(string $filename, string $default='application/octet-stream' ) : string/boolReturn the mimetype based on existing local file |
public static | getMimeTypes(array $extensions) : array Get all the mimetypes for an array of extensions |
public static | getNonce(string $action, bool $previousTick=false) : string the nonce Creates a hashed nonce tied to the passed action. Tied to the current user and time. The nonce for a given action is the same for 12 hours. |
public static | getPageFormat() : string Returns the output render format, usually the extension provided in the URL. (e.g. html , json , xml , etc). |
public static | getPagePathFromToken(string $path, \Grav\Common\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page=null) : string Get path based on a token |
public static | getSubnet(string $ip, int $prefix=64) : string Find the subnet of an ip with CIDR prefix size |
public static | getSupportPageTypes(array/null/array $defaults=null) : array/mixed Wrapper to ensure html, htm in the front of the supported page types |
public static | getUploadLimit() : int |
public static | isAdminPlugin() : bool Simple helper method to get whether or not the admin plugin is active |
public static | isApache() : bool Utility to determine if the server running PHP is Apache |
public static | isAssoc(array $array) : bool |
public static | isFunctionDisabled(string $function) : bool Check whether a function is disabled in the PHP settings |
public static | isNegative(string $value) : bool Checks if a value is negative (false) |
public static | isPositive(string $value) : bool Checks if a value is positive (true) |
public static | isWindows() : bool Utility method to determine if the current OS is Windows |
public static | matchWildcard(string $wildcard_pattern, string $haystack) : false/int Function that can match wildcards match_wildcard('foo', $test), // TRUE match_wildcard('bar', $test), // FALSE match_wildcard('bar', $test), // TRUE match_wildcard('blob', $test), // TRUE match_wildcard('a?d', $test), // TRUE match_wildcard('*etc**', $test) // TRUE |
public static | mb_substr_replace(string $original, string $replacement, int $position, int $length) : string Multibyte compatible substr_replace |
public static | mergeObjects(object $obj1, object $obj2) : object Merge two objects into one. |
public static | multibyteParseUrl(string $url) : array Multibyte-safe Parse URL function |
public static | normalizePath(string $path) : string Normalize path by processing relative . and .. syntax and merging path |
public static | parseSize(string/int/float $size) : int Parse a readable file size and return a value in bytes |
public static | pathPrefixedByLangCode(string $string) : bool/string Either false or the language Checks if the passed path contains the language code prefix |
public static | prettySize(int $bytes, int $precision=2) : string Return a pretty size based on bytes |
public static | processMarkdown(string $string, bool $block=true, null $page=null) : string Process a string as markdown |
public static | replaceFirstOccurrence(string $search, string $replace, string $subject) : string Utility method to replace only the first occurrence in a string |
public static | replaceLastOccurrence(string $search, string $replace, string $subject) : string Utility method to replace only the last occurrence in a string |
public static | DEPRECATED - 1.5 Use ->getDotNotation() method instead. |
public static | safeTruncate(string $string, int $limit=150) : string Truncate text by number of characters in a "word-safe" manor. |
public static | safeTruncateHtml(string $text, int $length=25, string $ellipsis='...' ) : stringTruncate HTML by number of characters in a "word-safe" manor. |
public static | setDotNotation(array $array, string/int/null $key, mixed $value, bool $merge=false) : mixed Set portion of array (passed by reference) for a dot-notation key and set the value |
public static | simpleTemplate(\string $template, array $variables, array $brackets=array()) : string Final string filled with values Render simple template filling up the variables in it. If value is not defined, leave it as it was. |
public static | sortArrayByArray(array $array, array $orderArray) : array Sort a multidimensional array by another array of ordered keys |
public static | sortArrayByKey(mixed $array, string/int $array_key, int $direction=3, int $sort_flags) : array Sort an array by a key value in the array |
public static | startsWith(string $haystack, string/string[] $needle, bool $case_sensitive=true) : bool Check if the $haystack string starts with the substring $needle |
public static | substrToString(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $case_sensitive=true) : string Returns the substring of a string up to a specified needle. if not found, return the whole haystack |
public static | timezones() : array Get the formatted timezones list |
public static | truncate(string $string, int $limit=150, bool $up_to_break=false, string $break=' ' , string $pad='…' ) : stringTruncate text by number of characters but can cut off words. |
public static | truncateHtml(string $text, int $length=100, string $ellipsis='...' ) : stringTruncate HTML by number of characters. not "word-safe"! |
public static | url(string/object $input, bool $domain=false, bool $fail_gracefully=false) : string/false Simple helper method to make getting a Grav URL easier |
public static | verifyNonce(string/string[] $nonce, string $action) : boolean verified or not Verify the passed nonce for the give action |
Class Uri
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string/array/null $env=null) : void Uri constructor. |
public | __toString() : string |
public static | addNonce(string $url, string $action, string $nonceParamName='nonce' ) : string the url with the nonceAdds the nonce to a URL for a specific action |
public | base() : string The base of the URI Return the base of the URI |
public | baseIncludingLanguage() : string The base of the URI Return the base relative URL including the language prefix or the base relative url if multi-language is not enabled |
public | basename() : string The basename of the URI Return the basename of the URI |
public static | buildParams(array $params) : string |
public static | buildUrl(array $parsed_url) : string The opposite of built-in PHP method parse_url() |
public static | cleanPath(string $path) : string Removes extra double slashes and fixes back-slashes |
public static | convertUrl(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page, string/array $url, string $type='link' , bool $absolute=false, bool $route_only=false) : string/array the more friendly formatted urlConverts links from absolute '/' or relative (../..) to a Grav friendly format |
public static | convertUrlOld(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page, string $markdown_url, string $type='link' , bool/null $relative=null) : string the more friendly formatted urlConverts links from absolute '/' or relative (../..) to a Grav friendly format |
public | currentPage() : int Return current page number. |
public | environment() : string Gets the environment name |
public | extension(string/null $default=null) : string The extension of the URI Return the Extension of the URI |
public static | extractParams(string $uri, string $delimiter) : array |
public static | filterPath(string/null $path) : string The RFC 3986 percent-encoded uri path. Filter Uri path. This method percent-encodes all reserved characters in the provided path string. This method will NOT double-encode characters that are already percent-encoded. |
public static | filterQuery(string/null $query) : string The percent-encoded query string. Filters the query string or fragment of a URI. |
public static | filterUserInfo(string/null $info) : string The percent-encoded user or password string. Filters the user info string. |
public | fragment(string/null $fragment=null) : string/null Gets the Fragment portion of a URI (eg #target) |
public static | getAllHeaders() : mixed Compatibility in case getallheaders() is not available on platform |
public | getContentType(bool $short=true) : null/string Get content type from request |
public static | getCurrentRoute() : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route Returns current route. |
public static | getCurrentUri() : \Grav\Framework\Uri\Uri Returns current Uri. |
public | host() : string/null The host of the URI Return the host of the URI |
public | init() : void Initializes the URI object based on the url set on the object |
public | initializeWithUrl(string $url='' ) : \Grav\Common\$thisInitialize the URI class with a url passed via parameter. Used for testing purposes. |
public | initializeWithUrlAndRootPath(string $url, string $root_path) : \Grav\Common\$this Initialize the URI class by providing url and root_path arguments |
public static | ip() : string ip address Return the IP address of the current user |
public static | isExternal(string $url) : bool is eternal state Is this an external URL? if it starts with http then yes, else false |
public | isValidExtension(string $extension) : bool Check if this is a valid Grav extension |
public static | isValidUrl(string $url) : bool Is the passed in URL a valid URL? |
public | method() : string |
public | param(string/null $id, bool/string/bool/null $default=false) : bool/string Get URI parameter. |
public | params(string/null $id=null, bool/boolean $array=false) : null/string/array Return all or a single query parameter as a URI compatible string. |
public static | paramsRegex() : string Calculate the parameter regex based on the param_sep setting |
public static | parseUrl(mixed $url) : array/false |
public | password() : string/null Return password |
public | path() : string The path of the URI Return the Path |
public | paths(int/null $id=null) : string/string[] Return URI path. |
public | port(bool $raw=false) : int/null Return the port number if it can be figured out |
public | post(string/null $element=null, string/null $filter_type=null) : array/null Get post from either $_POST or JSON response object By default returns all data, or can return a single item |
public | query(string/null $id=null, bool $raw=false) : string/array Returns an array if $id = null and $raw = true Return full query string or a single query attribute. |
public | referrer(string/null $default=null, string/null $attributes=null) : string Return relative path to the referrer defaulting to current or given page. |
public | rootUrl(bool $include_host=false) : string Return root URL to the site. |
public | route(bool $absolute=false, bool $domain=false) : string Return route to the current URI. By default route doesn't include base path. |
public | scheme(bool/bool/null $raw=false) : string The scheme of the URI Return the scheme of the URI |
public | setUriProperties(array $data) : \Grav\Common\Uri Allow overriding of any element (be careful!) |
public | toArray(bool $full=false) : array |
public | toOriginalString() : string |
public | uri(bool $include_root=true) : mixed Return the full uri |
public | url(bool $include_host=false) : string Return URL. |
public | user() : string/null Return user |
public | validateHostname(string $hostname) : bool Validate a hostname |
protected | createFromEnvironment(array $env) : void |
protected | createFromString(string $url) : mixed |
protected | hasStandardPort() : bool Does this Uri use a standard port? |
protected | reset() : void |
Class Assets
Visibility | Function |
public | add(string/string[] $asset) : \Grav\Common\$this Add an asset or a collection of assets. It automatically detects the asset type (JavaScript, CSS or collection). You may add more than one asset passing an array as argument. |
public | 'head' ) : \Grav\Common\AssetsDEPRECATED - Please use dynamic method with ['loading' => 'async']. |
public | addCss(mixed $asset) : \Grav\Common\$this Add a CSS asset or a collection of assets. |
public | 'head' ) : \Grav\Common\AssetsDEPRECATED - Please use dynamic method with ['loading' => 'defer']. |
public | addDir(string $directory, string $pattern='/.\.(css|js)$/i' ) : \Grav\Common\$thisAdd all assets matching $pattern within $directory. |
public | addDirCss(string $directory) : \Grav\Common\$this Add all CSS assets within $directory |
public | addDirJs(string $directory) : \Grav\Common\$this Add all JavaScript assets within $directory |
public | addInlineCss(mixed $asset) : \Grav\Common\$this Add an Inline CSS asset or a collection of assets. |
public | addInlineJs(mixed $asset) : \Grav\Common\$this Add an Inline JS asset or a collection of assets. |
public | addJs(mixed $asset) : \Grav\Common\$this Add a JS asset or a collection of assets. |
public | config(array $config) : \Grav\Common\$this Set up configuration options. All the class properties except 'js' and 'css' are accepted here. Also, an extra option 'autoload' may be passed containing an array of assets and/or collections that will be automatically added on startup. |
public | css(string $group='head' , array $attributes=array()) : stringBuild the CSS link tags. |
public | exists(string $asset) : bool Determines if an asset exists as a collection, CSS or JS reference |
public | getCollections() : array Return the array of all the registered collections |
public | getCss(string/null $key=null) : array Return the array of all the registered CSS assets If a $key is provided, it will try to return only that asset else it will return null |
public | getJs(string/null $key=null) : array Return the array of all the registered JS assets If a $key is provided, it will try to return only that asset else it will return null |
public | getTimestamp(bool $include_join=true) : string/null Get the timestamp for assets |
public | init() : void Initialization called in the Grav lifecycle to initialize the Assets with appropriate configuration |
public | js(string $group='head' , array $attributes=array()) : stringBuild the JavaScript script tags. |
public | registerCollection(string $collectionName, array $assets, bool $overwrite=false) : \Grav\Common\$this Add/replace collection. |
public | removeCss(string $key) : \Grav\Common\$this Removes an item from the CSS array if set |
public | removeJs(string $key) : \Grav\Common\$this Removes an item from the JS array if set |
public | render(string $type, string $group='head' , array $attributes=array()) : string |
public | reset() : \Grav\Common\$this Reset all assets. |
public | resetCss() : \Grav\Common\$this Reset CSS assets. |
public | resetJs() : \Grav\Common\$this Reset JavaScript assets. |
public | setCollection(array $collections) : \Grav\Common\$this Set the array of collections explicitly |
public | setCss(array $css) : \Grav\Common\$this Set the whole array of CSS assets |
public | setCssPipeline(bool $value) : \Grav\Common\$this Sets the state of CSS Pipeline |
public | setJs(array $js) : \Grav\Common\$this Set the whole array of JS assets |
public | setJsPipeline(bool $value) : \Grav\Common\$this Sets the state of JS Pipeline |
public | setTimestamp(string/int $value) : void Explicitly set's a timestamp for assets |
protected | addType(string $collection, string $type, string/string[] $asset, array $options) : \Grav\Common\$this |
protected | createArgumentsFromLegacy(array $args, array $defaults) : array |
protected | filterAssets(array $assets, string $key, string $value, bool $sort=false) : array/false |
protected | rglob(string $directory, string $pattern, string/null $ltrim=null) : array Recursively get files matching $pattern within $directory. |
protected | sortAssets(array $assets) : array |
protected | unifyLegacyArguments(array $args, string $type='Grav\Common\Assets\Css' ) : array |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Object\PropertyObject
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface
Class Getters
Visibility | Function |
public | __get(int/string $offset) : mixed Medium value Magic getter method |
public | __isset(int/string $offset) : boolean True if the value is set Magic method to determine if the attribute is set |
public | __set(int/string $offset, mixed $value) : void Magic setter method |
public | __unset(int/string $offset) : void Magic method to unset the attribute |
public | count() : int |
public | offsetExists(int/string $offset) : bool |
public | offsetGet(int/string $offset) : mixed |
public | offsetSet(int/string $offset, mixed $value) : void |
public | offsetUnset(int/string $offset) : void |
public | toArray() : array Returns an associative array of object properties. |
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable
The GravCache object is used throughout Grav to store and retrieve cached data. It uses DoctrineCache library and supports a variety of caching mechanisms. Those include: APCu RedisCache MemCache MemCacheD FileSystem
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav) : void Constructor |
public static | clearCache(string $remove='standard' ) : arrayHelper method to clear all Grav caches |
public static | clearJob(string $type) : void Static function to call as a scheduled Job to clear Grav cache |
public | contains(string $id) : bool true if the cached items exists Returns a boolean state of whether or not the item exists in the cache based on id key |
public | delete(string $id) : bool true if the item was deleted successfully Deletes an item in the cache based on the id |
public | deleteAll() : bool Deletes all cache |
public | fetch(string $id) : mixed/bool returns the cached entry, can be any type, or false if doesn't exist Gets a cached entry if it exists based on an id. If it does not exist, it returns false |
public | getCacheDriver() : DoctrineCache\CacheProvider The cache driver to use Automatically picks the cache mechanism to use. If you pick one manually it will use that If there is no config option for $driver in the config, or it's set to 'auto', it will pick the best option based on which cache extensions are installed. |
public | getCacheStatus() : string Get cache state |
public | getDriverName() : string Returns the current driver name |
public | getDriverSetting() : string Returns the current driver setting |
public | getEnabled() : bool Returns the current enabled state |
public | getKey() : string Getter method to get the cache key |
public | getLifetime() : int Retrieve the cache lifetime (in seconds) |
public | getSimpleCache() : \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface |
public | init(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav) : void Initialization that sets a base key and the driver based on configuration settings |
public static | invalidateCache() : void |
public | isVolatileDriver(string $setting) : bool is this driver a volatile driver in that it resides in PHP process memory |
public | onSchedulerInitialized(\RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event $event) : void |
public static | purgeJob() : void Static function to call as a scheduled Job to purge old Doctrine files |
public | purgeOldCache() : int Deletes the old out of date file-based caches |
public | save(string $id, array/object/int $data, int/null $lifetime=null) : void Stores a new cached entry. |
public | setEnabled(bool/int $enabled) : void Public accessor to set the enabled state of the cache |
public | setKey(string $key) : void Setter method to set key (Advanced) |
public | setLifetime(int $future) : void Set the cache lifetime programmatically |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Getters
This class implements \Countable, \ArrayAccess
Class Theme
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav, \Grav\Common\Config\Config $config, string $name) : void Constructor. |
public | config() : array Get configuration of the plugin. |
public | getBlueprint() : mixed Simpler getter for the theme blueprint |
public static | saveConfig(string $theme_name) : bool Persists to disk the theme parameters currently stored in the Grav Config object |
protected | loadBlueprint() : void Load blueprints. |
protected | mergeConfig(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page, string $deep='merge' , array $params=array(), string $type='themes' ) : \Grav\Common\Data\DataOverride the mergeConfig method to work for themes |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Plugin
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface
Class Themes
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav) : void Themes constructor. |
public | all() : array Return list of all theme data with their blueprints. |
public | configure() : void Configure and prepare streams for current template. |
public | current() : string Return name of the current theme. |
public | get(string $name) : \Grav\Common\Data/null Get theme configuration or throw exception if it cannot be found. |
public | init() : void |
public | initTheme() : void |
public | load() : \Grav\Common\Theme Load current theme. |
protected | autoloadTheme(string $class) : mixed/false FALSE if unable to load $class; Class name if $class is successfully loaded Autoload theme classes for inheritance |
protected | loadConfiguration(string $name, \Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : void Load theme configuration. |
protected | loadLanguages(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : void Load theme languages. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Iterator
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class Yaml
Visibility | Function |
public static | dump(array $data, int/null $inline=null, int/null $indent=null) : string |
public static | parse(string $data) : array |
Class Composer
Visibility | Function |
public static | getComposerExecutor() : string Return the composer executable file path |
public static | getComposerLocation() : string Returns the location of composer. |
Internally uses the PhpUserAgent package
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void Browser constructor. |
public | getBrowser() : string the lowercase browser name Get the current browser identifier Currently detected browsers: Android Browser BlackBerry Browser Camino Kindle / Silk Firefox / Iceweasel Safari Internet Explorer IEMobile Chrome Opera Midori Vivaldi TizenBrowser Lynx Wget Curl |
public | getLongVersion() : string the browser full version identifier Get the current full version identifier |
public | getPlatform() : string the lowercase platform name Get the current platform identifier Currently detected platforms: Desktop -> Windows -> Linux -> Macintosh -> Chrome OS Mobile -> Android -> iPhone -> iPad / iPod Touch -> Windows Phone OS -> Kindle -> Kindle Fire -> BlackBerry -> Playbook -> Tizen Console -> Nintendo 3DS -> New Nintendo 3DS -> Nintendo Wii -> Nintendo WiiU -> PlayStation 3 -> PlayStation 4 -> PlayStation Vita -> Xbox 360 -> Xbox One |
public | getVersion() : int the browser major version identifier Get the current major version identifier |
public | isHuman() : bool Determine if the request comes from a human, or from a bot/crawler |
public | isTrackable() : bool Determine if “Do Not Track” is set by browser |
This file was originally part of the Akelos Framework
Visibility | Function |
public static | camelize(string $word) : string UpperCamelCasedWord Returns given word as CamelCased Converts a word like "send_email" to "SendEmail". It will remove non alphanumeric character from the word, so "who's online" will be converted to "WhoSOnline" |
public static | classify(string $table_name) : string SingularClassName Converts a table name to its class name according to rails naming conventions. Converts "people" to "Person" |
public static | humanize(string $word, string $uppercase='' ) : string Human-readable wordReturns a human-readable string from $word Returns a human-readable string from $word, by replacing underscores with a space, and by upper-casing the initial character by default. If you need to uppercase all the words you just have to pass 'all' as a second parameter. instead of just the first one. |
public static | hyphenize(string $word) : string hyphenized word Converts a word "into-it-s-hyphenated-version" Convert any "CamelCased" or "ordinary Word" into an "hyphenated-word". This can be really useful for creating friendly URLs. |
public static | init() : void |
public static | monthize(int $days) : int Converts a number of days to a number of months |
public static | ordinalize(int $number) : string Ordinal representation of given string. Converts number to its ordinal English form. This method converts 13 to 13th, 2 to 2nd ... |
public static | pluralize(string $word, int $count=2) : string/false Plural noun Pluralizes English nouns. |
public static | singularize(string $word, int $count=1) : string Singular noun. Singularizes English nouns. |
public static | tableize(string $class_name) : string plural_table_name Converts a class name to its table name according to rails naming conventions. Converts "Person" to "people" |
public static | titleize(string $word, string $uppercase='' ) : string Text formatted as titleConverts an underscored or CamelCase word into a English sentence. The titleize public function converts text like "WelcomePage", "welcome_page" or "welcome page" to this "Welcome Page". If second parameter is set to 'first' it will only capitalize the first character of the title. first character. Otherwise it will uppercase all the words in the title. |
public static | underscorize(string $word) : string Underscored word Converts a word "into_it_s_underscored_version" Convert any "CamelCased" or "ordinary Word" into an "underscored_word". This can be really useful for creating friendly URLs. |
public static | variablize(string $word) : string Returns a lowerCamelCasedWord Same as camelize but first char is underscored Converts a word like "send_email" to "sendEmail". It will remove non alphanumeric character from the word, so "who's online" will be converted to "whoSOnline" |
Class Security
Visibility | Function |
public static | detectXss(string/null $string) : bool/string Type of XSS vector if the given $string may contain XSS, false otherwise. Copies the code from: if string potentially has a XSS attack. This simple function does not catch all XSS and it is likely to return false positives because of it tags all potentially dangerous HTML tags and attributes without looking into their content. |
public static | detectXssFromArray(array $array, string $prefix='' ) : array Returns flatten list of potentially dangerous input values, such as 'data.content'.Detect XSS in an array or strings such as $_POST or $_GET |
public static | detectXssFromPages(\Grav\Common\Page\Pages $pages, bool $route=true, \callable $status=null) : array Detect XSS code in Grav pages |
public static | sanitizeSVG(\string $file) : void Sanitize SVG for XSS code |
public static | sanitizeSvgString(\string $svg) : string Sanitize SVG string for XSS code |
Class Session
Visibility | Function |
public | __get(string $name) : mixed Returns session variable. |
public | __isset(string $name) : bool Checks if session variable is defined. |
public | __set(string $name, mixed $value) : void Sets session variable. |
public | __unset(string $name) : void Removes session variable. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.5 Use ->getAll() method instead. |
public | clear() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Free all session variables. |
public | close() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Force the session to be saved and closed |
public | getAll() : array Returns all session variables. |
public | getFlashCookieObject(string $name) : mixed/null Return object and remove it from the cookie. |
public | getFlashObject(string $name) : mixed Return object and remove it from session. |
public | getId() : string/null Session ID Get session ID |
public static | getInstance() : \Grav\Framework\Session\Session Get current session instance. |
public | getIterator() : \ArrayIterator Return an ArrayIterator of $_SESSION Retrieve an external iterator |
public | getName() : string/null Get session name |
public | init() : void Initialize session. Code in this function has been moved into SessionServiceProvider class. |
public static | DEPRECATED - 1.5 Use ->getInstance() method instead. |
public | invalidate() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Invalidates the current session. |
public | isStarted() : bool Checks if the session was started. |
public | setAutoStart(bool $auto) : \Grav\Common\$this |
public | setFlashCookieObject(string $name, mixed $object, int $time=60) : \Grav\Common\$this Store something in cookie temporarily. |
public | setFlashObject(string $name, mixed $object) : \Grav\Common\$this Store something in session temporarily. |
public | setId(string $id) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Set session ID |
public | setName(string $name) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Set session name |
public | setOptions(array $options) : void Sets session.* ini variables. |
public | start(bool $readonly=false) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Starts the session storage |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.5 Use ->isStarted() method instead. |
protected | onSessionStart() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Session\Session
This class implements \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Grav\Framework\Session\SessionInterface
Class Css
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string/null $key=null) : void Css constructor. |
public | render() : string |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Assets\BaseAsset
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Class Js
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string/null $key=null) : void Js constructor. |
public | render() : string |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Assets\BaseAsset
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Class InlineCss
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string/null $key=null) : void InlineCss constructor. |
public | render() : string |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Assets\BaseAsset
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Class Pipeline
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), \string $key=null) : void Pipeline constructor. |
public static | isRemoteLink(string $link) : bool Determine whether a link is local or remote. Understands both "http://" and "https://" as well as protocol agnostic links "//" |
public | renderCss(array $assets, string $group, array $attributes=array()) : bool/string URL or generated content if available, else false Minify and concatenate CSS |
public | renderJs(array $assets, string $group, array $attributes=array()) : bool/string URL or generated content if available, else false Minify and concatenate JS files. |
protected | cssRewrite(string $file, string $dir, bool $local) : mixed Finds relative CSS urls() and rewrites the URL with an absolute one |
protected | gatherLinks(array $assets, bool $css=true) : string Download and concatenate the content of several links. |
protected | moveImports(string $file) : string the modified file with any @imports at the top of the file Moves @import statements to the top of the file per the CSS specification |
protected | renderAttributes() : string Build an HTML attribute string from an array. |
protected | renderQueryString(string/null $asset=null) : string Render Querystring |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Object\PropertyObject
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface
Class BaseAsset
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string/null $key=null) : void BaseAsset constructor. |
public | getAsset() : string/false |
public | getRemote() : bool |
public | init(string/false $asset, array $options) : \Grav\Common\Assets\$this/false |
public static | isRemoteLink(string $link) : bool Determine whether a link is local or remote. Understands both "http://" and "https://" as well as protocol agnostic links "//" |
public | jsonSerialize() : array Implements JsonSerializable interface. |
public | abstract render() : string |
public | setPosition(string $position) : \Grav\Common\Assets\$this |
protected | buildLocalLink(string $asset) : string/false the final link url to the asset Build local links including grav asset shortcodes |
protected | cssRewrite(string $file, string $dir, bool $local) : void Placeholder for AssetUtilsTrait method |
protected | gatherLinks(array $assets, bool $css=true) : string Download and concatenate the content of several links. |
protected | moveImports(string $file) : string the modified file with any @imports at the top of the file Moves @import statements to the top of the file per the CSS specification |
protected | renderAttributes() : string Build an HTML attribute string from an array. |
protected | renderQueryString(string/null $asset=null) : string Render Querystring |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Object\PropertyObject
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface
Class InlineJs
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string/null $key=null) : void InlineJs constructor. |
public | render() : string |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Assets\BaseAsset
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Class Backups
Visibility | Function |
public static | backup(int $id, \callable $status=null) : string/null Backup |
public static | getAvailableBackups(bool $force=false) : array/null |
public | getBackupDownloadUrl(string $backup, string $base_url) : string |
public | getBackupNames() : array |
public static | getBackupProfiles() : array |
public static | getPurgeConfig() : array |
public static | getTotalBackupsSize() : float/int |
public | init() : void |
public | onSchedulerInitialized(\RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event $event) : void |
public static | purge() : void |
public | setup() : void |
protected static | convertExclude(string $exclude) : array |
Class CompiledConfig
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $cacheFolder, array $files, string $path) : void CompiledConfig constructor. |
public | load(bool $withDefaults=false) : mixed |
public | modified() : void Function gets called when cached configuration is saved. |
public | setBlueprints(\callable $blueprints) : \Grav\Common\Config\$this Set blueprints for the configuration. |
protected | createObject(array $data=array()) : void Create configuration object. |
protected | finalizeObject() : void Finalize configuration object. |
protected | loadFile(string $name, string $filename) : void Load single configuration file and append it to the correct position. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Config\CompiledBase
Class CompiledLanguages
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $cacheFolder, array $files, string $path) : void CompiledLanguages constructor. |
public | modified() : void Function gets called when cached configuration is saved. |
protected | createObject(array $data=array()) : void Create configuration object. |
protected | finalizeObject() : void Finalize configuration object. |
protected | loadFile(string $name, string $filename) : void Load single configuration file and append it to the correct position. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Config\CompiledBase
Class Setup
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Config\Container/array $container) : void |
public | getStreams() : array Get available streams and their types from the configuration. |
public | init() : \Grav\Common\Config\$this |
public | initializeLocator(\RocketTheme\Toolbox\ResourceLocator\UniformResourceLocator $locator) : void Initialize resource locator by using the configuration. |
protected | check(\RocketTheme\Toolbox\ResourceLocator\UniformResourceLocator $locator) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Data\Data
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface
Class Config
Visibility | Function |
public | checksum(string/null $checksum=null) : string/null |
public | debug() : void |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.5 Use Grav::instance()['languages'] instead. |
public | init() : void |
public | key() : string |
public | modified(bool/null $modified=null) : bool |
public | reload() : \Grav\Common\Config\$this |
public | timestamp(int/null $timestamp=null) : int |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Data\Data
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface
Class ConfigFileFinder
Visibility | Function |
public | getFiles(array $paths, string $pattern='|\.yaml$|' , int $levels=-1) : arrayReturn all locations for all the files with a timestamp. |
public | listFiles(array $paths, string $pattern='|\.yaml$|' , int $levels=-1) : arrayReturn all paths for all the files with a timestamp. |
public | locateFile(array $paths, string $name, string $ext='.yaml' ) : arrayReturn all existing locations for a single file with a timestamp. |
public | locateFileInFolder(string $filename, array $folders) : array Find filename from a list of folders. Note: Only finds the last override. |
public | locateFiles(array $paths, string $pattern='|\.yaml$|' , int $levels=-1) : arrayReturn all locations for all the files with a timestamp. |
public | locateInFolders(array $folders, string/null $filename=null) : array Find filename from a list of folders. |
public | setBase(string $base) : \Grav\Common\Config\$this |
protected | detectAll(string $folder, string $pattern, int $levels) : array Detects all plugins with a configuration file and returns them with last modification time. |
protected | detectInFolder(string $folder, string/null $lookup=null) : array Detects all directories with the lookup file and returns them with last modification time. |
protected | detectRecursive(string $folder, string $pattern, int $levels) : array Detects all directories with a configuration file and returns them with last modification time. |
Class CompiledBlueprints
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $cacheFolder, array $files, string $path) : void CompiledBlueprints constructor. |
public | checksum() : bool/string Returns checksum from the configuration files. You can set $this->checksum = false to disable this check. |
protected | createObject(array $data=array()) : mixed Create configuration object. |
protected | finalizeObject() : void Finalize configuration object. |
protected | getState() : array |
protected | getTypes() : array Get list of form field types. |
protected | loadFile(string $name, array $files) : void Load single configuration file and append it to the correct position. |
protected | loadFiles() : bool Load and join all configuration files. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Config\CompiledBase
Class Languages
Visibility | Function |
public | checksum(string/null $checksum=null) : string |
public | flattenByLang(string $lang) : array |
public | mergeRecursive(array $data) : void |
public | modified(bool/null $modified=null) : bool |
public | reformat() : void |
public | timestamp(int/null $timestamp=null) : int |
public | unflatten(array $array) : array |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Data\Data
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface
Class Blueprints
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string/string/array $search='blueprints://' ) : void |
public | get(string $type) : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint Get blueprint. |
public | types() : array List of type=>name Get all available blueprint types. |
protected | loadFile(string $name) : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint Load blueprint file. |
Class Blueprint
Visibility | Function |
public | __clone() : void Clone blueprint. |
public | addDynamicHandler(\string $name, \callable $callable) : void |
public | embed(string $name, mixed $value, string $separator='/' , bool $append=false) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this |
public | extend(\Grav\Common\Data\BlueprintForm/array $extends, bool $append=false) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Extend blueprint with another blueprint. |
public | extra(array $data, string $prefix='' ) : arrayReturn data fields that do not exist in blueprints. |
public | filter(array $data, \bool $missingValuesAsNull=false, \bool $keepEmptyValues=false) : array Filter data by using blueprints. |
public | flattenData(array $data) : array Flatten data by using blueprints. |
public | getDefaultValue(\string $name) : array/mixed/null |
public | getDefaults() : array Get nested structure containing default values defined in the blueprints. Fields without default value are ignored in the list. |
public | init() : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Initialize blueprints with its dynamic fields. |
public | mergeData(array $data1, array $data2, string/null $name=null, string $separator='.' ) : arrayMerge two arrays by using blueprints. |
public | processForm(array $data, array $toggles=array()) : array Process data coming from a form. |
public | schema() : \Grav\Common\Data\BlueprintSchema Return blueprint data schema. |
public | setObject(object $object) : void |
public | setScope(string $scope) : void |
public | setTypes(array $types) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Set default values for field types. |
public | validate(array $data) : void Validate data against blueprints. |
protected | addPropertyRecursive(array $field, string $property, mixed $value) : void |
protected | dynamicConfig(array $field, string $property, array $call) : void |
protected | dynamicData(array $field, string $property, array $call) : void |
protected | dynamicScope(array $field, string $property, array $call) : void |
protected | dynamicSecurity(array $field, string $property, array $call) : void |
protected | getFiles(string/array $path, string/null $context=null) : array |
protected | initInternals() : void Initialize validator. |
protected | loadFile(string $filename) : array |
protected | resolveActions(\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user, array $actions, \string $op='and' ) : bool |
This class extends \RocketTheme\Toolbox\Blueprints\BlueprintForm
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \ArrayAccess
Interface DataInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | blueprints() : void Return blueprints. |
public | extra() : void Get extra items which haven't been defined in blueprints. |
public | file(\Grav\Common\Data\FileInterface/null/\RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\FileInterface $storage=null) : \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\FileInterface Set or get the data storage. |
public | filter() : void Filter all items by using blueprints. |
public | merge(array $data) : mixed Merge external data. |
public | save() : void Save data into the file. |
public | validate() : void Validate by blueprints. |
public | value(string $name, mixed $default=null, string $separator='.' ) : mixed Value.Get value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
$value = $data->value('');
Class ValidationException
Visibility | Function |
public | getMessages() : array |
public | setMessages(array $messages=array()) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this |
This class extends \RuntimeException
This class implements \Throwable
Class Validation
Visibility | Function |
public static | filter(mixed $value, array $field) : mixed Filtered value. Filter value against a blueprint field definition. |
public static | filterIgnore(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : mixed |
public static | filterItem_List(mixed $value, mixed $params) : array |
public static | filterUnset(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : null |
public static | filterYaml(mixed $value, array $params) : array |
public static | typeArray(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. Custom input: array |
public static | typeBool(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | typeCheckbox(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: checkbox |
public static | typeCheckboxes(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. Custom input: checkbox list |
public static | typeColor(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: color |
public static | typeCommaList(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool |
public static | typeDate(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: date |
public static | typeDatetime(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: datetime |
public static | typeDatetimeLocal(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: datetime-local |
public static | typeEmail(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: email |
public static | typeFile(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. Custom input: file |
public static | typeHidden(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: hidden |
public static | typeIgnore(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. Custom input: ignore (will not validate) |
public static | typeList(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool |
public static | typeMonth(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: month |
public static | typeNumber(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: number |
public static | typePassword(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: password |
public static | typeRadio(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: radio |
public static | typeRange(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: range |
public static | typeSelect(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: select |
public static | typeText(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: text |
public static | typeTextarea(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: textarea |
public static | typeTime(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: time |
public static | typeToggle(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. Custom input: toggle |
public static | typeUnset(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. Input value which can be ignored. |
public static | typeUrl(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: url |
public static | typeWeek(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : bool True if validation succeeded. HTML5 input: week |
public static | validate(mixed $value, array $field) : array Validate value against a blueprint field definition. |
public static | validateAlnum(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validateAlpha(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validateArray(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validateBool(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validateDigit(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validateFloat(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validateHex(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validateInt(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validateJson(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
public static | validatePattern(mixed $value, string $params) : bool |
public static | validateRequired(mixed $value, bool $params) : bool |
protected static | arrayFilterRecurse(array $values, array $params) : array |
protected static | filterArray(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : array/null |
protected static | filterBool(mixed $value, mixed $params) : bool |
protected static | filterCheckbox(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : string/null |
protected static | filterCheckboxes(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : array/null |
protected static | filterCommaList(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : array/array[]/false/string[] |
protected static | filterDateTime(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : string |
protected static | filterFile(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : array |
protected static | filterFlatten_array(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : array/null |
protected static | filterFloat(mixed $value, mixed $params) : float |
protected static | filterInt(mixed $value, mixed $params) : int |
protected static | filterLines(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : array/array[]/false/string[] |
protected static | filterList(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : array |
protected static | filterLower(mixed $value, array $params) : string |
protected static | filterNumber(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : float/int |
protected static | filterRange(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : float/int |
protected static | filterText(mixed $value, array $params, array $field) : string |
protected static | filterUpper(mixed $value, array $params) : string |
Class Data
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $items=array(), \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint/callable/null $blueprints=null) : void |
public | __get(string $offset) : mixed Asset value Magic getter method |
public | __isset(string $offset) : bool True if the value is set Magic method to determine if the attribute is set |
public | __set(string $offset, mixed $value) : void Magic setter method |
public | __unset(string $offset) : void Magic method to unset the attribute |
public | blueprints() : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint Return blueprints. |
public | count() : int Implements Countable interface. |
public | def(string $name, mixed $default=null, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Set default value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | exists() : bool Returns whether the data already exists in the storage. NOTE: This method does not check if the data is current. |
public | extra() : array Get extra items which haven't been defined in blueprints. |
public | file(\Grav\Common\Data\FileInterface/null/\RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\FileInterface $storage=null) : \Grav\Common\Data\FileInterface/null Set or get the data storage. |
public | filter() : \Grav\Common\Data\$this |
public | get(string $name, mixed $default=null, string $separator=null) : mixed Value. Get value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | getDefaults() : array Get nested structure containing default values defined in the blueprints. Fields without default value are ignored in the list. |
public | getJoined(string $name, array/object $value, string $separator='.' ) : arrayGet value from the configuration and join it with given data. |
public | join(string $name, mixed $value, string $separator='.' ) : \Grav\Common\Data\$thisJoin nested values together by using blueprints. |
public | joinDefaults(string $name, mixed $value, string $separator='.' ) : \Grav\Common\Data\$thisSet default values by using blueprints. |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | merge(array $data) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Merge two configurations together. |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(string/null $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(string/null $offset) : void Unsets variable at specified offset. |
public | raw() : string Return unmodified data as raw string. NOTE: This function only returns data which has been saved to the storage. |
public | save() : void Save data if storage has been defined. |
public | set(string $name, mixed $value, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Set value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | setDefaults(array $data) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Set default values to the configuration if variables were not set. |
public | setKeepEmptyValues(\bool $value) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this |
public | setMissingValuesAsNull(\bool $value) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this |
public | toArray() : array Convert object into an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert object into JSON string. |
public | toYaml(int $inline=3, int $indent=2) : string A YAML string representing the object. Convert object into YAML string. |
public | undef(string $name, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Unset value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | validate() : \Grav\Common\Data\$this Validate by blueprints. |
public | value(string $name, mixed $default=null, string $separator='.' ) : mixed Value.Get value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
$data->def('', 'default');
$value = $this->get('');
$data->set('', $value);
$value = $data->value('');
This class implements \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface
Class BlueprintSchema
Visibility | Function |
public | filter(array $data, bool $missingValuesAsNull=false, bool $keepEmptyValues=false) : array Filter data by using blueprints. |
public | flattenData(array $data) : array Flatten data by using blueprints. |
public | getType(string $name) : array |
public | getTypes() : array |
public | processForm(array $data, array $toggles=array()) : array |
public | toArray() : array Convert object into an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert object into JSON string. |
public | toYaml(int $inline=3, int $indent=2) : string A YAML string representing the object. Convert object into YAML string. |
public | validate(array $data) : void Validate data against blueprints. |
protected | buildIgnoreNested(array $nested, string $parent='' ) : void |
protected | checkRequired(array $data, array $fields) : array |
protected | dynamicConfig(array $field, string $property, array $call) : void |
protected | filterArray(array $data, array $rules, \string $parent, \bool $missingValuesAsNull, \bool $keepEmptyValues) : array |
protected | flattenArray(array $data, array $rules, \string $prefix) : array |
protected | processFormRecursive(array/null/array $data, array $toggles, array $nested) : array/null |
protected | validateArray(array $data, array $rules, \bool $strict) : array |
This class extends \RocketTheme\Toolbox\Blueprints\BlueprintSchema
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface
Class BareHandler
Visibility | Function |
public | handle() : int |
This class extends \Whoops\Handler\Handler
This class implements \Whoops\Handler\HandlerInterface
Class SystemFacade
Visibility | Function |
public | handleShutdown() : void Special case to deal with Fatal errors and the like. |
public | registerShutdownFunction(\callable $function) : void |
This class extends \Whoops\Util\SystemFacade
Class Errors
Visibility | Function |
public | resetHandlers() : void |
Class SimplePageHandler
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void |
public | addResourcePath(string $path) : void |
public | getResourcePaths() : array |
public | handle() : int |
protected | getResource(string $resource) : string |
This class extends \Whoops\Handler\Handler
This class implements \Whoops\Handler\HandlerInterface
Class CompiledYamlFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __sleep() : array Serialize file. |
public | __wakeup() : void Unserialize file. |
public | content(mixed $var=null) : array Get/set parsed file contents. |
This class extends \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\YamlFile
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\FileInterface
Class CompiledJsonFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __sleep() : array Serialize file. |
public | __wakeup() : void Unserialize file. |
public | content(mixed $var=null) : array Get/set parsed file contents. |
protected | decode(string $var, bool $assoc=true) : array Decode RAW string into contents. |
This class extends \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\JsonFile
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\FileInterface
Class CompiledMarkdownFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __sleep() : array Serialize file. |
public | __wakeup() : void Unserialize file. |
public | content(mixed $var=null) : array Get/set parsed file contents. |
This class extends \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\MarkdownFile
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\FileInterface
Class RecursiveFolderFilterIterator
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\RecursiveIterator $iterator, array $ignore_folders=array()) : void Create a RecursiveFilterIterator from a RecursiveIterator |
public | accept() : bool true if the current element is acceptable, otherwise false. Check whether the current element of the iterator is acceptable |
This class extends \RecursiveFilterIterator
This class implements \RecursiveIterator, \OuterIterator, \Traversable, \Iterator
Class Archiver
Visibility | Function |
public | abstract addEmptyFolders(array $folders, \callable $status=null) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\$this |
public | abstract compress(string $folder, \callable $status=null) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\$this |
public static | create(string $compression) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\ZipArchiver |
public | abstract extract(string $destination, \callable $status=null) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\$this |
public | setArchive(string $archive_file) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\$this |
public | setOptions(array $options) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\$this |
protected | getArchiveFiles(string $rootPath) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\RecursiveIteratorIterator |
Class RecursiveDirectoryFilterIterator
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\RecursiveIterator $iterator, string $root, array $ignore_folders, array $ignore_files) : void Create a RecursiveFilterIterator from a RecursiveIterator |
public | accept() : bool true if the current element is acceptable, otherwise false. Check whether the current element of the iterator is acceptable |
public | getChildren() : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\RecursiveDirectoryFilterIterator/\Grav\Common\Filesystem\RecursiveFilterIterator |
This class extends \RecursiveFilterIterator
This class implements \RecursiveIterator, \OuterIterator, \Traversable, \Iterator
Visibility | Function |
public static | all(string $path, array $params=array()) : array Return recursive list of all files and directories under given path. |
public static | copy(string $source, string $target, string/null $ignore=null) : void Recursively copy directory in filesystem. |
public static | countChildren(string $directory) : int/false Does a directory contain children |
public static | create(string $folder) : void |
public static | delete(string $target, bool $include_target=true) : bool Recursively delete directory from filesystem. |
public static | getRelativePath(string $path, string $base='/home/matias/www/learn.grav.local' ) : stringGet relative path between target and base path. If path isn't relative, return full path. |
public static | getRelativePathDotDot(string $path, string $base) : string Get relative path between target and base path. If path isn't relative, return full path. |
public static | hashAllFiles(string $path) : string Recursively md5 hash all files in a path |
public static | lastModifiedFile(string $path, string $extensions='md|yaml' ) : intRecursively find the last modified time under given path by file. |
public static | lastModifiedFolder(string $path) : int Recursively find the last modified time under given path. |
public static | mkdir(string $folder) : void |
public static | move(string $source, string $target) : void Move directory in filesystem. |
public static | rcopy(string $src, string $dest) : bool Recursive copy of one directory to another |
public static | shift(string $path) : string Shift first directory out of the path. |
protected static | doDelete(string $folder, bool $include_target=true) : bool |
Class ZipArchiver
Visibility | Function |
public | addEmptyFolders(array $folders, \callable $status=null) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\$this |
public | compress(string $source, \callable $status=null) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\$this |
public | extract(string $destination, \callable $status=null) : \Grav\Common\Filesystem\$this |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Filesystem\Archiver
Class GenericCollection
Visibility | Function |
public | triggerEvent(\string $name, object/null $event=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\$this |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Grav |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Flex |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Template/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\TemplateWrapper |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexCollection
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Class GenericIndex
Visibility | Function |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Grav |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Flex |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexIndex
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexIndexInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Class GenericObject
Visibility | Function |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use Media class that implements MediaUploadInterface instead. |
public | checkUploadedMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, \string $field=null) : void |
public | deleteMediaFile(\string $filename) : void |
protected | getMedia() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\MediaCollectionInterface/Media Representation of associated media. Gets the associated media collection. |
public | getMediaFolder() : string/null |
public | getMediaOrder() : array Empty array means default ordering. Get display order for the associated media. |
public | getMediaUri() : string/null Get URI ot the associated media. Method will return null if path isn't URI. |
public | getStorageFolder() : string/null |
public | triggerEvent(\string $name, object/null $event=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\$this |
public | uploadMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, \string $field=null) : void |
protected | addUpdatedMedia(\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : void |
protected | clearMediaCache() : void Clear media cache. |
protected | createMedium(string $uri) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Medium/null |
protected | freeMedia() : void |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Grav |
protected | getFieldSettings(\string $field) : mixed |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Flex |
protected | getMediaCache() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\CacheInterface |
protected | getMediaFieldSettings(\string $field) : array |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Template/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\TemplateWrapper |
protected | getUpdatedMedia() : array<string, UploadedFileInterface/array/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\null> |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
protected | offsetLoad_media() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\MediaCollectionInterface |
protected | offsetSerialize_media() : null |
protected | saveUpdatedMedia() : void |
protected | setMedia(\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\MediaCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\Media/\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\$this Sets the associated media collection. |
protected | setUpdatedMedia(array $files) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObject
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexAuthorizeInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface
Class GravPageObject
Visibility | Function |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | active() : bool True if it is active Returns whether or not this page is the currently active page requested via the URL. |
public | activeChild() : bool True if active child exists Returns whether or not this URI's URL contains the URL of the active page. Or in other words, is this page's URL in the current URL |
public | adjacentSibling(int $direction=1) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/false the sibling page Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. |
public | ancestor(string/null $lookup=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/null page you were looking for if it exists Helper method to return an ancestor page. |
public | children() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexIndexInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\Collection Returns children of this page. |
public | collection(string/string/array $params='content' , bool $pagination=true) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\CollectionGet a collection of pages in the current context. |
public | content(string/null $var=null) : string Content Gets and Sets the content based on content portion of the .md file |
public | currentPosition() : int/null the index of the current page. Returns the item in the current position. |
public | date(string/null $var=null) : int Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and sets the date for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers |
public | dateformat(string/null $var=null) : string String representation of a date format Gets and sets the date format for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers using typical PHP date string structure - |
public | evaluate(string/array $value, bool $only_published=true) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\Collection |
public | exists() : void |
public | filterBy(array $filters, \bool $recursive=false) : bool Filter page (true/false) by given filters. - search: string - extension: string - module: bool - visible: bool - routable: bool - published: bool - page: bool - translated: bool |
public | find(string $url, bool $all=false) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/null page you were looking for if it exists Helper method to return a page. |
public | full_order() : string |
public | getCacheKey() : mixed |
public static | getCachedMethods() : array |
public | getFormValue(\string $name, mixed $default=null, \string $separator=null) : mixed |
public | getLevelListing(array $options) : array |
public | getRawContent() : string the current page content Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to get the raw page content |
public | getRoute(array/string/array $query=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | header(object/array/null $var=null) : object the current YAML configuration Gets and Sets the header based on the YAML configuration at the top of the .md file |
public | id(string/null $var=null) : string The identifier Gets and sets the identifier for this Page object. |
public | initialize() : void |
public | isDir() : bool True if its a directory Returns whether or not this Page object is a directory or a page. |
public | isFirst() : bool True if item is first. Check to see if this item is the first in an array of sub-pages. |
public | isLast() : bool True if item is last Check to see if this item is the last in an array of sub-pages. |
public | isPage() : bool True if its a page with a .md file associated Returns whether or not this Page object has a .md file associated with it or if its just a directory. |
public | lastModified(bool/null $var=null) : bool Show last_modified header Gets and sets the option to show the last_modified header for the page. |
public | media(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface/null $var=null) : MediaCollectionInterface Representation of associated media. Gets and sets the associated media as found in the page folder. |
public | menu(string/null $var=null) : string The menu field for the page Gets and sets the menu name for this Page. This is the text that can be used specifically for navigation. If no menu field is set, it will use the title() |
public | modified(int/null $var=null) : int Modified unix timestamp Gets and sets the modified timestamp. |
public | move(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $parent) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this Prepare move page to new location. Moves also everything that's under the current page. You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. |
public | order(int/null $var=null) : string/bool Order in a form of '02.' or false if not set Get/set order number of this page. |
public | parent(\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $var=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/null the parent page object if it exists. Gets and Sets the parent object for this page |
public | prepareStorage() : array |
public | process(array/null $var=null) : array Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false Gets and Sets the process setup for this Page. This is multi-dimensional array that consists of a simple array of arrays with the form array("markdown"=>true) for example |
public | publishDate(string/null $var=null) : int Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and Sets the Page publish date |
public | published(bool/null $var=null) : bool True if the page is published Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is considered published |
public | rawMarkdown(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and Sets the Page raw content |
public | save(bool/array/bool $reorder=true) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexObject/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexObjectInterface |
public | setRawContent(string $content) : void Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to set the raw page content |
public | setSummary(string $summary) : void Sets the summary of the page |
public | shouldProcess(string $process) : bool Whether or not the processing method is enabled for this Page Gets the configured state of the processing method. |
public | slug(string/null $var=null) : string The slug Gets and Sets the slug for the Page. The slug is used in the URL routing. If not set it uses the parent folder from the path |
public | summary(int/null $size=null, bool $textOnly=false) : string Get the summary. |
public | taxonomy(array/null $var=null) : array An array of taxonomies Gets and sets the taxonomy array which defines which taxonomies this page identifies itself with. |
public | title(string/null $var=null) : string The title of the Page Gets and sets the title for this Page. If no title is set, it will use the slug() to get a name |
public | translatedLanguages(bool $onlyPublished=false) : array the page translated languages Return an array with the routes of other translated languages |
public | triggerEvent(\string $name, object/null $event=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this |
public | unpublishDate(string/null $var=null) : int/null Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and Sets the Page unpublish date |
public | visible(bool/null $var=null) : bool True if the page is visible Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is visible for navigation |
protected | doGetBlueprint(\string $name='' ) : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint |
protected | filterElements(array $elements, \bool $extended=false) : void |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Grav |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\Flex |
protected | getInheritedParams(string $field) : array Method that contains shared logic for inherited() and inheritedField() |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\Template/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\TemplateWrapper |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
protected | onAfterSave(array $variables) : void |
protected | onBeforeSave(array $variables) : array |
protected | onSave(array $variables) : array |
protected | reorderSiblings(array $ordering) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageCollection |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexPageObject
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexTranslateInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageContentInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageFormInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageRoutableInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageTranslateInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageLegacyInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexAuthorizeInterface
Class GravPageCollection
Visibility | Function | |
public | addPage(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\static Add a single page to a collection |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Not needed anymore in Flex Pages (does nothing). |
public | append(array $items) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\static Append new elements to the list. |
public | batch(int $size) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\static[] Split collection into array of smaller collections. |
public | dateRange(string $startDate, bool/string/false $endDate=false, string/null $field=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\static Returns the items between a set of date ranges of either the page date field (default) or an arbitrary datetime page field where end date is optional Dates can be passed in as text that strtotime() can process |
public | filterBy(array $filters, \bool $recursive=false) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexCollectionInterface Filter pages by given filters. - search: string - page_type: string |
string[] - modular: bool - visible: bool - routable: bool - published: bool - page: bool - translated: bool |
public static | getCachedMethods() : array | |
public | getLevelListing(array $options) : array | |
public | getParams() : array Get the collection params |
public | getRoot() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexObjectInterface | |
public | intersect(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface $collection) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\static Intersect another collection with the current collection |
public | merge(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface $collection) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\static Merge another collection with the current collection |
public | modular() : static The collection with only modular pages Creates new collection with only modular pages |
public | nonModular() : static The collection with only non-modular pages Creates new collection with only non-modular pages |
public | nonPublished() : static The collection with only non-published pages Creates new collection with only non-published pages |
public | nonRoutable() : static The collection with only non-routable pages Creates new collection with only non-routable pages |
public | nonVisible() : static The collection with only non-visible pages Creates new collection with only non-visible pages |
public | nth(int $key) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/bool Return nth item. |
public | ofOneOfTheseAccessLevels(array $accessLevels) : static The collection Creates new collection with only pages of one of the specified access levels |
public | ofOneOfTheseTypes(string[] $types) : static The collection Creates new collection with only pages of one of the specified types |
public | ofType(string $type) : static The collection Creates new collection with only pages of the specified type |
public | order(string $by, string $dir='asc' , array/null $manual=null, string/null $sort_flags=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\staticReorder collection. |
public | params() : array Get the collection params |
public | prev() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/false Return previous item. |
public | published() : static The collection with only published pages Creates new collection with only published pages |
public | random(int $num=1) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\static Pick one or more random entries. |
public | routable() : static The collection with only routable pages Creates new collection with only routable pages |
public | setParams(array $params) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this Set parameters to the Collection |
public | toExtendedArray() : array Get the extended version of this Collection with each page keyed by route |
public | triggerEvent(\string $name, object/null $event=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this | |
public | visible() : static The collection with only visible pages Creates new collection with only visible pages |
public | withModules(\bool $bool=true) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexPageCollection | |
public | withOrdered(\bool $bool=true) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexPageCollection | |
public | withPages(\bool $bool=true) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexPageCollection | |
public | withTranslation(\bool $bool=true, \string $languageCode=null, \bool $fallback=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexPageCollection | |
protected | buildSort(string $order_by='default' , string $order_dir='asc' , array/null $manual=null, int/null $sort_flags=null) : array |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\UserInterface/null | |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string | |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Grav | |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\Flex | |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\Template/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\TemplateWrapper | |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexPageCollection
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface
Class GravPageObject
Visibility | Function | |
public | __construct(array $entries=array(), \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexDirectory/null/\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory=null) : void | |
public | addPage(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageCollection Add a single page to a collection |
public | adjacentSibling(string $path, int $direction=1) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageCollectionInterface/false The sibling item. Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Not needed anymore in Flex Pages (does nothing). |
public | batch(int $size) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface[] Split collection into array of smaller collections. |
public | copy() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\static Create a copy of this collection |
public | currentPosition(string $path) : int/null The index of the current page, null if not found. Returns the item in the current position. |
public | dateRange(string $startDate, bool $endDate=false, string/null $field=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface Returns the items between a set of date ranges of either the page date field (default) or an arbitrary datetime page field where end date is optional Dates can be passed in as text that strtotime() can process |
public | filterBy(array $filters, \bool $recursive=false) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface Filter pages by given filters. - search: string - page_type: string |
string[] - modular: bool - visible: bool - routable: bool - published: bool - page: bool - translated: bool |
public | get(string $key) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageObject/null | |
public | getLevelListing(array $options) : array | |
public | getParams() : array Get the collection params |
public | getRoot() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageObject | |
public | intersect(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface $collection) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this Intersect another collection with the current collection |
public | isFirst(string $path) : bool True if item is first. Check to see if this item is the first in the collection. |
public | isLast(string $path) : bool True if item is last. Check to see if this item is the last in the collection. |
public static | loadEntriesFromStorage(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface $storage) : array | |
public | merge(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface $collection) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this Merge another collection with the current collection |
public | modular() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only modular pages Creates new collection with only modular pages |
public | nextSibling(string $path) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/null The next item. Gets the next sibling based on current position. |
public | nonModular() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-modular pages Creates new collection with only non-modular pages |
public | nonPublished() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-published pages Creates new collection with only non-published pages |
public | nonRoutable() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-routable pages Creates new collection with only non-routable pages |
public | nonVisible() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-visible pages Creates new collection with only non-visible pages |
public | ofOneOfTheseAccessLevels(array $accessLevels) : PageCollectionInterface The collection Creates new collection with only pages of one of the specified access levels |
public | ofOneOfTheseTypes(string[] $types) : PageCollectionInterface The collection Creates new collection with only pages of one of the specified types |
public | ofType(string $type) : PageCollectionInterface The collection Creates new collection with only pages of the specified type |
public | order(string $by, string $dir='asc' , array $manual=null, string $sort_flags=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterfaceReorder collection. |
public | params() : array Get the collection params |
public | prevSibling(string $path) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/null The previous item. Gets the previous sibling based on current position. |
public | published() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only published pages Creates new collection with only published pages |
public | remove(\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageInterface/string/null $key=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this Remove item from the list. |
public | routable() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only routable pages Creates new collection with only routable pages |
public | setParams(array $params) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this Set parameters to the Collection |
public | toArray() : array Converts collection into an array. |
public | toExtendedArray() : array Get the extended version of this Collection with each page keyed by route |
public | visible() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only visible pages Creates new collection with only visible pages |
protected | createFrom(array $entries, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\$this/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\FlexPageIndex | |
protected | filterByParent(array $filters) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface | |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\UserInterface/null | |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string | |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Grav | |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\Flex | |
protected static | getIndexFile(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface $storage) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\CompiledJsonFile/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\CompiledYamlFile/null | |
protected | getLevelListingRecurse(array $options) : array | |
protected | getListingActions(\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageObject $object) : array | |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexPageIndex
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexIndexInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface
Class GravPageStorage
Visibility | Function |
public | buildFilename(array $keys) : string |
public | buildFilepath(array $keys) : string |
public | buildFolder(array $keys) : string |
public | buildStorageKey(array $keys, \bool $includeParams=true) : string |
public | buildStorageKeyParams(array $keys) : string |
public | extractKeysFromRow(array $row, \bool $setDefaultLang=true) : array |
public | extractKeysFromStorageKey(\string $key) : array |
public | parseKey(\string $key, \bool $variations=true) : array |
public | readFrontmatter(\string $key) : string |
public | readRaw(\string $key) : string |
protected | buildIndex() : array Returns list of all stored keys in [key => timestamp] pairs. |
protected | canDeleteFolder(\string $key) : bool |
protected | getIndexMeta() : array |
protected | getKeyFromPath(\string $path) : string Get key from the filesystem path. |
protected | getNewKey() : string |
protected | getObjectMeta(\string $key, \bool $reload=false) : array |
protected | initOptions(array $options) : void |
protected | loadRow(\string $key) : array |
protected | parseParams(\string $key, \string $params) : array |
protected | prepareRow(array $row) : void Prepares the row for saving and returns the storage key for the record. |
protected | saveRow(\string $key, array $row) : array Page storage supports moving and copying the pages and their languages. $row['META']['copy'] = true Use this if you want to copy the whole folder, otherwise it will be moved $row['META']['clone'] = true Use this if you want to clone the file, otherwise it will be renamed |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Storage\FolderStorage
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | authorize(\string $action, \string $scope=null) : bool/null Checks user authorization to the action. |
public static | getCachedMethods() : array |
public | triggerEvent(\string $name, object/null $event=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\$this |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Grav |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Flex |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Template/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\TemplateWrapper |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexCollection
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Class GroupIndex
Visibility | Function |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Grav |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Flex |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexIndex
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexIndexInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Flex User Group
Visibility | Function |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | authorize(\string $action, \string $scope=null) : bool/null Checks user authorization to the action. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use Media class that implements MediaUploadInterface instead. |
public | checkUploadedMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, \string $field=null) : void |
public | deleteMediaFile(\string $filename) : void |
public static | getCachedMethods() : array |
protected | getMedia() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\MediaCollectionInterface/Media Representation of associated media. Gets the associated media collection. |
public | getMediaFolder() : string/null |
public | getMediaOrder() : array Empty array means default ordering. Get display order for the associated media. |
public | getMediaUri() : string/null Get URI ot the associated media. Method will return null if path isn't URI. |
public | getStorageFolder() : string/null |
public | triggerEvent(\string $name, object/null $event=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\$this |
public | uploadMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, \string $field=null) : void |
protected | addUpdatedMedia(\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : void |
protected | clearMediaCache() : void Clear media cache. |
protected | createMedium(string $uri) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Medium/null |
protected | freeMedia() : void |
protected | getAccess() : \Grav\Common\User\Access |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Grav |
protected | getFieldSettings(\string $field) : mixed |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Flex |
protected | getMediaCache() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\CacheInterface |
protected | getMediaFieldSettings(\string $field) : array |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Template/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\TemplateWrapper |
protected | getUpdatedMedia() : array<string, UploadedFileInterface/array/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\null> |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
protected | offsetLoad_access(mixed $value) : array |
protected | offsetLoad_media() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\MediaCollectionInterface |
protected | offsetPrepare_access(mixed $value) : array |
protected | offsetSerialize_access(array/null/array $value) : array/null |
protected | offsetSerialize_media() : null |
protected | saveUpdatedMedia() : void |
protected | setMedia(\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\MediaCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\Media/\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\$this Sets the associated media collection. |
protected | setUpdatedMedia(array $files) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObject
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexAuthorizeInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserGroupInterface, \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\AuthorizeInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | delete(string $username) : bool True if user account was found and was deleted. Delete user account. |
public | find(string $query, array/string/string[] $fields=array()) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\UserObject Find a user by username, email, etc |
public static | getCachedMethods() : array |
public | load(string $username) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\UserObject Load user account. Always creates user object. To check if user exists, use $this->exists(). |
public | triggerEvent(\string $name, object/null $event=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this |
protected | filterUsername(\string $key) : string |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Grav |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Flex |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Template/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\TemplateWrapper |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexCollection
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface, \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserCollectionInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | find(string $query, array $fields=array()) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\UserObject Find a user by username, email, etc |
public | load(string $username) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\UserObject Load user account. Always creates user object. To check if user exists, use $this->exists(). |
public static | loadEntriesFromStorage(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface $storage) : array |
public static | updateObjectMeta(array $meta, array $data, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface $storage) : void |
protected static | filterUsername(\string $key, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface $storage) : string |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Grav |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Flex |
protected static | getIndexFile(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface $storage) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\CompiledYamlFile/null |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
protected static | onChanges(array $entries, array $added, array $updated, array $removed) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexIndex
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexIndexInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Flex User Flex User is mostly compatible with the older User class, except on few key areas: - Constructor parameters have been changed. Old code creating a new user does not work. - Serializer has been changed -- existing sessions will be killed.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements, string $key, \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory, \bool $validate=false) : void UserObject constructor. |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | authenticate(\string $password) : bool Authenticate user. If user password needs to be updated, new information will be saved. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.5 Use ->authorize() method instead. |
public | authorize(\string $action, \string $scope=null) : bool/null Checks user authorization to the action. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use ->getAvatarUrl() method instead. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use Media class that implements MediaUploadInterface instead. |
public | checkUploadedMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, \string $field=null) : void |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Method makes no sense for user account. |
public | def(string $name, mixed $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Set default value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | deleteMediaFile(\string $filename) : void |
public | extra() : array Get extra items which haven't been defined in blueprints. |
public | file(\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\FileInterface/null/\RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\FileInterface $storage=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\FileInterface/null Set or get the data storage. |
public | filter() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Filter all items by using blueprints. |
public | get(string $name, mixed $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed Value. Get value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | getAvatarImage() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\ImageMedium/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\StaticImageMedium/null Return media object for the User's avatar. Note: if there's no local avatar image for the user, you should call getAvatarUrl() to get the external avatar URL. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use ->getAvatarImage() method instead. |
public | getAvatarUrl() : string Return the User's avatar URL |
public static | getCachedMethods() : array |
public | getContentEditor() : string Helper to get content editor will fall back if not set |
public | getDefaults() : array Get nested structure containing default values defined in the blueprints. Fields without default value are ignored in the list. |
public | getFormValue(\string $name, mixed $default=null, \string $separator=null) : mixed Get value from a page variable (used mostly for creating edit forms). |
public | getJoined(string $name, array/object $value, string $separator=null) : array Get value from the configuration and join it with given data. |
public | getMedia() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface |
public | getMediaFolder() : string/null |
public | getMediaOrder() : array Empty array means default ordering. Get display order for the associated media. |
public | getMediaUri() : string/null Get URI ot the associated media. Method will return null if path isn't URI. |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null) : mixed |
public | getStorageFolder() : string/null |
public | isValid() : bool |
public | join(string $name, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Join nested values together by using blueprints. |
public | joinDefaults(string $name, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Set default values by using blueprints. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use ->update($data) instead (same but with data validation & filtering, file upload support). |
public | onPrepareRegistration() : void |
public | prepareStorage() : array |
public | raw() : string Return unmodified data as raw string. NOTE: This function only returns data which has been saved to the storage. |
public | save() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\static Save user without the username |
public | set(string $name, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Set value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | setDefaults(array $data) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Set default values to the configuration if variables were not set. |
public | toArray() : array Convert object into an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert object into JSON string. |
public | toYaml(int $inline=5, int $indent=2) : string A YAML string representing the object. Convert object into YAML string. |
public | triggerEvent(\string $name, object/null $event=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this |
public | undef(string $name, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Unset value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | uploadMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, \string $field=null) : void |
public | validate() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Validate by blueprints. |
protected | addUpdatedMedia(\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : void |
protected | clearMediaCache() : void Clear media cache. |
protected | createMedium(string $uri) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Medium/null |
protected | doGetBlueprint(\string $name='' ) : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | freeMedia() : void |
protected | getAccess() : \Grav\Common\User\Access |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getAvatarFile() : string/null |
protected | getContainer() : \Grav\Common\Grav |
protected | getFieldSettings(\string $field) : mixed |
protected | getFlexContainer() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Flex |
protected | getGroups() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\UserGroupIndex |
protected | getMediaCache() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\CacheInterface |
protected | getMediaFieldSettings(\string $field) : array |
protected | getOriginalMedia() : MediaCollectionInterface Representation of associated media. Gets the associated media collection (original images). |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Template/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\TemplateWrapper |
protected | getUpdatedMedia() : array<string, UploadedFileInterface/array/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\null> |
protected | getUserGroups() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups\UserGroupIndex |
protected | getexistingmedia() : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\MediaCollectionInterface/Media Representation of associated media. Gets the associated media collection. |
protected | isAdminSite() : bool |
protected | isAuthorizedOverride(\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user, \string $action, \string $scope, \bool $isMe=false) : bool/null |
protected | offsetLoad_access(mixed $value) : array |
protected | offsetLoad_media() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface |
protected | offsetPrepare_access(mixed $value) : array |
protected | offsetSerialize_access(array/null/array $value) : array/null |
protected | offsetSerialize_media() : null |
protected | parseFileProperty(array/mixed $value) : array/mixed |
protected | saveUpdatedMedia() : void |
protected | setMedia(\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\MediaCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Media/\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\$this Sets the associated media collection. |
protected | setUpdatedMedia(array $files) : void |
$data->def('', 'default');
$value = $this->get('');
$data->set('', $value);
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObject
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexAuthorizeInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\AuthorizeInterface, \Countable
Class UserFolderStorage
Visibility | Function |
public | normalizeKey(\string $key) : string |
protected | initOptions(array $options) : void |
protected | prepareRow(array $row) : void Prepares the row for saving and returns the storage key for the record. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Storage\FolderStorage
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface
Class UserFileStorage
Visibility | Function |
public | getMediaPath(\string $key=null) : mixed |
public | normalizeKey(\string $key) : string |
protected | initOptions(array $options) : void |
protected | prepareRow(array $row) : void Prepares the row for saving and returns the storage key for the record. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Storage\FileStorage
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface
Class FormFlash
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config) : void |
public | addFile(\string $filename, \string $field, array/null/array $crop=null) : bool Add existing file to the form flash. |
public | addUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $upload, \string $field=null, array/null/array $crop=null) : string Return name of the file Add uploaded file to the form flash. |
public | clearFiles() : void Clear form flash from all uploaded files. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 For backwards compatibility only, do not use |
public | delete() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this Delete this form flash. |
public | exists() : bool Check if this form flash exists. |
public | getCreatedTimestamp() : int Get creation timestamp for this form flash. |
public | getData() : array/null Get raw form data. |
public | getFilesByField(\string $field) : array Get all files associated to a form field. |
public | getFilesByFields(bool $includeOriginal=false) : array Get all files grouped by the associated form fields. |
public | getFormName() : string Get form name associated to this form instance. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 For backwards compatibility only, do not use |
public | getSessionId() : string Get session Id associated to this form instance. |
public | getUniqueId() : string Get unique identifier associated to this form instance. |
public | getUpdatedTimestamp() : int Get last updated timestamp for this form flash. |
public | getUrl() : string Get URL associated to this form instance. |
public | getUserEmail() : string Get email from the user who was associated to this form instance. |
public | getUsername() : string Get username from the user who was associated to this form instance. |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | removeFile(\string $name, \string $field=null) : bool Remove any file from form flash. |
public | save() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this Save this form flash. |
public | setData(array/null/array $data) : void Set raw form data. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 For backwards compatibility only, do not use |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Form\FormFlash
This class implements \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormFlashInterface
Class Upgrader
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(bool/boolean $refresh=false, callable/null $callback=null) : void Creates a new GPM instance with Local and Remote packages available |
public | getAssets() : array Returns an array of assets available to download remotely |
public | getChangelog(string/null $diff=null) : array return the changelog list for each version Returns the changelog list for each version of Grav |
public | getLocalVersion() : string Returns the version of the installed Grav |
public | getReleaseDate() : string Returns the release date of the latest version of Grav |
public | getRemoteVersion() : string Returns the version of the remotely available Grav |
public | isSymlink() : bool True if Grav is symlinked, False otherwise. Checks if Grav is currently symbolically linked |
public | isUpgradable() : bool True if it's upgradable, False otherwise. Checks if the currently installed Grav is upgradable to a newer version |
public | meetsRequirements() : bool Make sure this meets minimum PHP requirements |
public | minPHPVersion() : string Get minimum PHP version from remote |
Class AbstractCollection
Visibility | Function |
public | toArray() : array |
public | toJson() : string |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Iterator
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class GPM
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(bool $refresh=false, callable/null $callback=null) : void Creates a new GPM instance with Local and Remote packages available |
public | calculateMergedDependenciesOfPackages(array $packages) : array Calculates and merges the dependencies of the passed packages |
public | calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion(string $version) : string/null Returns the actual version from a dependency version string. Examples: $versionInformation == '~2.0' => returns '2.0' $versionInformation == '>=2.0.2' => returns '2.0.2' $versionInformation == '2.0.2' => returns '2.0.2' $versionInformation == '*' => returns null $versionInformation == '' => returns null |
public | checkNextSignificantReleasesAreCompatible(string $version1, string $version2) : bool Check if two releases are compatible by next significant release ~1.2 is equivalent to >=1.2 <2.0.0 ~1.2.3 is equivalent to >=1.2.3 <1.3.0 In short, allows the last digit specified to go up |
public | checkNoOtherPackageNeedsTheseDependenciesInALowerVersion(array $dependencies_slugs) : void |
public | checkNoOtherPackageNeedsThisDependencyInALowerVersion(string $slug, string $version_with_operator, array $ignore_packages_list) : bool Check the package identified by $slug can be updated to the version passed as argument. Thrown an exception if it cannot be updated because another package installed requires it to be at an older version. |
public | checkPackagesCanBeInstalled(array $packages_names_list) : void Check the passed packages list can be updated |
public static | copyPackage(string $package_file, string $tmp) : string/null Copy the local zip package to tmp |
public | countInstalled() : int Amount of installed packages Returns the amount of locally installed packages |
public | countUpdates() : int Amount of available updates Returns the amount of updates available |
public static | downloadPackage(string $package_file, string $tmp) : string/null Download the zip package via the URL |
public | findPackage(string $search, bool $ignore_exception=false) : \Grav\Common\GPM\Remote\Package/bool Package if found, FALSE if not Searches for a Package in the repository |
public | findPackages(array $searches=array()) : array Array of found Packages Format: ['total' => int, 'not_found' => array, Searches for a list of Packages in the repository |
public static | getBlueprints(string $source) : array/false Find/Parse the blueprint file |
public | getDependencies(array $packages) : array Fetch the dependencies, check the installed packages and return an array with the list of packages with associated an information on what to do: install, update or ignore. ignore means the package is already installed and can be safely left as-is. install means the package is not installed and must be installed. update means the package is already installed and must be updated as a dependency needs a higher version. |
public static | getInstallPath(string $type, string $name) : string Get the install path for a name and a particular type of package |
public | getInstallable(array $list_type_installed=array()) : array The installed packages Returns the Locally installable packages |
public | getInstalled() : \Grav\Common\GPM\Local\Packages Return the locally installed packages |
public | getInstalledPackage(string $slug) : \Grav\Common\GPM\Local\Package/null The instance of the Package Return the instance of a specific Package |
public | getInstalledPlugin(string $slug) : \Grav\Common\GPM\Local\Package/null The instance of the Plugin Return the instance of a specific Plugin |
public | getInstalledPlugins() : Iterator The installed plugins Returns the Locally installed plugins |
public | getInstalledTheme(string $slug) : \Grav\Common\GPM\Local\Package/null The instance of the Theme Return the instance of a specific Theme |
public | getInstalledThemes() : Iterator The installed themes Returns the Locally installed themes |
public | getLatestVersionOfPackage(string $package_name) : string/null Get the latest release of a package from the GPM |
public static | getPackageName(string $source) : string/false Try to guess the package name from the source files |
public static | getPackageType(string $source) : string/false Try to guess the package type from the source files |
public | getPackagesThatDependOnPackage(string $slug) : array Return the list of packages that have the passed one as dependency |
public | getReleaseType(string $package_name) : string/null Get the release type of a package (stable / testing) |
public | getRepository() : Remote\Packages Available Plugins and Themes Format: ['plugins' => array, 'themes' => array] Returns the list of Plugins and Themes available in the repository |
public | getRepositoryPlugin(string $slug) : mixed Package if found, NULL if not Returns a Plugin from the repository |
public | getRepositoryPlugins() : Iterator The Plugins remotely available Returns the list of Plugins available in the repository |
public | getRepositoryTheme(string $slug) : mixed Package if found, NULL if not Returns a Theme from the repository |
public | getRepositoryThemes() : Iterator The Themes remotely available Returns the list of Themes available in the repository |
public | getUpdatable(array $list_type_update=array()) : array Array of updatable Plugins and Themes. Format: ['total' => int, 'plugins' => array, 'themes' => array] Returns an array of Plugins and Themes that can be updated. Plugins and Themes are extended with the available property that relies to the remote version |
public | getUpdatablePlugins() : array Array of updatable Plugins Returns an array of Plugins that can be updated. The Plugins are extended with the available property that relies to the remote version |
public | getUpdatableThemes() : array Array of updatable Themes Returns an array of Themes that can be updated. The Themes are extended with the available property that relies to the remote version |
public | getVersionOfDependencyRequiredByPackage(string $package_slug, string $dependency_slug) : mixed/null Get the required version of a dependency of a package |
public | isPluginInstalled(string $slug) : bool True if the Plugin has been installed. False otherwise Checks if a Plugin is installed |
public | isPluginInstalledAsSymlink(string $slug) : bool |
public | isPluginUpdatable(string $plugin) : bool True if the Plugin is updatable. False otherwise Checks if a Plugin is updatable |
public | isStableRelease(string $package_name) : bool Returns true if the package latest release is stable |
public | isTestingRelease(string $package_name) : bool Returns true if the package latest release is testing |
public | isThemeInstalled(string $slug) : bool True if the Theme has been installed. False otherwise Checks if a Theme is installed |
public | isThemeUpdatable(string $theme) : bool True if the Theme is updatable. False otherwise Checks if a Theme is Updatable |
public | isUpdatable(string $slug) : bool True if updatable. False otherwise or if not found Check if a Plugin or Theme is updatable |
public | versionFormatIsEqualOrHigher(string $version) : bool Check if the passed version information contains equal or higher operator Example: returns true for $version: '>=2.0' |
public | versionFormatIsNextSignificantRelease(string $version) : bool Check if the passed version information contains next significant release (tilde) operator Example: returns true for $version: '~2.0' |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Iterator
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class Licenses
Visibility | Function |
public static | get(string/null $slug=null) : array/string Returns the license for a Premium package |
public static | getLicenseFile() : \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\FileInterface Get the License File object |
public static | set(string $slug, string $license) : bool Returns the license for a Premium package |
public static | validate(string/null $license=null) : bool Validates the License format |
Class Response
Visibility | Function |
public static | get(string $uri='' , array $overrides=array(), callable/null $callback=null) : string The response of the requestMakes a request to the URL by using the preferred method |
public static | isRemote(string $file) : bool Is this a remote file or not |
public static | progress(\int $bytes_transferred, \int $filesize, array $info) : void Progress normalized for cURL and Fopen Accepts a variable length of arguments passed in by stream method |
Class Installer
Visibility | Function |
public static | copyInstall(string $source_path, string $install_path) : bool |
public static | getMessage() : string The message Returns the last message added by the installer |
public static | install(string $zip, string $destination, array $options=array(), string/null $extracted=null, bool $keepExtracted=false) : bool True if everything went fine, False otherwise. Installs a given package to a given destination. |
public static | isGravInstance(string $target) : bool True if is a Grav Instance. False otherwise Validates if the given path is a Grav Instance |
public static | isValidDestination(string $destination, array $exclude=array()) : bool True if validation passed. False otherwise Runs a set of checks on the destination and sets the Error if any |
public static | lastErrorCode() : int/string The code of the last error Returns the last error code of the occurred error |
public static | lastErrorMsg() : string The message of the last error Returns the last error occurred in a string message format |
public static | moveInstall(string $source_path, string $install_path) : bool |
public static | setError(int/string $error) : void Allows to manually set an error |
public static | sophisticatedInstall(string $source_path, string $install_path, array $ignores=array(), bool $keep_source=false) : bool |
public static | unZip(string $zip_file, string $destination) : string/false Unzip a file to somewhere |
public static | uninstall(string $path, array $options=array()) : bool True if everything went fine, False otherwise. Uninstalls one or more given package |
Class CachedCollection
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $items) : void CachedCollection constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Iterator
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Data\Data $package, string/null $type=null) : void Package constructor. |
public | __get(string $key) : mixed |
public | __isset(string $key) : bool |
public | __set(string $key, mixed $value) : void |
public | __toString() : string |
public | getData() : \Grav\Common\Data\Data |
public | toArray() : array |
public | toJson() : string |
Class AbstractPackageCollection
Visibility | Function |
public | toArray() : array |
public | toJson() : string |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Iterator
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class Packages
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Common\CachedCollection
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator, \Traversable, \Countable, \Serializable
Class Themes
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void Local Themes Constructor |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Local\AbstractPackageCollection
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class Plugins
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void Local Plugins Constructor |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Local\AbstractPackageCollection
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class Package
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Data\Data $package, string/null $package_type=null) : void Package constructor. |
public | isEnabled() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Common\Package
Class AbstractPackageCollection
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $items) : void AbstractPackageCollection constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Common\AbstractPackageCollection
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator, \Traversable, \Countable, \Serializable
Class Packages
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(bool $refresh=false, callable/null $callback=null) : void Packages constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Common\CachedCollection
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator, \Traversable, \Countable, \Serializable
Class Themes
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(bool $refresh=false, callable/null $callback=null) : void Local Themes Constructor |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Remote\AbstractPackageCollection
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class Plugins
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(bool $refresh=false, callable/null $callback=null) : void Local Plugins Constructor |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Remote\AbstractPackageCollection
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class Package
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $package, string/null $package_type=null) : void Package constructor. |
public | getChangelog(string/null $diff=null) : array changelog list for each version Returns the changelog list for each version of a package |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Common\Package
This class implements \JsonSerializable
Class AbstractPackageCollection
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string/null $repository=null, bool $refresh=false, callable/null $callback=null) : void AbstractPackageCollection constructor. |
public | fetch(bool $refresh=false, callable/null $callback=null) : string |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Common\AbstractPackageCollection
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator, \Traversable, \Countable, \Serializable
Class GravCore
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(bool $refresh=false, callable/null $callback=null) : void |
public | getAssets() : array list of assets Returns the list of assets associated to the latest version of Grav |
public | getChangelog(string/null $diff=null) : array changelog list for each version Returns the changelog list for each version of Grav |
public | getDate() : string Return the release date of the latest Grav |
public | getMinPHPVersion() : null/string Returns the minimum PHP version |
public | getVersion() : string Returns the latest version of Grav available remotely |
public | isSymlink() : bool Is this installation symlinked? |
public | isUpdatable() : mixed Determine if this version of Grav is eligible to be updated |
This class extends \Grav\Common\GPM\Remote\AbstractPackageCollection
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess
Class Base32
Visibility | Function |
public static | decode(string $base32) : string Decode in Base32 |
public static | encode(string $bytes) : string Encode in Base32 |
Class Excerpts
Visibility | Function |
public static | getExcerptFromHtml(string $html, string $tag) : array/null returns nested array excerpt Get an Excerpt array from a chunk of HTML |
public static | getHtmlFromExcerpt(array $excerpt) : string Rebuild HTML tag from an excerpt array |
public static | processImageExcerpt(array $excerpt, \Grav\Common\Helpers\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page=null) : array Process an image excerpt |
public static | processImageHtml(string $html, \Grav\Common\Helpers\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page=null) : string Returns final HTML string Process Grav image media URL from HTML tag |
public static | processLinkExcerpt(array $excerpt, \Grav\Common\Helpers\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page=null, string $type='link' ) : mixedProcess a Link excerpt |
public static | processLinkHtml(string $html, \Grav\Common\Helpers\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page=null) : string Returns final HTML string Process Grav page link URL from HTML tag |
public static | processMediaActions(\Grav\Common\Helpers\Medium $medium, string/array $url, \Grav\Common\Helpers\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium Process media actions |
Class Exif
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void Exif constructor. |
public | getReader() : \PHPExif\Reader\Reader |
This file is part of Copyright (c) 2015 Bluetel Solutions Copyright (c) 2015 Alex Wilson For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
Visibility | Function |
public static | htmlToDomDocument(string $html) : DOMDocument Returns a DOMDocument object. Builds a DOMDocument object from a string containing HTML. |
public | truncate(string $text, int $length=100, string $ending='...' , bool $exact=false, bool $considerHtml=true) : string |
public static | truncateLetters(string $html, int $limit, string $ellipsis='' ) : string Safe truncated HTML.Safely truncates HTML by a given number of letters. |
public static | truncateWords(string $html, int $limit, string $ellipsis='' ) : string Safe truncated HTML.Safely truncates HTML by a given number of words. |
Class LogViewer
Visibility | Function |
public static | levelColor(string $level) : string Helper class to get level color |
public | objectTail(string $filepath, int $lines=1, bool $desc=true) : array Get the objects of a tailed file |
public | parse(string $line) : array Parse a monolog row into array bits |
public static | parseTrace(string $trace, int $rows=10) : array Parse text of trace into an array of lines |
public | tail(string $filepath, int $lines=1) : string/false Optimized way to get just the last few entries of a log file |
Class YamlLinter
Visibility | Function |
public static | lint(\string $folder=null) : array |
public static | lintBlueprints() : array |
public static | lintConfig() : array |
public static | lintPages() : array |
public static | recurseFolder(string $path, string $extensions='(md|yaml)' ) : array |
protected static | extractYaml(string $path) : string |
Class Language
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav) : void Constructor |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | enabled() : bool Ensure that languages are enabled |
public | getActive() : string Gets current active language |
public | getAvailable(string/null $delimiter=null) : string Gets a pipe-separated string of available languages |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 No longer used - using content negotiation. |
public | getDefault() : string/false Gets current default language |
public | getFallbackLanguages(\string $languageCode=null, \bool $includeDefault=false) : array Gets an array of languages with active first, then fallback languages. |
public | getFallbackPageExtensions(\string $fileExtension=null, \string $languageCode=null, \bool $assoc=false) : array Key is the language code, value is the file extension to be used. Gets an array of valid extensions with active first, then fallback extensions |
public | getLanguage() : string/false Gets language, active if set, else default |
public | getLanguageCode(string $code, string $type='name' ) : boolAccessible wrapper to LanguageCodes |
public | getLanguageURLPrefix(string/null $lang=null) : string Get a URL prefix based on configuration |
public | getLanguages() : array Gets the array of supported languages |
public | getPageExtensions(string/null $fileExtension=null) : array Get full list of used language page extensions: [''=>'.md', 'en'=>'', ...] |
public | getTranslation(string $lang, string $key, bool $array_support=false) : string/string[] Lookup the translation text for a given lang and key |
public | init() : void Initialize the default and enabled languages |
public | isIncludeDefaultLanguage(string/null $lang=null) : bool Test to see if language is default and language should be included in the URL |
public | isLanguageInUrl() : bool Simple getter to tell if a language was found in the URL |
public | resetFallbackPageExtensions() : void Resets the fallback_languages value. Useful to re-initialize the pages and change site language at runtime, example: $this->grav['language']->setActive('it'); $this->grav['language']->resetFallbackPageExtensions(); $this->grav['pages']->init(); |
public | setActive(string $lang) : string/bool Sets active language manually |
public | setActiveFromUri(string $uri) : string Sets the active language based on the first part of the URL |
public | setDefault(string $lang) : string/bool Sets default language manually |
public | setLanguages(array $langs) : void Sets the current supported languages manually |
public | translate(string/array $args, array/null/array $languages=null, bool $array_support=false, bool $html_out=false) : string/string[] Translate a key and possibly arguments into a string using current lang and fallbacks Other arguments can be passed and replaced in the translation with sprintf syntax |
public | translateArray(string $key, string $index, array/null $languages=null, bool $html_out=false) : string Translate Array |
public | validate(string $lang) : bool Ensures the language is valid and supported |
protected | getTranslatedLanguages() : array |
Class LanguageCodes
Visibility | Function |
public static | get(string $code, string $type) : string/false |
public static | getList(bool $native=true) : array |
public static | getName(string $code) : string/false |
public static | getNames(array $keys) : array |
public static | getNativeName(string $code) : string/false |
public static | getOrientation(string $code) : string |
public static | isRtl(string $code) : bool |
Class ParsedownExtra
Visibility | Function |
public | __call(string $method, array $args) : mixed/null For extending this class via plugins |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Markdown\Excerpts/null $excerpts=null, array/null $defaults=null) : void ParsedownExtra constructor. |
public | addBlockType(string $type, string $tag, bool $continuable=false, bool $completable=false, int/null $index=null) : void Be able to define a new Block type or override an existing one |
public | addInlineType(string $type, string $tag, int/null $index=null) : void Be able to define a new Inline type or override an existing one |
public | elementToHtml(array $Element) : string markup Make the element function publicly accessible, Medium uses this to render from Twig |
public | getExcerpts() : \Grav\Common\Page\Markdown\Excerpts |
public | setSpecialChars(array $special_chars) : \Grav\Common\Markdown\$this Setter for special chars |
protected | blockTwigTag(array $line) : array/null Ensure Twig tags are treated as block level items with no tags |
protected | init(\Grav\Common\Markdown\PageInterface/\Grav\Common\Markdown\Excerpts/null $excerpts=null, array/null $defaults=null) : void Initialization function to setup key variables needed by the MarkdownGravLinkTrait |
protected | inlineImage(array $excerpt) : array |
protected | inlineLink(array $excerpt) : array |
protected | inlineSpecialCharacter(array $excerpt) : array/null |
protected | isBlockCompletable(string $Type) : bool Overrides the default behavior to allow for plugin-provided blocks to be completable |
protected | isBlockContinuable(string $Type) : bool Overrides the default behavior to allow for plugin-provided blocks to be continuable |
This class extends \ParsedownExtra
Class Parsedown
Visibility | Function |
public | __call(string $method, array $args) : mixed/null For extending this class via plugins |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Markdown\Excerpts/null $excerpts=null, array/null $defaults=null) : void Parsedown constructor. |
public | addBlockType(string $type, string $tag, bool $continuable=false, bool $completable=false, int/null $index=null) : void Be able to define a new Block type or override an existing one |
public | addInlineType(string $type, string $tag, int/null $index=null) : void Be able to define a new Inline type or override an existing one |
public | elementToHtml(array $Element) : string markup Make the element function publicly accessible, Medium uses this to render from Twig |
public | getExcerpts() : \Grav\Common\Page\Markdown\Excerpts |
public | setSpecialChars(array $special_chars) : \Grav\Common\Markdown\$this Setter for special chars |
protected | blockTwigTag(array $line) : array/null Ensure Twig tags are treated as block level items with no tags |
protected | init(\Grav\Common\Markdown\PageInterface/\Grav\Common\Markdown\Excerpts/null $excerpts=null, array/null $defaults=null) : void Initialization function to setup key variables needed by the MarkdownGravLinkTrait |
protected | inlineImage(array $excerpt) : array |
protected | inlineLink(array $excerpt) : array |
protected | inlineSpecialCharacter(array $excerpt) : array/null |
protected | isBlockCompletable(string $Type) : bool Overrides the default behavior to allow for plugin-provided blocks to be completable |
protected | isBlockContinuable(string $Type) : bool Overrides the default behavior to allow for plugin-provided blocks to be continuable |
This class extends \Parsedown
Class implements video media interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | playsinline(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to set the playsinline attribute |
public | poster(string $urlImage) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to set the video's poster image |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaPlayerInterface
Class implements media file interface.
Visibility | Function |
Class implements media file interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | exists() : bool Check if this medium exists or not |
public | modified() : int/null Get file modification time for the medium. |
public | path(bool $reset=true) : string path to file Return the path to file. |
public | relativePath(bool $reset=true) : mixed Return the relative path to file |
public | size() : int Get size of the medium. |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface
Class implements image manipulation interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | cache() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Simply processes with no extra methods. Useful for triggering events. |
public | clearAlternatives() : void Clear out the alternatives. |
public | derivatives(int/int[] $min_width, int $max_width=2500, int $step=200) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Generate alternative image widths, using either an array of integers, or a min width, a max width, and a step parameter to fill out the necessary widths. Existing image alternatives won't be overwritten. |
public | format(string $format) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Sets image output format. |
public | getImagePrettyName() : string |
public | height(string/string/int $value='auto' ) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$thisAllows to set the height attribute from Markdown or Twig Examples: {{['myimg.png'].width().height().html }} {{['myimg.png'].resize(100,200).width(100).height(200).html }} |
public | higherQualityAlternative() : ImageMediaInterface the alternative version with higher quality Return the image higher quality version |
public | quality(int/null $quality=null) : int/\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Sets or gets the quality of the image |
public | setImagePrettyName(string $name) : void Allows the ability to override the image's pretty name stored in cache |
public | sizes(string/null $sizes=null) : string Set or get sizes parameter for srcset media action |
public | width(string/string/int $value='auto' ) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$thisAllows to set the width attribute from Markdown or Twig Examples: {{['myimg.png'].width().height().html }} {{['myimg.png'].resize(100,200).width(100).height(200).html }} |
Class implements media player interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | autoplay(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to set the autoplay attribute |
public | controls(bool $status=true) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to set or remove the HTML5 default controls |
public | loop(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to set the loop attribute |
public | muted(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to set the muted attribute |
public | preload(string/null $preload=null) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to set the preload behaviour |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface
Class implements media collection interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | add(string $name, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface $file) : void |
public | all() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all media. |
public | audios() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all audio media. |
public | createFromArray(array $items=array(), \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\Blueprint/null/\Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint $blueprint=null) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\Medium/null Create Medium from array of parameters |
public | createFromFile(string $file, array $params=array()) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\Medium/null Create Medium from a file. |
public | files() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all file media. |
public | get(string $filename) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\Medium/null Get medium by filename. |
public | getImageFileObject(\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface $mediaObject) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\ImageFile |
public | getPath() : string/null Return media path. |
public | images() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all image media. |
public | setPath(string/null/\string $path) : void |
public | setTimestamps(string/int/null $timestamp=null) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Set file modification timestamps (query params) for all the media files. |
public | videos() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all video media. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface, \Traversable, \Iterator, \Countable, \ArrayAccess
Class implements image media interface.
Visibility | Function |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface
Implements media upload and delete functionality.
Visibility | Function |
public | checkUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, array/null/array $settings=null) : string Checks that uploaded file meets the requirements. Returns new filename. |
public | copyUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename, array/null/array $settings=null) : void Copy uploaded file to the media collection. WARNING: Always check uploaded file before copying it! |
public | deleteFile(\string $filename, array/null/array $settings=null) : void Delete real file from the media collection. |
public | renameFile(\string $from, \string $to, array/null/array $settings=null) : void Rename file inside the media collection. |
$filename = null; // Override filename if needed (ignored if randomizing filenames).
$settings = ['destination' => 'user://pages/media']; // Settings from the form field.
$filename = $media->checkUploadedFile($uploadedFile, $filename, $settings);
$media->copyUploadedFile($uploadedFile, $filename);
$filename = null; // Override filename if needed (ignored if randomizing filenames).
$settings = ['destination' => 'user://pages/media']; // Settings from the form field.
$filename = $media->checkUploadedFile($uploadedFile, $filename, $settings);
$media->copyUploadedFile($uploadedFile, $filename);
Class implements media object interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | __call(string $method, mixed $args) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allow any action to be called on this medium from twig or markdown |
public | __toString() : string Return string representation of the object (html). |
public | addAlternative(int/float $ratio, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface $alternative) : void Add alternative Medium to this Medium. |
public | addMetaFile(string $filepath) : void Add meta file for the medium. |
public | classes() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Add a class to the element from Markdown or Twig Example: or |
public | copy() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\static Create a copy of this media object |
public | display(string $mode='source' ) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface/nullSwitch display mode. |
public | get(string $name, mixed $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed Value. Get value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | id(string $id) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Add an id to the element from Markdown or Twig Example: |
public | lightbox(int $width=null, int $height=null, bool $reset=true) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaLinkInterface Turn the current Medium into a Link with lightbox enabled |
public | link(bool $reset=true, array $attributes=array()) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaLinkInterface Turn the current Medium into a Link |
public | meta() : \Grav\Common\Data\Data Return just metadata from the Medium object |
public | metadata() : array Returns an array containing just the metadata |
public | parsedownElement(string/null $title=null, string/null $alt=null, string/null $class=null, string/null $id=null, bool $reset=true) : array Get an element (is array) that can be rendered by the Parsedown engine |
public | querystring(string/null $querystring=null, bool $withQuestionmark=true) : string Get/set querystring for the file's url |
public | reset() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Reset medium. |
public | set(string $name, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Set value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | setTimestamp(string/int/null $timestamp=null) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Set querystring to file modification timestamp (or value provided as a parameter). |
public | style(string $style) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to add an inline style attribute from Markdown or Twig Example: |
public | thumbnail(string $type='auto' ) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$thisSwitch thumbnail. |
public | thumbnailExists(string $type='page' ) : boolHelper method to determine if this media item has a thumbnail or not |
public | url(bool $reset=true) : string Return URL to file. |
public | urlHash(string/null $hash=null, bool $withHash=true) : string Get/set hash for the file's url |
public | urlQuerystring(string $url) : string Get the URL with full querystring |
$value = $this->get('');
$data->set('', $value);
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Class implements media interface.
Visibility | Function |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface
Class implements audio media interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | controlsList(string $controlsList) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\$this Allows to set the controlsList behaviour Separate multiple values with a hyphen |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaPlayerInterface
Class Collection
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $items=array(), array $params=array(), \Grav\Common\Page\Pages/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Pages $pages=null) : void Collection constructor. |
public | add(string $path, string $slug) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Add a page with path and slug |
public | addPage(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Add a single page to a collection |
public | adjacentSibling(string $path, int $direction=1) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/Collection The sibling item. Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. |
public | batch(int $size) : \Grav\Common\Page\Collection[] Split collection into array of smaller collections. |
public | copy() : \Grav\Common\Page\static Create a copy of this collection |
public | current() : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface Returns current page. |
public | currentPosition(string $path) : int/null The index of the current page, null if not found. Returns the item in the current position. |
public | dateRange(string $startDate, bool $endDate=false, string/null $field=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Returns the items between a set of date ranges of either the page date field (default) or an arbitrary datetime page field where end date is optional Dates can be passed in as text that strtotime() can process |
public | intersect(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface $collection) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Intersect another collection with the current collection |
public | isFirst(string $path) : bool True if item is first. Check to see if this item is the first in the collection. |
public | isLast(string $path) : bool True if item is last. Check to see if this item is the last in the collection. |
public | key() : mixed Returns current slug. |
public | merge(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface $collection) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Merge another collection with the current collection |
public | modular() : Collection The collection with only modular pages Creates new collection with only modular pages |
public | nextSibling(string $path) : PageInterface The next item. Gets the next sibling based on current position. |
public | nonModular() : Collection The collection with only non-modular pages Creates new collection with only non-modular pages |
public | nonPublished() : Collection The collection with only non-published pages Creates new collection with only non-published pages |
public | nonRoutable() : Collection The collection with only non-routable pages Creates new collection with only non-routable pages |
public | nonVisible() : Collection The collection with only non-visible pages Creates new collection with only non-visible pages |
public | ofOneOfTheseAccessLevels(array $accessLevels) : Collection The collection Creates new collection with only pages of one of the specified access levels |
public | ofOneOfTheseTypes(string[] $types) : Collection The collection Creates new collection with only pages of one of the specified types |
public | ofType(string $type) : Collection The collection Creates new collection with only pages of the specified type |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | order(string $by, string $dir='asc' , array/null $manual=null, string/null $sort_flags=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\$thisReorder collection. |
public | params() : array Get the collection params |
public | prevSibling(string $path) : PageInterface The previous item. Gets the previous sibling based on current position. |
public | published() : Collection The collection with only published pages Creates new collection with only published pages |
public | remove(\Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/string/null $key=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Remove item from the list. |
public | routable() : Collection The collection with only routable pages Creates new collection with only routable pages |
public | setParams(array $params) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Set parameters to the Collection |
public | toExtendedArray() : array Get the extended version of this Collection with each page keyed by route |
public | visible() : Collection The collection with only visible pages Creates new collection with only visible pages |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Iterator
This class implements \Serializable, \Countable, \Traversable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface
Class Pages
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav) : void Constructor |
public | accessLevels() : array Get access levels of the site pages |
public | addPage(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page, string/null $route=null) : void Adds a page and assigns a route to it. |
public | all(\Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $current=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Collection Get all pages |
public | ancestor(string $route, string/null $path=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null Get a page ancestor. |
public | base(string/null $path=null) : string Get or set base path for the pages. |
public | baseRoute(string/null $lang=null) : string Get base route for Grav pages. |
public | baseUrl(string/null $lang=null, bool/null $absolute=null) : string Get base URL for Grav pages. |
public | blueprints(string $type) : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint Get a blueprint for a page type. |
public | children(string $path) : \Grav\Common\Page\Collection Get children of the path. |
public | disablePages() : void Method used in admin to disable frontend pages from being initialized. |
public | dispatch(string $route, bool $all=false, bool $redirect=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null Dispatch URI to a page. |
public | enablePages() : void Method used in admin to later load frontend pages. |
public | find(string $route, bool $all=false) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null alias method to return find a page. |
public | get(string $path) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null Get a page instance. |
public | getCollection(array $params=array(), array $context=array()) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Collection Get a collection of pages in the given context. |
public | getDirectory() : \Grav\Common\Page\FlexDirectory/null |
public static | getHomeRoute() : string Gets the home route |
public | getList(\Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $current=null, int $level, bool $rawRoutes=false, bool $showAll=true, bool $showFullpath=false, bool $showSlug=false, bool $showModular=false, bool $limitLevels=false) : array Get list of route/title of all pages. |
public | getPagesCacheId() : string Get the Pages cache ID this is particularly useful to know if pages have changed and you want to sync another cache with pages cache - works best in onPagesInitialized() |
public static | getTypes() : \Grav\Common\Page\Types Get available page types. |
public | homeUrl(string/null $lang=null, bool/null $absolute=null) : string Get home URL for Grav site. |
public | inherited(string $route, string/null $field=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null Get a page ancestor trait. |
public | init() : void Class initialization. Must be called before using this class. |
public | instances() : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface[] Returns a list of all pages. |
public | lastModified(int/null $modified=null) : int/null Get or set last modification time. |
public static | modularTypes() : array Get available page types. |
public static | pageTypes(string/null $type=null) : array Get template types based on page type (standard or modular) |
public static | parents() : array Get available parents routes |
public static | parentsRawRoutes() : array Get available parents raw routes. |
public | register() : void |
public | reset() : void Reset pages (used in search indexing etc). |
public static | resetHomeRoute() : string/null Needed for testing where we change the home route via config |
public | resetPages(string $pages_dir) : void Accessible method to manually reset the pages cache |
public | root() : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface Get root page. |
public | route(string $route='/' , string/null $lang=null) : stringGet route for Grav site. |
public | routes() : array Returns a list of all routes. |
public | setCheckMethod(string $method) : void |
public | sort(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page, string/null $order_by=null, string/null $order_dir=null, mixed $sort_flags=null) : array Sort sub-pages in a page. |
public | sortCollection(\Grav\Common\Page\Collection $collection, string $orderBy, string $orderDir='asc' , array/null $orderManual=null, int/null $sort_flags=null) : array |
public static | types() : array Get available page types. |
public | url(string $route='/' , string/null $lang=null, bool/null $absolute=null) : stringGet URL for Grav site. |
protected | arrayShuffle(array $list) : array Shuffles an associative array |
protected | buildFlexPages(\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory) : void |
protected | buildPages() : void Builds pages. |
protected | buildRegularPages() : void |
protected | buildRootPage() : \Grav\Common\Page\Page |
protected | buildRoutes() : void |
protected | buildSort(string $path, array $pages, string $order_by='default' , array/null $manual=null, int/null $sort_flags=null) : void |
protected | evaluate(array/string $value, \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $self=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Collection |
protected | getVersion() : string |
protected | initFlexPages() : void |
protected | recurse(string $directory, \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $parent=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface Recursive function to load & build page relationships. |
Class Media
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $path, array/null/array $media_order=null, bool $load=true) : void |
public | __wakeup() : void Initialize static variables on unserialize. |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : \Grav\Common\Page\MediaObjectInterface/null |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use $this->getPath() instead. |
protected | init() : void Initialize class. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\AbstractMedia
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaUploadInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface, \Traversable, \Iterator, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface
Class Header
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $items=array()) : void Constructor to initialize array. |
public | __get(string $offset) : mixed Asset value Magic getter method |
public | __isset(string $offset) : bool True if the value is set Magic method to determine if the attribute is set |
public | __set(string $offset, mixed $value) : void Magic setter method |
public | __unset(string $offset) : void Magic method to unset the attribute |
public | def(string $name, mixed $default=null, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Set default value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | get(string $name, mixed $default=null, string $separator=null) : mixed Value. Get value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(string/null $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(string/null $offset) : void Unsets variable at specified offset. |
public | set(string $name, mixed $value, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Set value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | toArray() : array Convert object into an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert object into JSON string. |
public | toYaml(int $inline=3, int $indent=2) : string A YAML string representing the object. Convert object into YAML string. |
public | undef(string $name, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Unset value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
$data->def('', 'default');
$value = $this->get('');
$data->set('', $value);
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \JsonSerializable
Class Types
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $items=array()) : void Constructor to initialize array. |
public | count() : int Implements Countable interface. |
public | current() : mixed Can return any type. Returns the current element. |
public | key() : string/null Returns key on success, or NULL on failure. Returns the key of the current element. |
public | modularSelect() : array |
public | next() : void Moves the current position to the next element. |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(string/null $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(string $offset) : void Unsets an offset. |
public | pageSelect() : array |
public | register(string $type, \Grav\Common\Page\Blueprint/null $blueprint=null) : void |
public | rewind() : void Rewinds back to the first element of the Iterator. |
public | scanBlueprints(string $uri) : void |
public | scanTemplates(string $uri) : void |
public | toArray() : array Convert object into an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert object into JSON string. |
public | toYaml(int $inline=3, int $indent=2) : string A YAML string representing the object. Convert object into YAML string. |
public | valid() : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. This method is called after Iterator::rewind() and Iterator::next() to check if the current position is valid. |
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator, \Traversable, \Countable
Class Page
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void Page Object Constructor |
public | active() : bool True if it is active Returns whether or not this page is the currently active page requested via the URL. |
public | activeChild() : bool True if active child exists Returns whether or not this URI's URL contains the URL of the active page. Or in other words, is this page's URL in the current URL |
public | addContentMeta(string $name, mixed $value) : void Add an entry to the page's contentMeta array |
public | addForms(array $new, bool $override=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Add forms to this page. |
public | adjacentSibling(int $direction=1) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/false the sibling page Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. |
public | ancestor(bool/null $lookup=null) : PageInterface page you were looking for if it exists Helper method to return an ancestor page. |
public | blueprintName() : string Get the blueprint name for this page. Use the blueprint form field if set |
public | blueprints() : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint Get blueprints for the page. |
public | cacheControl(string/null $var=null) : string/null Gets and sets the cache-control property. If not set it will return the default value (null) for more details on valid options |
public | cachePageContent() : void Fires the onPageContentProcessed event, and caches the page content using a unique ID for the page |
public | canonical(bool $include_lang=true) : string Returns the canonical URL for a page |
public | childType() : string Returns child page type. |
public | children() : \Grav\Common\Page\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Collection Returns children of this page. |
public | collection(string/string/array $params='content' , bool $pagination=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\CollectionGet a collection of pages in the current context. |
public | content(string/null $var=null) : string Content Gets and Sets the content based on content portion of the .md file |
public | contentMeta() : mixed Get the contentMeta array and initialize content first if it's not already |
public | copy(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $parent) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Prepare a copy from the page. Copies also everything that's under the current page. Returns a new Page object for the copy. You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. |
public | currentPosition() : int/null The index of the current page. Returns the item in the current position. |
public | date(string/null $var=null) : int unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and sets the date for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers |
public | dateformat(string/null $var=null) : string string representation of a date format Gets and sets the date format for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers using typical PHP date string structure - |
public | debugger() : bool Returns the state of the debugger override setting for this page |
public | eTag(bool/null $var=null) : bool show etag header Gets and sets the option to show the etag header for the page. |
public | evaluate(string/array $value, bool $only_published=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Collection |
public | exists() : bool Returns whether the page exists in the filesystem. |
public | expires(int/null $var=null) : int The expires value Gets and sets the expires field. If not set will return the default |
public | extension(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and sets the extension field. |
public | extra() : array Get unknown header variables. |
public | file() : \Grav\Common\Page\MarkdownFile/null Get file object to the page. |
public | filePath(string/null $var=null) : string/null the file path Gets and sets the path to the .md file for this Page object. |
public | filePathClean() : string The relative file path Gets the relative path to the .md file |
public | filter() : void Filter page header from illegal contents. |
public | find(string $url, bool $all=false) : PageInterface page you were looking for if it exists Helper method to return a page. |
public | folder(string/null $var=null) : string/null Get/set the folder. |
public | folderExists() : bool Returns whether or not the current folder exists |
public | forms() : array Alias of $this->getForms(); |
public | frontmatter(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and Sets the page frontmatter |
public | getAction() : string/null The Action string. Gets the action. |
public | getCacheKey() : string |
public | getContentMeta(string/null $name=null) : mixed/null Return the whole contentMeta array as it currently stands |
public | getForms() : array Return all the forms which are associated to this page. Forms are returned as [name => blueprint, ...], where blueprint follows the regular form blueprint format. |
public | getMedia() : \Grav\Common\Page\MediaCollectionInterface/Media Representation of associated media. Gets the associated media collection. |
public | getMediaFolder() : string/null Get filesystem path to the associated media. |
public | getMediaOrder() : array Empty array means default ordering. Get display order for the associated media. |
public | getMediaUri() : string/null Get URI ot the associated media. Method will return null if path isn't URI. |
public | getOriginal() : PageInterface The original version of the page. Gets the Page Unmodified (original) version of the page. |
public | getRawContent() : string the current page content Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to get the raw page content |
public | header(object/array/null $var=null) : object the current YAML configuration Gets and Sets the header based on the YAML configuration at the top of the .md file |
public | home() : bool True if it is the homepage Returns whether or not this page is the currently configured home page. |
public | httpHeaders() : array |
public | httpResponseCode() : int |
public | id(string/null $var=null) : string the identifier Gets and sets the identifier for this Page object. |
public | inherited(string $field) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface Helper method to return an ancestor page to inherit from. The current page object is returned. |
public | inheritedField(string $field) : array Helper method to return an ancestor field only to inherit from. The first occurrence of an ancestor field will be returned if at all. |
public | init(\SplFileInfo $file, string/null $extension=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Initializes the page instance variables based on a file |
public | isDir() : bool True if its a directory Returns whether or not this Page object is a directory or a page. |
public | isFirst() : bool True if item is first. Check to see if this item is the first in an array of sub-pages. |
public | isLast() : bool True if item is last Check to see if this item is the last in an array of sub-pages. |
public | isModule() : bool |
public | isPage() : bool True if its a page with a .md file associated Returns whether or not this Page object has a .md file associated with it or if its just a directory. |
public | language(string/null $var=null) : mixed Get page language |
public | lastModified(bool/null $var=null) : bool show last_modified header Gets and sets the option to show the last_modified header for the page. |
public | link(bool $include_host=false) : string the permalink Gets the URL for a page - alias of url(). |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 |
public | media(\Grav\Common\Page\Media/null $var=null) : Media Representation of associated media. Gets and sets the associated media as found in the page folder. |
public | menu(string/null $var=null) : string the menu field for the page Gets and sets the menu name for this Page. This is the text that can be used specifically for navigation. If no menu field is set, it will use the title() |
public | metadata(array/null $var=null) : array an Array of metadata values for the page Function to merge page metadata tags and build an array of Metadata objects that can then be rendered in the page. |
public | modified(int/null $var=null) : int modified unix timestamp Gets and sets the modified timestamp. |
public | modifyHeader(string $key, mixed $value) : void Modify a header value directly |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use ->isModule() or ->modularTwig() method instead. |
public | modularTwig(bool/null $var=null) : bool true if modular_twig Gets and sets the modular_twig var that helps identify this page as a modular child page that will need twig processing handled differently from a regular page. |
public | move(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $parent) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Prepare move page to new location. Moves also everything that's under the current page. You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. |
public | name(string/null $var=null) : string The name of this page. Gets and sets the name field. If no name field is set, it will return ''. |
public | nextSibling() : PageInterface the next Page item Gets the next sibling based on current position. |
public | order(int/null $var=null) : string/bool Get/set order number of this page. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 |
public | parent(\Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $var=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\PageInterface/null the parent page object if it exists. Gets and Sets the parent object for this page |
public | path(string/null $var=null) : string/null the path Gets and sets the path to the folder where the .md for this Page object resides. This is equivalent to the filePath but without the filename. |
public | permalink() : string The permalink. Gets the URL with host information, aka Permalink. |
public | prevSibling() : PageInterface the previous Page item Gets the previous sibling based on current position. |
public | process(array/null $var=null) : array an Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false Gets and Sets the process setup for this Page. This is multi-dimensional array that consists of a simple array of arrays with the form array("markdown"=>true) for example |
public | publishDate(string/null $var=null) : int unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and Sets the Page publish date |
public | published(bool/null $var=null) : bool true if the page is published Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is considered published |
public | raw(string/null $var=null) : string Raw content string Gets and Sets the raw data |
public | rawMarkdown(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and Sets the Page raw content |
public | rawRoute(string/null $var=null) : null/string Gets and Sets the page raw route |
public | redirect(string/null $var=null) : string/null Gets the redirect set in the header. |
public | relativePagePath() : string Returns the clean path to the page file |
public | resetMetadata() : void Reset the metadata and pull from header again |
public | root() : bool True if it is the root Returns whether or not this page is the root node of the pages tree. |
public | routable(bool/null $var=null) : bool true if the page is routable Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is routable, ie you can reach it via a URL. The page must be routable and published |
public | route(string/null $var=null) : string The route for the Page. Gets the route for the page based on the route headers if available, else from the parents route and the current Page's slug. |
public | routeAliases(array/null $var=null) : array The route aliases for the Page. Gets the route aliases for the page based on page headers. |
public | routeCanonical(string/null $var=null) : bool/string Gets the canonical route for this page if its set. If provided it will use that value, else if it's true it will use the default route. |
public | save(bool/bool/array $reorder=true) : void Save page if there's a file assigned to it. |
public | setContentMeta(array $content_meta) : array Sets the whole content meta array in one shot |
public | setRawContent(string $content) : void Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to set the raw page content |
public | setSummary(string $summary) : void Sets the summary of the page |
public | shouldProcess(string $process) : bool whether or not the processing method is enabled for this Page Gets the configured state of the processing method. |
public | slug(string/null $var=null) : string the slug Gets and Sets the slug for the Page. The slug is used in the URL routing. If not set it uses the parent folder from the path |
public | ssl(bool/null $var=null) : bool |
public | summary(int/null $size=null, bool $textOnly=false) : string Get the summary. |
public | taxonomy(array/null $var=null) : array an array of taxonomies Gets and sets the taxonomy array which defines which taxonomies this page identifies itself with. |
public | template(string/null $var=null) : string the template name Gets and sets the template field. This is used to find the correct Twig template file to render. If no field is set, it will return the name without the .md extension |
public | templateFormat(string/null $var=null) : string Allows a page to override the output render format, usually the extension provided in the URL. (e.g. html , json , xml , etc). |
public | title(string/null $var=null) : string the title of the Page Gets and sets the title for this Page. If no title is set, it will use the slug() to get a name |
public | toArray() : array Convert page to an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert page to JSON encoded string. |
public | toYaml() : string Convert page to YAML encoded string. |
public | topParent() : PageInterface The top parent page object. Gets the top parent object for this page. Can return page itself. |
public | translatedLanguages(bool $onlyPublished=false) : array the page translated languages Return an array with the routes of other translated languages |
public | unpublishDate(string/null $var=null) : int/null unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and Sets the Page unpublish date |
public | unsetRouteSlug() : void Helper method to clear the route out so it regenerates next time you use it |
public | untranslatedLanguages(bool $includeUnpublished=false) : array the page untranslated languages Return an array listing untranslated languages available |
public | url(bool $include_host=false, bool $canonical=false, bool $include_base=true, bool $raw_route=false) : string The url. Gets the url for the Page. |
public | urlExtension() : string The extension of this page. For example .html Returns the page extension, got from the page url_extension config and falls back to the system config system.pages.append_url_extension . |
public | validate() : void Validate page header. |
public | value(string $name, mixed $default=null) : mixed Get value from a page variable (used mostly for creating edit forms). |
public | visible(bool/null $var=null) : bool true if the page is visible Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is visible for navigation |
protected | adjustRouteCase(string $route) : string |
protected | cleanPath(string $path) : string the path Cleans the path. |
protected | clearMediaCache() : void Clear media cache. |
protected | doRelocation() : void Moves or copies the page in filesystem. |
protected | doReorder(array/null $new_order) : void Reorders all siblings according to a defined order |
protected | freeMedia() : void |
protected | getInheritedParams(string $field) : array Method that contains shared logic for inherited() and inheritedField() |
protected | getMediaCache() : \Grav\Common\Page\CacheInterface |
protected | normalizeForm(array/null $form, string/null $name=null, array $rules=array()) : array/null |
protected | processFrontmatter() : void |
protected | processMarkdown() : void Process the Markdown content. Uses Parsedown or Parsedown Extra depending on configuration |
protected | setMedia(\Grav\Common\Page\MediaCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Media/\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : \Grav\Common\Page\$this Sets the associated media collection. |
protected | setPublishState() : void |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageLegacyInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageTranslateInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageRoutableInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageFormInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageContentInterface
Class implements page interface.
Visibility | Function |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageContentInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageFormInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageRoutableInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageTranslateInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageLegacyInterface
Interface PageCollectionInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | addPage(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\$this Add a single page to a collection |
public | adjacentSibling(string $path, int $direction=1) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface/false The sibling item. Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. |
public | batch(int $size) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface[] Split collection into array of smaller collections. |
public | copy() : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\static Create a copy of this collection |
public | currentPosition(string $path) : int/null The index of the current page, null if not found. Returns the item in the current position. |
public | dateRange(string $startDate, bool $endDate=false, string/null $field=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface Returns the items between a set of date ranges of either the page date field (default) or an arbitrary datetime page field where end date is optional Dates can be passed in as text that strtotime() can process |
public | intersect(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface $collection) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface Intersect another collection with the current collection |
public | isFirst(string $path) : bool True if item is first. Check to see if this item is the first in the collection. |
public | isLast(string $path) : bool True if item is last. Check to see if this item is the last in the collection. |
public | merge(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface $collection) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface Merge another collection with the current collection |
public | modular() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only modular pages Creates new collection with only modular pages |
public | nextSibling(string $path) : PageInterface The next item. Gets the next sibling based on current position. |
public | nonModular() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-modular pages Creates new collection with only non-modular pages |
public | nonPublished() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-published pages Creates new collection with only non-published pages |
public | nonRoutable() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-routable pages Creates new collection with only non-routable pages |
public | nonVisible() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-visible pages Creates new collection with only non-visible pages |
public | ofOneOfTheseAccessLevels(array $accessLevels) : PageCollectionInterface The collection Creates new collection with only pages of one of the specified access levels |
public | ofOneOfTheseTypes(string[] $types) : PageCollectionInterface The collection Creates new collection with only pages of one of the specified types |
public | ofType(string $type) : PageCollectionInterface The collection Creates new collection with only pages of the specified type |
public | order(string $by, string $dir='asc' , array/null $manual=null, string/null $sort_flags=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterfaceReorder collection. |
public | params() : array Get the collection params |
public | prevSibling(string $path) : PageInterface The previous item. Gets the previous sibling based on current position. |
public | published() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only published pages Creates new collection with only published pages |
public | routable() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only routable pages Creates new collection with only routable pages |
public | setParams(array $params) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\$this Set parameters to the Collection |
public | toArray() : array Converts collection into an array. |
public | toExtendedArray() : array Get the extended version of this Collection with each page keyed by route |
public | visible() : PageCollectionInterface The collection with only visible pages Creates new collection with only visible pages |
This class implements \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \Serializable
Interface PageRoutableInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | active() : bool True if it is active Returns whether or not this page is the currently active page requested via the URL. |
public | activeChild() : bool True if active child exists Returns whether or not this URI's URL contains the URL of the active page. Or in other words, is this page's URL in the current URL |
public | canonical(bool $include_lang=true) : string Returns the canonical URL for a page |
public | currentPosition() : int/null The index of the current page. Returns the item in the current position. |
public | folder(string/null $var=null) : string/null Get/set the folder. |
public | home() : bool True if it is the homepage Returns whether or not this page is the currently configured home page. |
public | link(bool/bool/null $include_host=false) : string the permalink Gets the URL for a page - alias of url(). |
public | parent(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $var=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface/null the parent page object if it exists. Gets and Sets the parent object for this page |
public | path(string/null $var=null) : string/null the path Gets and sets the path to the folder where the .md for this Page object resides. This is equivalent to the filePath but without the filename. |
public | permalink() : string The permalink. Gets the URL with host information, aka Permalink. |
public | rawRoute(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and Sets the page raw route |
public | redirect(string/null $var=null) : string Gets the redirect set in the header. |
public | relativePagePath() : void Returns the clean path to the page file |
public | root() : bool True if it is the root Returns whether or not this page is the root node of the pages tree. |
public | routable(bool/null $var=null) : bool true if the page is routable Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is routable, ie you can reach it via a URL. The page must be routable and published |
public | route(string/null $var=null) : string The route for the Page. Gets the route for the page based on the route headers if available, else from the parents route and the current Page's slug. |
public | routeAliases(array/null $var=null) : array The route aliases for the Page. Gets the route aliases for the page based on page headers. |
public | routeCanonical(string/null $var=null) : bool/string Gets the canonical route for this page if its set. If provided it will use that value, else if it's true it will use the default route. |
public | topParent() : PageInterface The top parent page object. Gets the top parent object for this page. Can return page itself. |
public | unsetRouteSlug() : void Helper method to clear the route out so it regenerates next time you use it |
public | url(bool $include_host=false, bool $canonical=false, bool $include_lang=true, bool $raw_route=false) : string The url. Gets the url for the Page. |
public | urlExtension() : string The extension of this page. For example .html Returns the page extension, got from the page url_extension config and falls back to the system config system.pages.append_url_extension . |
Interface PageLegacyInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | addContentMeta(string $name, mixed $value) : void Add an entry to the page's contentMeta array |
public | addForms(array $new) : void |
public | adjacentSibling(int $direction=1) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface/false the sibling page Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. |
public | ancestor(bool/null $lookup=null) : PageInterface page you were looking for if it exists Helper method to return an ancestor page. |
public | blueprintName() : string Get the blueprint name for this page. Use the blueprint form field if set |
public | blueprints() : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint Get blueprints for the page. |
public | cacheControl(string/null $var=null) : string/null Gets and sets the cache-control property. If not set it will return the default value (null) for more details on valid options |
public | cachePageContent() : void Fires the onPageContentProcessed event, and caches the page content using a unique ID for the page |
public | childType() : string Returns child page type. |
public | children() : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\Collection Returns children of this page. |
public | collection(string/string/array $params='content' , bool $pagination=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\CollectionGet a collection of pages in the current context. |
public | contentMeta() : mixed Get the contentMeta array and initialize content first if it's not already |
public | copy(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $parent) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\$this Prepare a copy from the page. Copies also everything that's under the current page. Returns a new Page object for the copy. You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. |
public | debugger() : bool Returns the state of the debugger override etting for this page |
public | eTag(bool/null $var=null) : bool show etag header Gets and sets the option to show the etag header for the page. |
public | evaluate(string/array $value, bool $only_published=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\Collection |
public | expires(int/null $var=null) : int The expires value Gets and sets the expires field. If not set will return the default |
public | extension(string/null $var=null) : string/null Gets and sets the extension field. |
public | extra() : array Get unknown header variables. |
public | file() : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\MarkdownFile/null Get file object to the page. |
public | filePath(string/null $var=null) : string/null the file path Gets and sets the path to the .md file for this Page object. |
public | filePathClean() : string The relative file path Gets the relative path to the .md file |
public | filter() : void Filter page header from illegal contents. |
public | find(string $url, bool $all=false) : PageInterface page you were looking for if it exists Helper method to return a page. |
public | folderExists() : bool Returns whether or not the current folder exists |
public | forms() : array Returns normalized list of name => form pairs. |
public | frontmatter(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and Sets the page frontmatter |
public | getAction() : string The Action string. Gets the action. |
public | getContentMeta(string/null $name=null) : mixed Return the whole contentMeta array as it currently stands |
public | getOriginal() : PageInterface The original version of the page. Gets the Page Unmodified (original) version of the page. |
public | httpHeaders() : array |
public | httpResponseCode() : int |
public | inherited(string $field) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface Helper method to return an ancestor page to inherit from. The current page object is returned. |
public | inheritedField(string $field) : array Helper method to return an ancestor field only to inherit from. The first occurrence of an ancestor field will be returned if at all. |
public | init(\SplFileInfo $file, string/null $extension=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\$this Initializes the page instance variables based on a file |
public | isFirst() : bool True if item is first. Check to see if this item is the first in an array of sub-pages. |
public | isLast() : bool True if item is last Check to see if this item is the last in an array of sub-pages. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 |
public | metadata(array/null $var=null) : array an Array of metadata values for the page Function to merge page metadata tags and build an array of Metadata objects that can then be rendered in the page. |
public | modifyHeader(string $key, mixed $value) : void Modify a header value directly |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use ->isModule() or ->modularTwig() method instead. |
public | modularTwig(bool/null $var=null) : bool true if modular_twig Gets and sets the modular_twig var that helps identify this page as a modular child page that will need twig processing handled differently from a regular page. |
public | move(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $parent) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\$this Prepare move page to new location. Moves also everything that's under the current page. You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. |
public | name(string/null $var=null) : string The name of this page. Gets and sets the name field. If no name field is set, it will return ''. |
public | nextSibling() : PageInterface the next Page item Gets the next sibling based on current position. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 |
public | prevSibling() : PageInterface the previous Page item Gets the previous sibling based on current position. |
public | raw(string/null $var=null) : string Raw content string Gets and Sets the raw data |
public | save(bool/bool/mixed $reorder=true) : void Save page if there's a file assigned to it. |
public | setContentMeta(array $content_meta) : array Sets the whole content meta array in one shot |
public | ssl(bool/null $var=null) : bool |
public | template(string/null $var=null) : string the template name Gets and sets the template field. This is used to find the correct Twig template file to render. If no field is set, it will return the name without the .md extension |
public | templateFormat(string/null $var=null) : string Allows a page to override the output render format, usually the extension provided in the URL. (e.g. html , json , xml , etc). |
public | toArray() : array Convert page to an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert page to JSON encoded string. |
public | toYaml() : string Convert page to YAML encoded string. |
public | validate() : void Validate page header. |
Interface PageFormInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | addForms(array $new) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\$this Add forms to this page. |
public | forms() : array Alias of $this->getForms(); |
Methods currently implemented in Flex Page emulation layer.
Visibility | Function |
public | content(string/null $var=null) : string Content Gets and Sets the content based on content portion of the .md file |
public | date(string/null $var=null) : int Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and sets the date for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers |
public | dateformat(string/null $var=null) : string String representation of a date format Gets and sets the date format for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers using typical PHP date string structure - |
public | exists() : bool Returns whether the page exists in the filesystem. |
public | folder(string/null $var=null) : string/null The folder Get/set the folder. |
public | getRawContent() : string the current page content Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to get the raw page content |
public | header(object/array/null $var=null) : object the current YAML configuration Gets and Sets the header based on the YAML configuration at the top of the .md file |
public | id(string/null $var=null) : string The identifier Gets and sets the identifier for this Page object. |
public | isDir() : bool True if its a directory Returns whether or not this Page object is a directory or a page. |
public | isModule() : bool Returns true if page is a module. |
public | isPage() : bool True if its a page with a .md file associated Returns whether or not this Page object has a .md file associated with it or if its just a directory. |
public | lastModified(bool/null $var=null) : bool Show last_modified header Gets and sets the option to show the last_modified header for the page. |
public | media(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface/null $var=null) : MediaCollectionInterface Representation of associated media. Gets and sets the associated media as found in the page folder. |
public | menu(string/null $var=null) : string The menu field for the page Gets and sets the menu name for this Page. This is the text that can be used specifically for navigation. If no menu field is set, it will use the title() |
public | modified(int/null $var=null) : int Modified unix timestamp Gets and sets the modified timestamp. |
public | order(int/null $var=null) : string/bool Order in a form of '02.' or false if not set Get/set order number of this page. |
public | process(array/null $var=null) : array Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false Gets and Sets the process setup for this Page. This is multi-dimensional array that consists of a simple array of arrays with the form array("markdown"=>true) for example |
public | publishDate(string/null $var=null) : int Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and Sets the Page publish date |
public | published(bool/null $var=null) : bool True if the page is published Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is considered published |
public | rawMarkdown(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and Sets the Page raw content |
public | setRawContent(string $content) : void Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to set the raw page content |
public | setSummary(string $summary) : void Sets the summary of the page |
public | shouldProcess(string $process) : bool Whether or not the processing method is enabled for this Page Gets the configured state of the processing method. |
public | slug(string/null $var=null) : string The slug Gets and Sets the slug for the Page. The slug is used in the URL routing. If not set it uses the parent folder from the path |
public | summary(int/null $size=null, bool $textOnly=false) : string Get the summary. |
public | taxonomy(array/null $var=null) : array An array of taxonomies Gets and sets the taxonomy array which defines which taxonomies this page identifies itself with. |
public | title(string/null $var=null) : string The title of the Page Gets and sets the title for this Page. If no title is set, it will use the slug() to get a name |
public | unpublishDate(string/null $var=null) : int/null Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and Sets the Page unpublish date |
public | value(string $name, mixed/null $default=null) : mixed Get value from a page variable (used mostly for creating edit forms). |
public | visible(bool/null $var=null) : bool True if the page is visible Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is visible for navigation |
Interface PagesSourceInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | get(\string $route) : \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface/null Get the page for the given route. |
public | getChecksum() : string Get checksum for the page source. |
public | getChildren(\string $route, array/null/array $options=null) : array Get the children for the given route. |
public | getTimestamp() : int Get timestamp for the page source. |
public | has(\string $route) : bool Returns true if the source contains a page for the given route. |
Interface PageTranslateInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | language(string/null $var=null) : mixed Get page language |
public | translatedLanguages(bool $onlyPublished=false) : array the page translated languages Return an array with the routes of other translated languages |
public | untranslatedLanguages(bool $includeUnpublished=false) : array the page untranslated languages Return an array listing untranslated languages available |
Class Excerpts
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Page\Markdown\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $page=null, array/null/array $config=null) : void Excerpts constructor. |
public | fireInitializedEvent(object $markdown) : void |
public | getConfig() : array |
public | getPage() : \Grav\Common\Page\Markdown\PageInterface/null |
public | processImageExcerpt(array $excerpt) : array Process an image excerpt |
public | processLinkExcerpt(array $excerpt, \string $type='link' ) : arrayProcess a Link excerpt |
public | processMediaActions(\Grav\Common\Page\Markdown\Medium $medium, string/array $url) : \Grav\Common\Page\Markdown\Medium/\Grav\Common\Page\Markdown\Link Process media actions |
protected | parseUrl(\string $url) : array Variation of parse_url() which works also with local streams. |
protected | resolveStream(\string $url) : string |
Class AudioMedium
Visibility | Function |
public | autoplay(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the autoplay attribute |
public | controls(bool $status=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set or remove the HTML5 default controls |
public | controlsList(string $controlsList) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the controlsList behaviour Separate multiple values with a hyphen |
public | loop(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the loop attribute |
public | muted(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the muted attribute |
public | preload(string/null $preload=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the preload behaviour |
public | reset() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Reset medium. |
public | resetPlayer() : void Reset player. |
public | resize(int/null $width=null, int/null $height=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Resize media by setting attributes |
protected | sourceParsedownElement(array $attributes, bool $reset=true) : array Parsedown element for source display mode |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaFileInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\RenderableInterface, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\AudioMediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaPlayerInterface
Class MediumFactory
Visibility | Function |
public static | fromArray(array $items=array(), \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Blueprint/null/\Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint $blueprint=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium Create Medium from array of parameters |
public static | fromFile(string $file, array $params=array()) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium/null Create Medium from a file |
public static | fromUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, array $params=array()) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium/null Create Medium from an uploaded file |
public static | scaledFromMedium(\Grav\Common\Page\Medium\ImageMediaInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterface $medium, int $from, int $to) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\ImageMediaInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterface/array Create a new ImageMedium by scaling another ImageMedium object. |
Class VideoMedium
Visibility | Function |
public | autoplay(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the autoplay attribute |
public | controls(bool $status=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set or remove the HTML5 default controls |
public | loop(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the loop attribute |
public | muted(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the muted attribute |
public | playsinline(bool $status=false) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the playsinline attribute |
public | poster(string $urlImage) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the video's poster image |
public | preload(string/null $preload=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the preload behaviour |
public | reset() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Reset medium. |
public | resetPlayer() : void Reset player. |
public | resize(int/null $width=null, int/null $height=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Resize media by setting attributes |
protected | sourceParsedownElement(array $attributes, bool $reset=true) : array Parsedown element for source display mode |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaFileInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\RenderableInterface, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\VideoMediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaPlayerInterface
Class ThumbnailImageMedium
Visibility | Function |
public | display(string $mode='source' ) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaLinkInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterface/nullSwitch display mode. |
public | html(string/null $title=null, string/null $alt=null, string/null $class=null, string/null $id=null, bool $reset=true) : string Return HTML markup from the medium. |
public | lightbox(int/null $width=null, int/null $height=null, bool $reset=true) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaLinkInterface Turn the current Medium into a Link with lightbox enabled |
public | link(bool $reset=true, array $attributes=array()) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaLinkInterface Turn the current Medium into a Link |
public | parsedownElement(string/null $title=null, string/null $alt=null, string/null $class=null, string/null $id=null, bool $reset=true) : array Get an element (is array) that can be rendered by the Parsedown engine |
public | srcset(bool $reset=true) : string Return srcset string for this Medium and its alternatives. |
public | thumbnail(string $type='auto' ) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaLinkInterface/\Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterfaceSwitch thumbnail. |
protected | bubble(string $method, array $arguments=array(), bool $testLinked=true) : mixed Bubble a function call up to either the superclass function or the parent Medium instance |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\ImageMedium
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\ImageManipulateInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\ImageMediaInterface, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\RenderableInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaFileInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface
Class StaticImageMedium
Visibility | Function |
public | loading(string/null $value=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the loading attribute from Markdown or Twig |
public | resize(int/null $width=null, int/null $height=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Resize media by setting attributes |
protected | sourceParsedownElement(array $attributes, bool $reset=true) : array Parsedown element for source display mode |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaFileInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\RenderableInterface, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\ImageMediaInterface
Class AbstractMedia
Visibility | Function |
public | __invoke(string $filename) : mixed Call object as function to get medium by filename. |
public | add(string $name, \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterface/null $file) : void |
public | all() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all media. |
public | audios() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all audio media. |
public | checkUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, array/null/array $settings=null) : string Checks that uploaded file meets the requirements. Returns new filename. |
public | copyUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename, array/null/array $settings=null) : void Copy uploaded file to the media collection. WARNING: Always check uploaded file before copying it! |
public | count() : int Implements Countable interface. |
public | createFromArray(array $items=array(), \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Blueprint/null/\Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint $blueprint=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium/null Create Medium from array of parameters |
public | createFromFile(string $file, array $params=array()) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium/null Create Medium from a file. |
public | createFromUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, array $params=array()) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium/null Create Medium from an uploaded file. |
public | current() : mixed Can return any type. Returns the current element. |
public | deleteFile(\string $filename, array/null/array $settings=null) : void Delete real file from the media collection. |
public | files() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all file media. |
public | get(string $filename) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterface/null Get medium by filename. |
public | getImageFileObject(\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface $mediaObject) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\ImageFile |
public | getPath() : string/null Return media path. |
public | images() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all image media. |
public | key() : string/null Returns key on success, or NULL on failure. Returns the key of the current element. |
public | next() : void Moves the current position to the next element. |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(string/null $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(string $offset) : void Unsets an offset. |
public | renameFile(\string $from, \string $to, array/null/array $settings=null) : void Rename file inside the media collection. |
public | rewind() : void Rewinds back to the first element of the Iterator. |
public | setPath(string/null/\string $path) : void |
public | setTimestamps(string/int/null $timestamp=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Set file modification timestamps (query params) for all the media files. |
public | toArray() : array Convert object into an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert object into JSON string. |
public | toYaml(int $inline=3, int $indent=2) : string A YAML string representing the object. Convert object into YAML string. |
public | valid() : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. This method is called after Iterator::rewind() and Iterator::next() to check if the current position is valid. |
public | videos() : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface[] Get a list of all video media. |
protected | clearCache() : void |
protected | doAddUploadedMedium(\string $name, \string $filename, \string $path) : void |
protected | doCopy(\string $src, \string $dst, \string $path) : void Internal logic to copy file. |
protected | doMoveUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename, \string $path) : void Internal logic to move uploaded file. |
protected | doRemove(\string $filename, \string $path) : void Internal logic to remove file. |
protected | doRemoveMetadata(\string $filename, \string $path) : void |
protected | doRename(\string $from, \string $to, \string $path) : void Internal logic to rename file. |
protected | doSanitizeSvg(\string $filename, \string $path) : void |
protected | doSaveMetadata(array $metadata, \string $filename, \string $path) : void |
protected | fileExists(\string $filename, \string $destination) : void |
protected | getConfig() : mixed |
protected | getFileParts(string $filename) : array Get filename, extension and meta part. |
protected | getGrav() : mixed |
protected | getLanguage() : mixed |
protected | getUploadSettings(array/null/array $settings=null) : array Get upload settings. |
protected | orderMedia(array $media) : array Order the media based on the page's media_order |
protected | translate(\string $string) : string |
$filename = null; // Override filename if needed (ignored if randomizing filenames).
$settings = ['destination' => 'user://pages/media']; // Settings from the form field.
$filename = $media->checkUploadedFile($uploadedFile, $filename, $settings);
$media->copyUploadedFile($uploadedFile, $filename);
$settings = ['destination' => 'user://pages/media']; // Settings from the form field.
$filename = $media->checkUploadedFile($uploadedFile, $filename, $settings);
$media->copyUploadedFile($uploadedFile, $filename, $settings);
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \Iterator, \Traversable, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaUploadInterface
Interface RenderableInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | html(string/null $title=null, string/null $alt=null, string/null $class=null, string/null $id=null, bool $reset=true) : string Return HTML markup from the medium. |
public | parsedownElement(string/null $title=null, string/null $alt=null, string/null $class=null, string/null $id=null, bool $reset=true) : array Return Parsedown Element from the medium. |
Class ImageMedium
Visibility | Function |
public | __call(string $method, mixed $args) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this/mixed Forward the call to the image processing method. |
public | __clone() : void Also clone image. |
public | __construct(array $items=array(), \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Blueprint/null/\Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint $blueprint=null) : void Construct. |
public | __destruct() : void Also unset the image on destruct. |
public | addMetaFile(string $filepath) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Add meta file for the medium. |
public | cache() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Simply processes with no extra methods. Useful for triggering events. |
public | clearAlternatives() : void Clear out the alternatives. |
public | cropZoom() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Handle this commonly used variant |
public | derivatives(int/int[] $min_width, int $max_width=2500, int $step=200) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Generate alternative image widths, using either an array of integers, or a min width, a max width, and a step parameter to fill out the necessary widths. Existing image alternatives won't be overwritten. |
public | filter(string $filter='image.filters.default' ) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$thisFilter image by using user defined filter parameters. |
public | format(string $format) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Sets image output format. |
public | getImagePrettyName() : string |
public | getMeta() : array |
public | height(string/string/int $value='auto' ) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$thisAllows to set the height attribute from Markdown or Twig Examples: {{['myimg.png'].width().height().html }} {{['myimg.png'].resize(100,200).width(100).height(200).html }} |
public | higherQualityAlternative() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\ImageMediaInterface/$this the alternative version with higher quality Return the image higher quality version |
public | lightbox(int $width=null, int $height=null, bool $reset=true) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaLinkInterface Turn the current Medium into a Link with lightbox enabled |
public | link(bool $reset=true, array $attributes=array()) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaLinkInterface Turn the current Medium into a Link |
public | loading(string/null $value=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to set the loading attribute from Markdown or Twig |
public | path(bool $reset=true) : string path to image Return PATH to image. |
public | quality(int/null $quality=null) : int/\Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Sets or gets the quality of the image |
public | reset() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Reset image. |
public | setImagePrettyName(string $name) : void Allows the ability to override the image's pretty name stored in cache |
public | sizes(string/null $sizes=null) : string Set or get sizes parameter for srcset media action |
public | sourceParsedownElement(array $attributes, bool $reset=true) : array Parsedown element for source display mode |
public | srcset(bool $reset=true) : string Return srcset string for this Medium and its alternatives. |
public | url(bool $reset=true) : string Return URL to image. |
public | width(string/string/int $value='auto' ) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$thisAllows to set the width attribute from Markdown or Twig Examples: {{['myimg.png'].width().height().html }} {{['myimg.png'].resize(100,200).width(100).height(200).html }} |
protected | image() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Gets medium image, resets image manipulation operations. |
protected | saveImage() : string Save the image with cache. |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaFileInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\RenderableInterface, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\ImageMediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\ImageManipulateInterface
Class Medium
Visibility | Function |
public | __call(string $method, array $args) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allow any action to be called on this medium from twig or markdown |
public | __clone() : void Clone medium. |
public | __construct(array $items=array(), \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Blueprint/null/\Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint $blueprint=null) : void Construct. |
public | __toString() : string Return string representation of the object (html). |
public | addAlternative(int/float $ratio, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface $alternative) : void Add alternative Medium to this Medium. |
public | addMetaFile(string $filepath) : void Add meta file for the medium. |
public | classes() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Add a class to the element from Markdown or Twig Example: or |
public | copy() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\static Create a copy of this media object |
public | display(string $mode='source' ) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterface/nullSwitch display mode. |
public | exists() : bool Check if this medium exists or not |
public | getMeta() : array |
public | html(string/null $title=null, string/null $alt=null, string/null $class=null, string/null $id=null, bool $reset=true) : string Return HTML markup from the medium. |
public | id(string $id) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Add an id to the element from Markdown or Twig Example: |
public | lightbox(int/null $width=null, int/null $height=null, bool $reset=true) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaLinkInterface Turn the current Medium into a Link with lightbox enabled |
public | link(bool $reset=true, array $attributes=array()) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaLinkInterface Turn the current Medium into a Link |
public | meta() : \Grav\Common\Data\Data Return just metadata from the Medium object |
public | metadata() : array Returns an array containing just the metadata |
public | modified() : int/null Get file modification time for the medium. |
public | parsedownElement(string/null $title=null, string/null $alt=null, string/null $class=null, string/null $id=null, bool $reset=true) : array Get an element (is array) that can be rendered by the Parsedown engine |
public | path(bool $reset=true) : string path to file Return PATH to file. |
public | querystring(string/null $querystring=null, bool $withQuestionmark=true) : string Get/set querystring for the file's url |
public | relativePath(bool $reset=true) : string Return the relative path to file |
public | reset() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Reset medium. |
public | setTimestamp(string/int/null $timestamp=null) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Set querystring to file modification timestamp (or value provided as a parameter). |
public | size() : int Get size of the medium. |
public | style(string $style) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$this Allows to add an inline style attribute from Markdown or Twig Example: |
public | thumbnail(string $type='auto' ) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\$thisSwitch thumbnail. |
public | thumbnailExists(string $type='page' ) : boolHelper method to determine if this media item has a thumbnail or not |
public | url(bool $reset=true) : string Return URL to file. |
public | urlHash(string/null $hash=null, bool $withHash=true) : string Get/set hash for the file's url |
public | urlQuerystring(string $url) : string Get the URL with full querystring |
protected | createLink(array $attributes) : \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaLinkInterface |
protected | createThumbnail(string $thumb) : mixed |
protected | getGrav() : \Grav\Common\Grav |
protected | getItems() : array |
protected | getThumbnail() : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\ThumbnailImageMedium/null Get the thumbnail Medium object |
protected | sourceParsedownElement(array $attributes, bool $reset=true) : array Parsedown element for source display mode |
protected | textParsedownElement(array $attributes, bool $reset=true) : array Parsedown element for text display mode |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Data\Data
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\RenderableInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaFileInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaObjectInterface
Class ImageFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __destruct() : void Destruct also image object. |
public | cacheFile(string $type='jpg' , int $quality=80, bool $actual=false, array $extras=array()) : stringThis is the same as the Gregwar Image class except this one fires a Grav Event on creation of new cached file |
public | clearOperations() : void Clear previously applied operations |
public | fixOrientation() : void Read exif rotation from file and apply it. |
public | generateHash(string $type='guess' , int $quality=80, array $extras=array()) : voidGenerates the hash. |
public | getHash(string $type='guess' , int $quality=80, array $extras=array()) : stringGets the hash. |
This class extends \Gregwar\Image\Image
Class GlobalMedia
Visibility | Function |
public static | getInstance() : mixed |
public | getPath() : string/null Return media path. |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterface/null |
protected | addMedium(string $stream) : \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\MediaObjectInterface/null |
protected | resolveStream(string $filename) : string/null |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Page\Medium\AbstractMedia
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaUploadInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface, \Traversable, \Iterator, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface
Class SchedulerProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class DebuggerAssetsProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class PluginsProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class ThemesProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class ProcessorBase
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $container) : void ProcessorBase constructor. |
protected | addMessage(string $message, string $label='info' , bool $isString=true) : void |
protected | startTimer(string/null $id=null, string/null $title=null) : void |
protected | stopTimer(string/null $id=null) : void |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface, \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface
Class AssetsProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class PagesProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class BackupsProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class RequestProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class RenderProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class TwigProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class TasksProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Class InitializeProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public static | initializeCli(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav) : void |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface |
public | processCli() : void |
protected | handleDebuggerRequest(\Grav\Common\Debugger $debugger, \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : \Grav\Common\Processors\ResponseInterface/null |
protected | handleRedirectRequest(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config, \Grav\Common\Uri $uri) : void |
protected | initializeConfig() : \Grav\Common\Config\Config |
protected | initializeDebugger() : \Grav\Common\Debugger |
protected | initializeErrors() : \Grav\Common\Errors\Errors |
protected | initializeLocale(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : void |
protected | initializeLogger(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : \Monolog\Logger |
protected | initializeOutputBuffering(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : void |
protected | initializePages(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : void |
protected | initializePlugins() : void |
protected | initializeSession(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : void |
protected | initializeUri(\Grav\Common\Config\Config $config) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorBase
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, \Grav\Common\Processors\ProcessorInterface
Interface ProcessorInterface
Visibility | Function |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface
Class RequestHandlerEvent
Visibility | Function |
public | addMiddleware(\string $name, \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface $middleware) : \Grav\Common\Processors\Events\RequestHandlerEvent |
public | getHandler() : \Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\RequestHandler |
public | getRequest() : \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface |
public | getResponse() : \Grav\Common\Processors\Events\ResponseInterface/null |
public | getRoute() : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | setResponse(\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) : \Grav\Common\Processors\Events\$this |
This class extends \RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event
This class implements \ArrayAccess
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string/null $cron=null) : void |
public | getCron() : string |
public | getCronDaysOfMonth() : string |
public | getCronDaysOfWeek() : string |
public | getCronHours() : string |
public | getCronMinutes() : string |
public | getCronMonths() : string |
public | getDaysOfMonth() : array |
public | getDaysOfWeek() : array |
public | getHours() : array |
public | getMinutes() : array |
public | getMonths() : array |
public | getText(string $lang) : string |
public | getType() : string |
public | matchExact(int/string/\Grav\Common\Scheduler\DateTime $date) : void |
public | matchWithMargin(int/string/\Grav\Common\Scheduler\DateTime $date, int $minuteBefore, int $minuteAfter) : void |
public | setCron(string $cron) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this |
public | setDaysOfMonth(string/string[] $dom) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this |
public | setDaysOfWeek(string/string[] $dow) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this |
public | setHours(string/string[] $hours) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this |
public | setMinutes(string/string[] $minutes) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this |
public | setMonths(string/string[] $months) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this |
protected | arrayToCron(array $array) : string |
protected | cronToArray(array/string $string, int $min, int $max) : array |
protected | parseDate(mixed $date, int $min, int $hour, int $day, int $month, int $weekday) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\DateTime |
Class Job
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string/callable $command, array $args=array(), string/null $id=null) : void Create a new Job instance. |
public | april(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every April. |
public | at(string $expression) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the Job execution time. *compo |
public | august(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every August. |
public | backlink(string/null $link=null) : string/null Sets/Gets an option backlink |
public | before(\callable $fn) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set function to be called before job execution Job object is injected as a parameter to callable function. |
public | configure(array $config=array()) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Configure the job. |
public | daily(int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to once a day. |
public | december(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every December. |
public | email(string/array $email) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the emails where the output should be sent to. The Job should be set to write output to a file for this to work. |
public | everyMinute() : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every minute. |
public | february(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every February. |
public | finalize() : void Finish up processing the job |
public | friday(int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every Friday. |
public | getArguments() : string/null Get optional arguments |
public | getAt() : string Get the cron 'at' syntax for this job |
public | getCommand() : \Closure/string Get the command |
public | getCronExpression() : \Cron\CronExpression |
public | getEnabled() : bool Get the status of this job |
public | getId() : string Get the Job id. |
public | getOutput() : mixed Get the job output. |
public | hourly(int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every hour. |
public | inForeground() : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this Force the Job to run in foreground. |
public | isDue(\Grav\Common\Scheduler\DateTime/null/\DateTime $date=null) : bool Check if the Job is due to run. It accepts as input a DateTime used to check if the job is due. Defaults to job creation time. It also default the execution time if not previously defined. |
public | isOverlapping() : bool Check if the Job is overlapping. |
public | isSuccessful() : bool Get the status of the last run for this job |
public | january(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every January. |
public | july(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every July. |
public | june(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every June. |
public | march(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every March. |
public | may(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every May. |
public | monday(int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every Monday. |
public | monthly(string/int/string $month='*' , int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\selfSet the execution time to once a month. |
public | november(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every November. |
public | october(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every October. |
public | onlyOne(string/null $tempDir=null, \callable $whenOverlapping=null) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self This will prevent the Job from overlapping. It prevents another instance of the same Job of being executed if the previous is still running. The job id is used as a filename for the lock file. |
public | output(string/array $filename, bool $append=false) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the file/s where to write the output of the job. |
public | run() : bool Run the job. |
public | runInBackground() : bool Check if the Job can run in background. |
public | saturday(int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every Saturday. |
public | september(int/string $day=1, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every September. |
public | sunday(int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every Sunday. |
public | then(\callable $fn, bool $runInBackground=false) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set a function to be called after job execution. By default this will force the job to run in foreground because the output is injected as a parameter of this function, but it could be avoided by passing true as a second parameter. The job will run in background if it meets all the other criteria. |
public | thursday(int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every Thursday. |
public | tuesday(int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every Tuesday. |
public | wednesday(int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to every Wednesday. |
public | weekly(int/string $weekday, int/string $hour, int/string $minute) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Set the execution time to once a week. |
public | when(\callable $fn) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\self Truth test to define if the job should run if due. |
Class Scheduler
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void Create new instance. |
public | addCommand(string $command, array $args=array(), string/null $id=null) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\Job Queue a raw shell command. |
public | addFunction(\callable $fn, array $args=array(), string/null $id=null) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\Job Queues a PHP function execution. |
public | clearJobs() : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this Remove all queued Jobs. |
public | getAllJobs() : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\Job[] Get all jobs if they are disabled or not as one array |
public | getCronCommand() : string Helper to get the full Cron command |
public | getJob(string $jobid) : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\Job/null Get a specific Job based on id |
public | getJobStates() : \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\YamlFile Get the Job states file |
public | getQueuedJobs(bool $all=false) : array Get the queued jobs as background/foreground |
public | getSchedulerCommand(string/null $php=null) : string |
public | getVerboseOutput(string $type='text' ) : string/array The return depends on the requested $typeGet the scheduler verbose output. |
public | isCrontabSetup() : int Helper to determine if cron job is setup 0 - Crontab Not found 1 - Crontab Found 2 - Error |
public | loadSavedJobs() : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this Load saved jobs from config/scheduler.yaml file |
public | resetRun() : \Grav\Common\Scheduler\$this Reset all collected data of last run. Call before run() if you call run() multiple times. |
public | run(\Grav\Common\Scheduler\DateTime/null/\DateTime $runTime=null) : void Run the scheduler. |
public | whoami() : false/string Try to determine who's running the process |
Class RequestServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class StreamsServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\DI\ServiceProviderInterface, \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class BackupsServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class PagesServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class ErrorServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class FlexServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class AccountsServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
protected | flexAccounts(\Pimple\Container $container) : \Grav\Common\Service\FlexIndexInterface/null |
protected | initialize(\Pimple\Container $container) : string |
protected | regularAccounts(\Pimple\Container $container) : \Grav\Common\Service\DataUser\UserCollection |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class ConfigServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public static | blueprints(\Pimple\Container $container) : mixed |
public static | languages(\Pimple\Container $container) : mixed |
public static | load(\Pimple\Container $container) : \Grav\Common\Config\Config |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class SchedulerServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class FilesystemServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class LoggerServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class AssetsServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class OutputServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class SessionServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class TaskServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class InflectorServiceProvider
Visibility | Function |
public | register(\Pimple\Container $container) : void |
This class implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
Class TwigProfileProcessor
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Twig\Profiler\Profile $profile, \Clockwork\Request\Timeline $views, int $counter, string $prefix='' , bool/false $sibling=false) : void |
protected | formatNonTemplate(\Twig\Profiler\Profile $profile, string $prefix) : string |
protected | formatTemplate(\Twig\Profiler\Profile $profile, string $prefix) : string |
protected | formatTime(\Twig\Profiler\Profile $profile, float $percent) : string |
Class TwigEnvironment
Visibility | Function |
protected | writeCacheFile(string $file, string $content) : void This exists so template cache files use the same group between apache and cli |
This class extends \Twig\Environment
Class TwigClockworkDataSource
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct() : void TwigClockworkDataSource constructor. |
public | resolve(\Clockwork\Request\Request $request) : \Clockwork\Request\Request Resolves and adds the Twig profiler data to the request |
This class extends \Clockwork\DataSource\DataSource
This class implements \Clockwork\DataSource\DataSourceInterface
Class Twig
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav) : void Constructor |
public | addPath(string $template_path, string $namespace='__main__' ) : voidWraps the FilesystemLoader addPath method (should be used only in onTwigLoader() event |
public | getPageTwigTemplate(\Grav\Common\Twig\PageInterface $page, string/null $format=null) : string |
public | init() : \Grav\Common\Twig\$this Twig initialization that sets the twig loader chain, then the environment, then extensions and also the base set of twig vars |
public | loader() : \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader |
public | prependPath(string $template_path, string $namespace='__main__' ) : voidWraps the FilesystemLoader prependPath method (should be used only in onTwigLoader() event |
public | processPage(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $item, string/null $content=null) : string The rendered output Twig process that renders a page item. It supports two variations: 1) Handles modular pages by rendering a specific page based on its modular twig template 2) Renders individual page items for twig processing before the site rendering |
public | processSite(string/null $format=null, array $vars=array()) : string the rendered output Twig process that renders the site layout. This is the main twig process that renders the overall page and handles all the layout for the site display. |
public | processString(string $string, array $vars=array()) : string Process a Twig template directly by using a Twig string and optional array of variables |
public | processTemplate(string $template, array $vars=array()) : string Process a Twig template directly by using a template name and optional array of variables |
public | profile() : \Twig\Profiler\Profile |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.5 Auto-escape should always be turned on to protect against XSS issues (can be disabled per template file). |
public | setTemplate(string $name, string $template) : void Adds or overrides a template. |
public | template(string $template) : string the template name Simple helper method to get the twig template if it has already been set, else return the one being passed in |
public | twig() : \Twig\Environment |
Class TwigNodeThrow
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(int $code, \Twig\Node\Node $message, int $lineno, string/null $tag=null) : void TwigNodeThrow constructor. |
public | compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler) : void Compiles the node to PHP. |
This class extends \Twig\Node\Node
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Twig_NodeInterface
Class TwigNodeSwitch
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Twig\Node\Node $value, \Twig\Node\Node $cases, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\Node/null/\Twig\Node\Node $default=null, int $lineno, string/null $tag=null) : void TwigNodeSwitch constructor. |
public | compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler) : void Compiles the node to PHP. |
This class extends \Twig\Node\Node
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Twig_NodeInterface
Class TwigNodeStyle
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Twig\Node\Node/null/\Twig\Node\Node $body, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $file, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $group, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $priority, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $attributes, int $lineno, string/null $tag=null) : void TwigNodeAssets constructor. |
public | compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler) : void Compiles the node to PHP. |
This class extends \Twig\Node\Node
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Twig_NodeInterface, \Twig\Node\NodeCaptureInterface
Class TwigNodeMarkdown
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Twig\Node\Node $body, int $lineno, string $tag='markdown' ) : voidTwigNodeMarkdown constructor. |
public | compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler) : void Compiles the node to PHP. |
This class extends \Twig\Node\Node
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Twig_NodeInterface, \Twig\Node\NodeOutputInterface
Class TwigNodeScript
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Twig\Node\Node/null/\Twig\Node\Node $body, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $file, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $group, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $priority, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $attributes, int $lineno, string/null $tag=null) : void TwigNodeScript constructor. |
public | compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler) : void Compiles the node to PHP. |
This class extends \Twig\Node\Node
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Twig_NodeInterface, \Twig\Node\NodeCaptureInterface
Class TwigNodeRender
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $object, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $layout, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\AbstractExpression/null/\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $context, int $lineno, string/null $tag=null) : void |
public | compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler) : void Compiles the node to PHP. |
This class extends \Twig\Node\Node
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Twig_NodeInterface, \Twig\Node\NodeCaptureInterface
Class TwigNodeCache
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $key, \int $lifetime, \Twig\Node\Node $body, integer $lineno, string/null $tag=null) : void |
public | compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler) : void |
This class extends \Twig\Node\Node
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Twig_NodeInterface
Class TwigNodeTryCatch
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Twig\Node\Node $try, \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\Node/null/\Twig\Node\Node $catch=null, int $lineno, string/null $tag=null) : void TwigNodeTryCatch constructor. |
public | compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler) : void Compiles the node to PHP. |
This class extends \Twig\Node\Node
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Twig_NodeInterface
Renders an object. {% render object layout: 'default' with { variable: true } %}
Visibility | Function |
public | getTag() : string The tag name Gets the tag name associated with this token parser. |
public | parse(\Twig\Token $token) : \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\TwigNodeRender Parses a token and returns a node. |
protected | parseArguments(\Twig\Token $token) : array |
This class extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
This class implements \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface
Adds ability to cache Twig between tags. {% cache 600 %} {{ some_complex_work() }} {% endcache %} Where the
is an optional lifetime in seconds
Visibility | Function |
public | decideCacheEnd(\Twig\Token $token) : bool Decide if current token marks end of cache block. |
public | getTag() : mixed |
public | parse(\Twig\Token $token) : \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\TwigNodeCache |
This class extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
This class implements \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface
Handles try/catch in template file.
{% try %}{{ user.get('name') }} {% catch %} {{ e.message }} {% endcatch %}
Visibility | Function |
public | decideCatch(\Twig\Token $token) : bool |
public | decideEnd(\Twig\Token $token) : bool |
public | getTag() : string The tag name Gets the tag name associated with this token parser. |
public | parse(\Twig\Token $token) : \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\TwigNodeTryCatch Parses a token and returns a node. |
This class extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
This class implements \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface
Adds ability to inline markdown between tags. {% markdown %} This is bold and this underlined 1. This is a bullet list 2. This is another item in that same list {% endmarkdown %}
Visibility | Function |
public | decideMarkdownEnd(\Twig\Token $token) : bool Decide if current token marks end of Markdown block. |
public | getTag() : mixed |
public | parse(\Twig\Token $token) : \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\TwigNodeMarkdown |
This class extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
This class implements \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface
Adds ability use elegant switch instead of ungainly if statements {% switch type %} {% case 'foo' %} {{ }} {% case 'bar' %} {{ }} {% default %} {{ my_data.default }} {% endswitch %}
Visibility | Function |
public | decideIfEnd(\Twig\Token $token) : bool Decide if current token marks end of swtich block. |
public | decideIfFork(\Twig\Token $token) : bool Decide if current token marks switch logic. |
public | getTag() : mixed |
public | parse(\Twig\Token $token) : \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\TwigNodeSwitch |
This class extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
This class implements \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface
Adds a style to the document. {% style 'theme://css/foo.css' priority: 20 %} {% style priority: 20 with { media: 'screen' } %} a { color: red; } {% endstyle %}
Visibility | Function |
public | decideBlockEnd(\Twig\Token $token) : bool |
public | getTag() : string The tag name Gets the tag name associated with this token parser. |
public | parse(\Twig\Token $token) : \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\TwigNodeStyle Parses a token and returns a node. |
protected | parseArguments(\Twig\Token $token) : array |
This class extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
This class implements \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface
Handles try/catch in template file.
{% throw 404 'Not Found' %}
Visibility | Function |
public | getTag() : string The tag name Gets the tag name associated with this token parser. |
public | parse(\Twig\Token $token) : \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\TwigNodeThrow Parses a token and returns a node. |
This class extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
This class implements \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface
Adds a script to head/bottom/custom location in the document. {% script 'theme://js/something.js' at 'bottom' priority: 20 with { defer: true, async: true } %} {% script at 'bottom' priority: 20 %} alert('Warning!'); {% endscript %}
Visibility | Function |
public | decideBlockEnd(\Twig\Token $token) : bool |
public | getTag() : string The tag name Gets the tag name associated with this token parser. |
public | parse(\Twig\Token $token) : \Grav\Common\Twig\Node\TwigNodeScript Parses a token and returns a node. |
protected | parseArguments(\Twig\Token $token) : array |
This class extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
This class implements \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface
DEPRECATED 1.7 Use $grav['user_groups'] instead of this class. In type hints, please use UserGroupInterface.
Visibility | Function |
public static | DEPRECATED - 1.7, use $grav['user_groups'] Flex UserGroupCollection instead |
public static | DEPRECATED - 1.7, use $grav['user_groups'] Flex UserGroupCollection instead |
public static | DEPRECATED - 1.7, use $grav['user_groups'] Flex UserGroupCollection instead |
public static | DEPRECATED - 1.7, use $grav['user_groups'] Flex UserGroupCollection instead |
public | save() : void Save a group |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Data\Data
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface
Class Access
Visibility | Function |
public | get(\string $action) : bool/null |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Acl\Access
This class implements \Countable, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \JsonSerializable
Class Authentication
Visibility | Function |
public static | create(string $password) : string Create password hash from plaintext password. |
public static | verify(string $password, string $hash) : int Returns if the check fails, 1 if password matches, 2 if hash needs to be updated. Verifies that a password matches a hash. |
Class UserCollection
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $className) : void UserCollection constructor. |
public | count() : int |
public | delete(string $username) : bool True if the action was performed Remove user account. |
public | find(string $query, array $fields=array()) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface Find a user by username, email, etc |
public | load(string $username) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface Load user account. Always creates user object. To check if user exists, use $this->exists(). |
protected | filterUsername(\string $username) : string |
This class implements \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserCollectionInterface, \Countable
Class User
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $items=array(), \Grav\Common\User\DataUser\Blueprint/null $blueprints=null) : void User constructor. |
public | __sleep() : string[] Serialize user. |
public | __wakeup() : void Unserialize user. |
public | authenticate(\string $password) : bool Authenticate user. If user password needs to be updated, new information will be saved. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.5 Use ->authorize() method instead. |
public | authorize(\string $action, \string $scope=null) : bool/null Checks user authorization to the action. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use ->getAvatarUrl() method instead. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Method makes no sense for user account. |
public | getAvatarImage() : \Grav\Common\User\DataUser\ImageMedium/\Grav\Common\User\DataUser\StaticImageMedium/null Return media object for the User's avatar. Note: if there's no local avatar image for the user, you should call getAvatarUrl() to get the external avatar URL. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use ->getAvatarImage() method instead. |
public | getAvatarUrl() : string Return the User's avatar URL |
public | getMedia() : \Grav\Common\User\DataUser\MediaCollectionInterface/\Grav\Common\User\DataUser\Media |
public | getMediaFolder() : string |
public | getMediaOrder() : array |
public | isValid() : bool |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use ->update($data) instead (same but with data validation & filtering, file upload support). |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed |
public | save() : void Save user without the username |
public | update(array $data, array $files=array()) : \Grav\Common\User\DataUser\$this Update object with data |
protected | filterUsername(\string $username) : string |
protected | getAvatarFile() : string/null |
This class extends \Grav\Common\Data\Data
This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\AuthorizeInterface
Interface UserGroupInterface
Visibility | Function |
This class implements \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\AuthorizeInterface
Interface AuthorizeInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | authorize(\string $action, \string $scope=null) : bool/null Checks user authorization to the action. |
Interface UserInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | authenticate(\string $password) : bool Authenticate user. If user password needs to be updated, new information will be saved. |
public | def(string $name, mixed $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\$this Set default value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | exists() : bool Returns whether the data already exists in the storage. NOTE: This method does not check if the data is current. |
public | get(string $name, mixed $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed Value. Get value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | getAvatarImage() : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\Medium/null Return media object for the User's avatar. Note: if there's no local avatar image for the user, you should call getAvatarUrl() to get the external avatar URL. |
public | getAvatarUrl() : string Return the User's avatar URL. |
public | getDefaults() : array Get nested structure containing default values defined in the blueprints. Fields without default value are ignored in the list. |
public | getJoined(string $name, array/object $value, string $separator='.' ) : arrayGet value from the configuration and join it with given data. |
public | join(string $name, mixed $value, string $separator='.' ) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\$thisJoin nested values together by using blueprints. |
public | joinDefaults(string $name, mixed $value, string $separator='.' ) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\$thisSet default values by using blueprints. |
public | raw() : string Return unmodified data as raw string. NOTE: This function only returns data which has been saved to the storage. |
public | set(string $name, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\$this Set value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | setDefaults(array $data) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\$this Set default values to the configuration if variables were not set. |
public | undef(string $name, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\$this Unset value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | update(array $data, array $files=array()) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\$this Update object with data |
$data->def('', 'default');
$value = $this->get('');
$data->set('', $value);
This class implements \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\AuthorizeInterface, \Grav\Common\Data\DataInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \ArrayAccess, \JsonSerializable, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ArrayTraits\ExportInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | delete(string $username) : bool True if user account was found and was deleted. Delete user account. |
public | find(string $query, array $fields=array()) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface Find a user by username, email, etc |
public | load(string $username) : \Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface Load user account. Always creates user object. To check if user exists, use $this->exists(). |
This class implements \Countable
Visibility | Function |
public | clearCache(array $all=array()) : int |
public | composerUpdate(mixed $path, string $action='install' ) : void |
public | invalidateCache() : void |
public | isGravInstance(string $path) : bool |
public | loadLocalConfig() : mixed string the local config file name. false if local config does not exist Load the local config file |
public | setupConsole(\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input, \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output) : void Set colors style definition for the formatter. |
protected | displayGPMRelease() : void |
protected | execute(\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input, \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output) : int/null/void |
protected | initializeGrav() : \Grav\Console\$this Initialize Grav. - Load configuration - Initialize logger - Disable debugger - Set timezone, locale - Load plugins (call PluginsLoadedEvent) - Set Pages and Users type to be used in the site Safe to be called multiple times. |
protected | initializePages() : \Grav\Console\$this Properly initialize pages. - call $this->initializeThemes() - initialize assets (call onAssetsInitialized event) - initialize twig (calls the twig events) - initialize pages (calls onPagesInitialized event) Safe to be called multiple times. |
protected | initializePlugins() : \Grav\Console\$this Properly initialize plugins. - call $this->initializeGrav() - call onPluginsInitialized event Safe to be called multiple times. |
protected | initializeThemes() : \Grav\Console\$this Properly initialize themes. - call $this->initializePlugins() - initialize theme (call onThemeInitialized event) Safe to be called multiple times. |
protected | serve() : void Override with your implementation. |
protected | setLanguage(\string $code=null) : void Set language to be used in CLI. |
This class extends \Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
public | setupConsole(\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input, \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output) : void Set colors style definition for the formatter. |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | execute(\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input, \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output) : void |
This class extends \Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | displayErrors(mixed $errors, \Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle $io) : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
public | outputProgress(array $args) : void |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
public | outputProgress(array $args) : void |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | portAvailable(string $ip, int $port) : bool Simple function test the port |
protected | runProcess(mixed $name, mixed $cmd) : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
public | filter(\Grav\Console\Gpm\Packages $data) : \Grav\Common\GPM\Remote\Packages |
public | sort(\Grav\Console\Gpm\Packages $packages) : \Grav\Common\GPM\Remote\Packages |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
public | askConfirmationIfMajorVersionUpdated(\Grav\Console\Gpm\Package $package) : void If the package is updated from an older major release, show warning and ask confirmation |
public | installDependencies(array $dependencies, string $type, string $message, bool $required=true) : void Given a $dependencies list, filters their type according to $type and shows $message prior to listing them to the user. Then asks the user a confirmation prior to installing them. |
public | progress(array $progress) : void |
public | setGpm(\Grav\Common\GPM\GPM $gpm) : void Allows to set the GPM object, used for testing the class |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : int/null/void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
public | formatBytes(int/float $size, int $precision=2) : string |
public | progress(array $progress) : void |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
protected | configure() : void |
protected | serve() : int/null/void |
This class extends \Grav\Console\ConsoleCommand
Visibility | Function |
public | result() : void |
This class extends \League\CLImate\TerminalObject\Basic\Table
This class implements \League\CLImate\TerminalObject\Basic\BasicTerminalObjectInterface
Flex Register Event This event is called the first time $grav['flex'] is being called. Use this event to register enabled Directories to Flex.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Flex $flex) : void FlexRegisterEvent constructor. |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
This class extends \Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event
Plugins Loaded Event This event is called from InitializeProcessor. This is the first event plugin can see. Please avoid using this event if possible.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Common\Grav $grav, \Grav\Common\Plugins $plugins) : void PluginsLoadedEvent constructor. |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
This class extends \Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event
Permissions Register Event This event is called the first time $grav['permissions'] is being called. Use this event to register any new permission types you use in your plugins.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Framework\Acl\Permissions $permissions) : void PermissionsRegisterEvent constructor. |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
This class extends \Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event
Plugins Loaded Event This event is called from $grav['session']->start() right after successful session_start() call.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Framework\Session\SessionInterface $session) : void |
public | __debugInfo() : void |
This class extends \Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event
Class Action
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $name, array $action=array()) : void |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | addChild(\Grav\Framework\Acl\Action $child) : void |
public | count() : int |
public | getChild(\string $name) : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action/null |
public | getChildren() : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action[] |
public | getIterator() : \Traversable |
public | getLevels() : mixed |
public | getParam(\string $name) : mixed/null |
public | getParams() : array |
public | getParent() : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action/null |
public | getScope() : mixed |
public | hasChildren() : bool |
public | setParent(\Grav\Framework\Acl\Action/null/\Grav\Framework\Acl\Action $parent) : void |
This class implements \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Countable
Visibility | Function |
public static | fromArray(array $actions, array $types) : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action[] |
public static | fromYaml(\string $filename) : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action[] |
public static | read(array $actions, \string $prefix='' ) : array |
protected static | addDefaults(array $action) : array |
protected static | getDependencies(array $dependencies) : array |
protected static | initTypes(array $types) : void |
Class Action
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $items=array()) : void Constructor to initialize array. |
public | count() : int Implements Countable interface. |
public | current() : mixed Can return any type. Returns the current element. |
public | getChildren() : \Grav\Framework\Acl\RecursiveActionIterator |
public | hasChildren() : bool |
public | key() : string |
public | next() : void Moves the current position to the next element. |
public | rewind() : void Rewinds back to the first element of the Iterator. |
public | valid() : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. This method is called after Iterator::rewind() and Iterator::next() to check if the current position is valid. |
This class implements \RecursiveIterator, \Traversable, \Iterator, \Countable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string/array/null $acl=null, array/null/array $rules=null, \string $name='' ) : voidAccess constructor. |
public | authorize(\string $action, \string $scope=null) : bool/null Checks user authorization to the action. |
public | count() : int |
public | get(\string $action) : bool/null |
public | getAllActions() : array |
public | getInherited(\string $action) : string/null |
public | getIterator() : \Traversable |
public | getName() : string |
public | inherit(\Grav\Framework\Acl\Access $parent, \string $name=null) : void |
public | isInherited(\string $action) : bool |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | toArray() : array |
protected | normalizeAcl(array $acl) : array |
protected | resolvePermissions(\string $access) : array |
This class implements \JsonSerializable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Countable
Visibility | Function |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | addAction(\Grav\Framework\Acl\Action $action) : void |
public | addActions(\Grav\Framework\Acl\Action[] $actions) : void |
public | addType(\string $name, array $type) : void |
public | addTypes(array $types) : void |
public | count() : int |
public | getAccess(array/null/array $access=null) : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Access |
public | getAction(\string $name) : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action/null |
public | getActions() : array |
public | getInstances() : array |
public | getIterator() : \ArrayIterator/\Traversable |
public | getType(\string $name) : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action/null |
public | getTypes() : array |
public | hasAction(\string $name) : bool |
public | hasType(\string $name) : bool |
public | offsetExists(int/string $offset) : bool |
public | offsetGet(int/string $offset) : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action/null |
public | offsetSet(int/string $offset, mixed $value) : void |
public | offsetUnset(int/string $offset) : void |
protected | getParent(\string $name) : \Grav\Framework\Acl\Action/null |
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable
PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | doClear() : void |
public | doDelete(mixed $key) : void |
public | doDeleteMultiple(mixed $keys) : void |
public | doGet(mixed $key, mixed $miss) : void |
public | doGetMultiple(mixed $keys, mixed $miss) : void |
public | doHas(mixed $key) : void |
public | doSet(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl) : void |
public | doSetMultiple(mixed $values, mixed $ttl) : void |
This class implements \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface
Cache trait for PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" implementation
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $namespace='' , null/int/\DateInterval $defaultLifetime=null) : void |
public | abstract clear() : bool True on success and false on failure. Wipes clean the entire cache's keys. |
public | abstract delete(string $key) : bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error. Delete an item from the cache by its unique key. |
public | abstract deleteMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys) : bool True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error. Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation. |
public | abstract doClear() : void |
public | abstract doDelete(mixed $key) : void |
public | doDeleteMultiple(array $keys) : bool |
public | abstract doGet(mixed $key, mixed $miss) : void |
public | doGetMultiple(array $keys, mixed $miss) : array |
public | abstract doHas(mixed $key) : void |
public | abstract doSet(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl) : void |
public | doSetMultiple(array $values, int/null $ttl) : bool |
public | abstract get(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss. Fetches a value from the cache. |
public | abstract getMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys, mixed $default=null) : iterable A list of key => value pairs. Cache keys that do not exist or are stale will have $default as value. Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. |
public | abstract has(string $key) : bool Determines whether an item is present in the cache. NOTE: It is recommended that has() is only to be used for cache warming type purposes and not to be used within your live applications operations for get/set, as this method is subject to a race condition where your has() will return true and immediately after, another script can remove it making the state of your app out of date. |
public | abstract set(string $key, mixed $value, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
public | abstract setMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $values, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
public | setValidation(bool $validation) : void |
protected | convertTtl(null/int/\DateInterval $ttl) : int/null |
protected | getDefaultLifetime() : int/null |
protected | getNamespace() : string |
protected | init(string $namespace='' , null/int/\DateInterval $defaultLifetime=null) : voidAlways call from constructor. |
protected | validateKey(string/mixed $key) : void |
protected | validateKeys(array $keys) : void |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Cache\CacheInterface, \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface
Cache class for PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" implementation using file backend. Defaults to 1 year TTL. Does not support unlimited TTL.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $namespace='' , null/int/\DateInterval $defaultLifetime=null) : void |
public | __destruct() : void |
public | clear() : bool True on success and false on failure. Wipes clean the entire cache's keys. |
public | delete(string $key) : bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error. Delete an item from the cache by its unique key. |
public | deleteMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys) : bool True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error. Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation. |
public | doClear() : void |
public | doDelete(mixed $key) : void |
public | doGet(mixed $key, mixed $miss) : void |
public | doHas(mixed $key) : void |
public | doSet(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl) : void |
public | get(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss. Fetches a value from the cache. |
public | getMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys, mixed $default=null) : iterable A list of key => value pairs. Cache keys that do not exist or are stale will have $default as value. Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. |
public | has(string $key) : bool Determines whether an item is present in the cache. NOTE: It is recommended that has() is only to be used for cache warming type purposes and not to be used within your live applications operations for get/set, as this method is subject to a race condition where your has() will return true and immediately after, another script can remove it making the state of your app out of date. |
public | set(string $key, mixed $value, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
public | setMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $values, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
public static | throwError(mixed $type, mixed $message, mixed $file, mixed $line) : void |
protected | getFile(string $key, bool $mkdir=false) : string |
protected | initFileCache(string $namespace, string $directory) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Cache\AbstractCache
This class implements \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface, \Grav\Framework\Cache\CacheInterface
Cache class for PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" implementation using session backend.
Visibility | Function |
public | clear() : bool True on success and false on failure. Wipes clean the entire cache's keys. |
public | delete(string $key) : bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error. Delete an item from the cache by its unique key. |
public | deleteMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys) : bool True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error. Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation. |
public | doClear() : void |
public | doDelete(mixed $key) : void |
public | doGet(mixed $key, mixed $miss) : void |
public | doHas(mixed $key) : void |
public | doSet(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl) : void |
public | get(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss. Fetches a value from the cache. |
public | getMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys, mixed $default=null) : iterable A list of key => value pairs. Cache keys that do not exist or are stale will have $default as value. Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. |
public | getNamespace() : mixed |
public | has(string $key) : bool Determines whether an item is present in the cache. NOTE: It is recommended that has() is only to be used for cache warming type purposes and not to be used within your live applications operations for get/set, as this method is subject to a race condition where your has() will return true and immediately after, another script can remove it making the state of your app out of date. |
public | set(string $key, mixed $value, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
public | setMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $values, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
protected | doGetStored(mixed $key) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Cache\AbstractCache
This class implements \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface, \Grav\Framework\Cache\CacheInterface
Cache class for PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" implementation using chained cache adapters.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $caches, null/int/\DateInterval $defaultLifetime=null) : void Chain Cache constructor. |
public | clear() : bool True on success and false on failure. Wipes clean the entire cache's keys. |
public | delete(string $key) : bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error. Delete an item from the cache by its unique key. |
public | deleteMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys) : bool True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error. Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation. |
public | doClear() : void |
public | doDelete(mixed $key) : void |
public | doDeleteMultiple(array $keys) : bool |
public | doGet(mixed $key, mixed $miss) : void |
public | doGetMultiple(array $keys, mixed $miss) : array |
public | doHas(mixed $key) : void |
public | doSet(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl) : void |
public | doSetMultiple(array $values, int/null $ttl) : bool |
public | get(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss. Fetches a value from the cache. |
public | getMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys, mixed $default=null) : iterable A list of key => value pairs. Cache keys that do not exist or are stale will have $default as value. Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. |
public | has(string $key) : bool Determines whether an item is present in the cache. NOTE: It is recommended that has() is only to be used for cache warming type purposes and not to be used within your live applications operations for get/set, as this method is subject to a race condition where your has() will return true and immediately after, another script can remove it making the state of your app out of date. |
public | set(string $key, mixed $value, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
public | setMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $values, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Cache\AbstractCache
This class implements \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface, \Grav\Framework\Cache\CacheInterface
Cache class for PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" implementation using in memory backend. Memory backend does not use namespace or default ttl as the cache is unique to each cache object and request.
Visibility | Function |
public | clear() : bool True on success and false on failure. Wipes clean the entire cache's keys. |
public | delete(string $key) : bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error. Delete an item from the cache by its unique key. |
public | deleteMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys) : bool True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error. Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation. |
public | doClear() : void |
public | doDelete(mixed $key) : void |
public | doGet(mixed $key, mixed $miss) : void |
public | doHas(mixed $key) : void |
public | doSet(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl) : void |
public | get(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss. Fetches a value from the cache. |
public | getMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys, mixed $default=null) : iterable A list of key => value pairs. Cache keys that do not exist or are stale will have $default as value. Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. |
public | has(string $key) : bool Determines whether an item is present in the cache. NOTE: It is recommended that has() is only to be used for cache warming type purposes and not to be used within your live applications operations for get/set, as this method is subject to a race condition where your has() will return true and immediately after, another script can remove it making the state of your app out of date. |
public | set(string $key, mixed $value, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
public | setMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $values, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Cache\AbstractCache
This class implements \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface, \Grav\Framework\Cache\CacheInterface
Cache class for PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" implementation using Doctrine Cache backend.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider $doctrineCache, string $namespace='' , null/int/\DateInterval $defaultLifetime=null) : voidDoctrine Cache constructor. |
public | clear() : bool True on success and false on failure. Wipes clean the entire cache's keys. |
public | delete(string $key) : bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error. Delete an item from the cache by its unique key. |
public | deleteMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys) : bool True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error. Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation. |
public | doClear() : void |
public | doDelete(mixed $key) : void |
public | doDeleteMultiple(array $keys) : bool |
public | doGet(mixed $key, mixed $miss) : void |
public | doGetMultiple(array $keys, mixed $miss) : array |
public | doHas(mixed $key) : void |
public | doSet(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl) : void |
public | doSetMultiple(array $values, int/null $ttl) : bool |
public | get(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss. Fetches a value from the cache. |
public | getMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $keys, mixed $default=null) : iterable A list of key => value pairs. Cache keys that do not exist or are stale will have $default as value. Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. |
public | has(string $key) : bool Determines whether an item is present in the cache. NOTE: It is recommended that has() is only to be used for cache warming type purposes and not to be used within your live applications operations for get/set, as this method is subject to a race condition where your has() will return true and immediately after, another script can remove it making the state of your app out of date. |
public | set(string $key, mixed $value, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
public | setMultiple(\Psr\SimpleCache\iterable $values, null/int/\DateInterval $ttl=null) : bool True on success and false on failure. Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Cache\AbstractCache
This class implements \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface, \Grav\Framework\Cache\CacheInterface
InvalidArgumentException class for PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" implementation.
Visibility | Function |
This class extends \InvalidArgumentException
This class implements \Throwable, \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException, \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheException
CacheException class for PSR-16 compatible "Simple Cache" implementation.
Visibility | Function |
This class extends \Exception
This class implements \Throwable, \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheException
Abstract Index Collection.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $entries=array()) : void Initializes a new IndexCollection. |
public | __toString() : string Returns a string representation of this object. |
public | add(mixed $element) : void |
public | chunk(int $size) : array Split collection into chunks. |
public | clear() : void |
public | contains(mixed $element) : void |
public | containsKey(mixed $key) : void |
public | count() : void |
public | current() : void |
public | exists(\Closure $p) : void |
public | filter(\Closure $p) : void |
public | first() : void |
public | forAll(\Closure $p) : void |
public | get(mixed $key) : mixed |
public | getIterator() : mixed Required by interface IteratorAggregate. |
public | getKeys() : mixed |
public | getValues() : mixed |
public | indexOf(mixed $element) : void |
public | isEmpty() : bool |
public | jsonSerialize() : array Implements JsonSerializable interface. |
public | key() : void |
public | last() : void |
public | limit(int $start, int/null $limit=null) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static |
public | map(\Closure $func) : void |
public | next() : void |
public | offsetExists(mixed $offset) : void Required by interface ArrayAccess. |
public | offsetGet(mixed $offset) : void Required by interface ArrayAccess. |
public | offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void Required by interface ArrayAccess. |
public | offsetUnset(mixed $offset) : void Required by interface ArrayAccess. |
public | partition(\Closure $p) : void |
public | remove(mixed $key) : void |
public | removeElement(mixed $element) : void |
public | reverse() : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Reverse the order of the items. |
public | select(array $keys) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Select items from collection. Collection is returned in the order of $keys given to the function. |
public | serialize() : string |
public | set(mixed $key, mixed $value) : void |
public | shuffle() : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Shuffle items. |
public | slice(mixed $offset, mixed $length=null) : void |
public | toArray() : void |
public | unselect(array $keys) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Un-select items from collection. |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void |
protected | createFrom(array $entries) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Creates a new instance from the specified elements. This method is provided for derived classes to specify how a new instance should be created when constructor semantics have changed. |
protected | getCurrentKey(\Grav\Framework\Collection\FlexObjectInterface $element) : string |
protected | abstract getElementMeta(mixed $element) : mixed |
protected | getEntries() : array |
protected | abstract isAllowedElement(mixed $value) : bool |
protected | abstract loadCollection(array/null/array $entries=null) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface |
protected | abstract loadElement(string $key, mixed $value) : mixed/null |
protected | abstract loadElements(array/null/array $entries=null) : array |
protected | setEntries(array $entries) : void |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
Collection Interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | chunk(int $size) : array Split collection into chunks. |
public | reverse() : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static/\Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface Reverse the order of the items. |
public | select(array $keys) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static/\Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface Select items from collection. Collection is returned in the order of $keys given to the function. |
public | shuffle() : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static/\Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface Shuffle items. |
public | unselect(array $keys) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static/\Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface Un-select items from collection. |
This class implements \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \JsonSerializable
General JSON serializable collection.
Visibility | Function |
public | chunk(mixed $size) : void |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | reverse() : void |
public | select(array $keys) : void |
public | shuffle() : void |
public | unselect(array $keys) : void |
This class extends \Doctrine\Common\Collections\AbstractLazyCollection
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable
Collection of objects stored into a filesystem.
Visibility | Function |
public | getPath() : string |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable
General JSON serializable collection.
Visibility | Function |
public | chunk(int $size) : array Split collection into chunks. |
public | jsonSerialize() : array Implements JsonSerializable interface. |
public | reverse() : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Reverse the order of the items. |
public | select(array $keys) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Select items from collection. Collection is returned in the order of $keys given to the function. |
public | shuffle() : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Shuffle items. |
public | unselect(array $keys) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\static Un-select items from collection. |
This class extends \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
This class implements \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable
Collection of objects stored into a filesystem.
Visibility | Function |
public | getPath() : string |
public | matching(\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria $criteria) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\ArrayCollection |
protected | __construct(string $path) : void |
protected | addFilter(\callable $filterFunction) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\$this |
protected | createObject(\RecursiveDirectoryIterator $file) : object |
protected | doInitialize() : void |
protected | doInitializeByIterator(\SeekableIterator $iterator, mixed $nestingLimit) : void |
protected | doInitializeChildren(array $children, mixed $nestingLimit) : array |
protected | setIterator() : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Collection\AbstractLazyCollection
This class implements \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\FileCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable
Collection of objects stored into a filesystem.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $path, int $flags=null) : void |
public | addFilter(\callable $filterFunction) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\$this |
public | getFlags() : int |
public | getNestingLimit() : int |
public | setFilter(\callable $filterFunction=null) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\$this |
public | setNestingLimit(int $limit=99) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\$this |
public | setObjectBuilder(\callable $objectFunction=null) : \Grav\Framework\Collection\$this |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Collection\AbstractFileCollection
This class implements \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\FileCollectionInterface, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable
Visibility | Function |
public | addFramework(string $framework) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public | addHtml(string $html, int $priority, string $location='bottom' ) : bool |
public | addInlineScript(string/array $element, int $priority, string $location='head' ) : bool |
public | addInlineStyle(string/array $element, int $priority, string $location='head' ) : bool |
public | addScript(string/array $element, int $priority, string $location='head' ) : bool |
public | addStyle(string/array $element, int $priority, string $location='head' ) : bool |
public | build(array $serialized) : void |
public | getAssets() : array |
public | getFrameworks() : array |
public | getHtml(string $location='bottom' ) : array |
public | getScripts(string $location='head' ) : array |
public | getStyles(string $location='head' ) : array |
public | toArray() : array[] |
protected | getAssetsFast() : array |
protected | getAssetsInLocation(string $type, string $location) : array |
protected | sortAssets(array $array) : void |
protected | sortAssetsInLocation(array $items) : void |
$block->addStyle('assets/js/my.js');$block->addStyle(['href' => 'assets/js/my.js', 'media' => 'screen']);
This class extends \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\ContentBlock
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\ContentBlockInterface, \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\HtmlBlockInterface
ContentBlock Interface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $id=null) : void |
public | __toString() : string |
public | addBlock(\Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\ContentBlockInterface $block) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public | build(array $serialized) : void |
public static | create(string $id=null) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\static |
public static | fromArray(array $serialized) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\ContentBlockInterface |
public | getChecksum() : string |
public | getId() : string |
public | getToken() : string |
public | setChecksum(string $checksum) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public | setContent(string $content) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public | toArray() : array |
public | toString() : string |
This class implements \Serializable
Class to create nested blocks of content. $innerBlock = ContentBlock::create(); $innerBlock->setContent('my inner content'); $outerBlock = ContentBlock::create(); $outerBlock->setContent(sprintf('Inside my outer block I have %s.', $innerBlock->getToken())); $outerBlock->addBlock($innerBlock); echo $outerBlock;
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $id=null) : void Block constructor. |
public | __toString() : string |
public | addBlock(\Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\ContentBlockInterface $block) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public | build(array $serialized) : void |
public static | create(string $id=null) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\static |
public | disableCache() : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public static | fromArray(array $serialized) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\ContentBlockInterface |
public | getChecksum() : string |
public | getId() : string |
public | getToken() : string |
public | isCached() : bool |
public | serialize() : string |
public | setChecksum(string $checksum) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public | setContent(string $content) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public | toArray() : array |
public | toString() : string |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void |
protected | checkVersion(array $serialized) : void |
protected | generateId() : string |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\ContentBlockInterface, \Serializable
Interface HtmlBlockInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | addFramework(string $framework) : \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\$this |
public | addHtml(string $html, int $priority, string $location='bottom' ) : bool |
public | addInlineScript(string/array $element, int $priority, string $location='head' ) : bool |
public | addInlineStyle(string/array $element, int $priority, string $location='head' ) : bool |
public | addScript(string/array $element, int $priority, string $location='head' ) : bool |
public | addStyle(string/array $element, int $priority, string $location='head' ) : bool |
public | getAssets() : array |
public | getFrameworks() : array |
public | getHtml(string $location='bottom' ) : array |
public | getScripts(string $location='head' ) : array |
public | getStyles(string $location='head' ) : array |
$block->addStyle('assets/js/my.js');$block->addStyle(['href' => 'assets/js/my.js', 'media' => 'screen']);
This class implements \Grav\Framework\ContentBlock\ContentBlockInterface, \Serializable
Visibility | Function |
public | get(mixed $id) : mixed |
public | has(mixed $id) : bool |
This class extends \Pimple\Container
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $filepath, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface $formatter) : void File constructor. |
public | load() : mixed |
public | save(mixed $data) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\AbstractFile
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __clone() : void |
public | __construct(\string $filepath, \Grav\Framework\File\Filesystem/null/\Grav\Framework\Filesystem\Filesystem $filesystem=null) : void |
public | __destruct() : void Unlock file when the object gets destroyed. |
public | delete() : void |
public | exists() : void |
public | getBasename() : mixed |
public | getCreationTime() : mixed |
public | getExtension(\bool $withDot=false) : mixed |
public | getFilePath() : mixed |
public | getFilename() : mixed |
public | getModificationTime() : mixed |
public | getPath() : mixed |
public | isLocked() : bool |
public | isReadable() : bool |
public | isWritable() : bool |
public | load() : mixed |
public | lock(\bool $block=true) : void |
public | rename(\string $path) : void |
public | save(mixed $data) : void |
public | serialize() : string |
public | unlock() : void |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | doUnserialize(array $serialized) : void |
protected | isWritablePath(\string $dir) : bool |
protected | mkdir(\string $dir) : bool |
protected | setFilepath(\string $filepath) : void |
protected | setPathInfo() : void |
protected | tempname(\string $filename, \int $length=5) : string |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileInterface, \Serializable
Visibility | Function |
public | load() : mixed |
public | save(mixed $data) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\AbstractFile
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileInterface
Class MarkdownFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $filepath, \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\MarkdownFormatter $formatter) : void File constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\DataFile
This class implements \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileInterface, \Serializable
Class YamlFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $filepath, \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\YamlFormatter $formatter) : void File constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\DataFile
This class implements \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileInterface, \Serializable
Class IniFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $filepath, \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\CsvFormatter $formatter) : void File constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\DataFile
This class implements \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileInterface, \Serializable
Class IniFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $filepath, \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\IniFormatter $formatter) : void File constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\DataFile
This class implements \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileInterface, \Serializable
Class JsonFile
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $filepath, \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\JsonFormatter $formatter) : void File constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\DataFile
This class implements \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileInterface, \Serializable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config=array()) : void |
public | decode(mixed $data) : void |
public | encode(array $data, int/null $inline=null, int/null $indent=null) : string |
public | getIndentOption() : int |
public | getInlineOption() : int |
public | useCompatibleDecoder() : bool |
public | useNativeDecoder() : bool |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\AbstractFormatter
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface
Abstract file formatter.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config=array()) : void IniFormatter constructor. |
public | abstract decode(mixed $data) : void |
public | abstract encode(mixed $data) : void |
public | getDefaultFileExtension() : mixed |
public | getMimeType() : string |
public | getSupportedFileExtensions() : mixed |
public | serialize() : string |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | doUnserialize(array $serialized) : void Note: if overridden, make sure you call parent::doUnserialize() |
protected | getConfig(\string $name=null) : mixed Get either full configuration or a single option. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface, \Serializable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config=array()) : void IniFormatter constructor. |
public | decode(mixed $data) : void |
public | encode(mixed $data) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\AbstractFormatter
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface
DEPRECATED 1.6 Use Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface instead
Visibility | Function |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface, \Serializable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config=array()) : void |
public | decode(mixed $data) : void |
public | encode(mixed $data) : void |
public | getDecodeAssoc() : bool Returns true if JSON objects will be converted into associative arrays. |
public | getDecodeDepth() : int Returns recursion depth used in decode() function. |
public | getDecodeOptions() : int Returns options used in decode() function. |
public | getEncodeOptions() : int Returns options used in encode() function. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\AbstractFormatter
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config=array()) : void IniFormatter constructor. |
public | decode(mixed $data) : void |
public | encode(mixed $data) : void |
public | getOptions() : array Returns options used in decode(). By default only allow stdClass class. |
protected | preserveLines(mixed $data, array $search, array $replace) : mixed Preserve new lines, recursive function. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\AbstractFormatter
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config=array()) : void IniFormatter constructor. |
public | decode(string $data, string/null $delimiter=null) : array |
public | encode(array $data, string/null $delimiter=null) : string |
public | getDelimiter() : string Returns delimiter used to both encode and decode CSV. |
protected | encodeLine(array $line, \string $delimiter) : string |
protected | escape(\string $value) : string |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\AbstractFormatter
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config=array(), \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface $headerFormatter=null) : void |
public | decode(mixed $data) : void |
public | encode(mixed $data) : void |
public | getBodyField() : string Returns body field used in both encode() and decode(). |
public | getHeaderField() : string Returns header field used in both encode() and decode(). |
public | getHeaderFormatter() : \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface Returns header formatter object used in both encode() and decode(). |
public | getRawField() : string Returns raw field used in both encode() and decode(). |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\AbstractFormatter
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface
Defines common interface for all file formatters. File formatters allow you to read and optionally write various file formats, such as:
Visibility | Function |
public | decode(string $data) : mixed Returns decoded data. Decode a string into data. |
public | encode(mixed $data) : string Returns encoded data as a string. Encode data into a string. |
public | getDefaultFileExtension() : string Returns file extension (can be empty). Get default file extension from current formatter (with dot). Default file extension is the first defined extension. |
public | getMimeType() : string |
public | getSupportedFileExtensions() : string[] Returns list of all supported file extensions. Get file extensions supported by current formatter (with dot). |
This class implements \Serializable
Defines common interface for all file readers. File readers allow you to read and optionally write files of various file formats, such as:
Visibility | Function |
public | delete() : bool Returns true if the file was successfully deleted, false otherwise.Delete file from filesystem. |
public | exists() : bool Returns true if the filename exists and is a regular file, false otherwise.Check if the file exits in the filesystem. |
public | getBasename() : string Returns basename of the file. Get basename of the file (filename without the associated file extension). |
public | getCreationTime() : int Returns Unix timestamp. If file does not exist, method returns current time. Get file creation time. |
public | getExtension(\bool $withDot=false) : string Returns file extension of the file (can be empty). Get file extension of the file. |
public | getFilePath() : string Returns path and filename in the filesystem. Can also be URI. Get both path and filename of the file. |
public | getFilename() : string Returns name of the file. Get filename of the file. |
public | getModificationTime() : int Returns Unix timestamp. If file does not exist, method returns current time. Get file modification time. |
public | getPath() : string Returns path in the filesystem. Can also be URI. Get path of the file. |
public | isLocked() : bool Returns true if the file is locked, false otherwise.Returns true if file has been locked by you for writing. |
public | isReadable() : bool Returns true if the file can be read, false otherwise.Check if file exists and can be read. |
public | isWritable() : bool Returns true if the file can be written, false otherwise.Check if file can be written. |
public | load() : string/array/object/false Returns file content or false if file couldn't be read.(Re)Load a file and return file contents. |
public | lock(\bool $block=true) : bool Returns true if the file was successfully locked, false otherwise.Lock file for writing. You need to manually call unlock(). |
public | rename(\string $path) : bool Returns true if the file was successfully renamed, false otherwise.Rename file in the filesystem if it exists. Target folder will be created if if did not exist. |
public | save(mixed $data) : void Save file. See supported data format for each of the file format. |
public | unlock() : bool Returns true if the file was successfully unlocked, false otherwise.Unlock file after writing. |
This class implements \Serializable
Visibility | Function |
public | basename(\string $path, \string $suffix=null) : void |
public | dirname(\string $path, \int $levels=1) : void |
public static | getInstance(\bool $normalize=null) : \Grav\Framework\Filesystem\Filesystem |
public | normalize(\string $path) : void |
public | parent(\string $path, \int $levels=1) : void |
public | pathinfo(\string $path, \int $options=null) : void |
public | pathname(\string $path, \int $levels=1) : string Gets full path with trailing slash. |
public | safe() : \Grav\Framework\Filesystem\self Force all paths not to be normalized (speeds up the calls if given paths are known to be normalized). |
public | setNormalization(\bool $normalize=null) : \Grav\Framework\Filesystem\Filesystem Set path normalization. Default option enables normalization for the streams only, but you can force the normalization to be either on or off for every path. Disabling path normalization speeds up the calls, but may cause issues if paths were not normalized. |
public | unsafe() : \Grav\Framework\Filesystem\self Force all paths to be normalized. |
protected | __construct(\bool $normalize=null) : void Always use Filesystem::getInstance() instead. |
protected | dirnameInternal(string/null/\string $scheme, \string $path, \int $levels=1) : array |
protected | getSchemeAndHierarchy(\string $filename) : array Gets a 2-tuple of scheme (may be null) and hierarchical part of a filename (e.g. file:///tmp -> array(file, tmp)). |
protected | normalizePathPart(\string $path) : string |
protected | pathinfoInternal(string/null/\string $scheme, \string $path, \int $options=null) : array/string |
protected | toString(string/null/\string $scheme, \string $path) : string |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Filesystem\Interfaces\FilesystemInterface
Defines several stream-save filesystem actions.
Visibility | Function |
public | basename(\string $path, \string $suffix=null) : string Returns filename component of path. |
public | dirname(\string $path, \int $levels=1) : string Returns path to the directory. Stream-safe \dirname() replacement. |
public | normalize(\string $path) : string Returns normalized path. Normalize path by cleaning up \ , /./ , // and /../ . |
public | parent(\string $path, \int $levels=1) : string Returns parent path. Get parent path. Empty path is returned if there are no segments remaining. Can be used recursively to get towards the root directory. |
public | pathinfo(\string $path, \int $options=null) : array/string Stream-safe \pathinfo() replacement. |
Class Flex
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $types, array $config) : void Flex constructor. |
public | addDirectory(\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | addDirectoryType(\string $type, \string $blueprint, array $config=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | count() : int |
public | getCollection(\string $type, array/null/array $keys=null, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexCollectionInterface/null |
public | getDirectories(array/string[]/null/array $types=null, \bool $keepMissing=false) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\array<FlexDirectory/\Grav\Framework\Flex\null> |
public | getDirectory(\string $type) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory/null |
public | getMixedCollection(array $keys, array $options=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface collection_class: Class to be used to create the collection. Defaults to ObjectCollection. |
public | getObject(\string $key, \string $type=null, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObjectInterface/null |
public | getObjects(array $keys, array $options=array()) : array types: List of allowed types. type: Allowed type if types isn't defined, otherwise acts as default_type. default_type: Set default type for objects given without type (only used if key_field isn't set). keep_missing: Set to true if you want to return missing objects as null. key_field: Key field which is used to match the objects. |
public | hasDirectory(\string $type) : bool |
protected | resolveKeyAndType(\string $flexKey, \string $type=null) : array |
protected | resolveType(\string $type=null) : string |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexInterface, \Countable
Class FlexForm
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $name, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface $object, array/null/array $options=null) : void FlexForm constructor. |
public | __get(string $name) : mixed/null |
public | __isset(string $name) : bool |
public | __set(string $name, mixed $value) : void |
public | __unset(string $name) : void |
public | def(string $name, mixed $default=null, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this Set default value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | get(string $name, mixed $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed |
public | getAction() : string |
public | getAllFlashes() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormFlashInterface[] Get all available form flash objects for this form. |
public | getBlueprint() : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint |
public | getButtons() : array |
public | getData() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Data/\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObjectInterface/object |
public | getDefaultValue(\string $name) : array/mixed/null |
public | getDefaultValues() : array |
public | getError() : string/null |
public | getErrors() : array |
public | getFields() : array |
public | getFileDeleteAjaxRoute(string $field, string $filename) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Route/null |
public | getFileUploadAjaxRoute() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Route/null |
public | getFiles() : array/\Grav\Framework\Flex\UploadedFileInterface[] |
public | getFlash() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FormFlashInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexFormFlash Get form flash object. |
public | getFlexType() : string |
public | getFormName() : string |
public | getId() : string |
public | getMediaTaskRoute(array $params=array(), \string $extension=null) : string |
public | getName() : string |
public | getNonce() : string |
public | getNonceAction() : string |
public | getNonceName() : string |
public | getObject() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface |
public | getTask() : string |
public | getTasks() : array |
public | getUniqueId() : string |
public | getValue(\string $name) : mixed Get a value from the form. Note: Used in form fields. |
public | handleRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FormInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | initialize() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public static | instance(array $options=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexFormInterface (string) name: Form name, allows you to use custom form. (string) unique_id: Unique id for this form instance. (array) form: Custom form fields. (FlexObjectInterface) object: Object instance. (string) key: Object key, used only if object instance isn't given. (FlexDirectory) directory: Flex Directory, mandatory if object isn't given. |
public | isSubmitted() : bool |
public | isValid() : bool |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(string/null $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(string/null $offset) : void Unsets variable at specified offset. |
public | render(\string $layout=null, array $context=array()) : void |
public | reset() : void |
public | serialize() : string Implements \Serializable::serialize(). |
public | set(string $name, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexForm |
public | setId(\string $id) : void |
public | setRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FormInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | setUniqueId(\string $uniqueId) : void |
public | submit(array $data, \Grav\Framework\Flex\UploadedFileInterface[]/null/array $files=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FormInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | undef(string $name, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this Unset value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | unserialize(string $data) : void Implements \Serializable::unserialize(). |
public | updateObject() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface |
public | validate() : bool |
protected | decodeData(array $data) : array Decode POST data |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | doSubmit(array $data, array $files) : void |
protected | doTraitSerialize() : array |
protected | doTraitUnserialize(array $data) : void |
protected | doUnserialize(array $data) : void |
protected | filterData(\ArrayAccess/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Data/null $data=null) : void Filter validated data. |
protected | getFlashFolder() : string/null |
protected | getFlashLookupFolder() : string |
protected | getSessionId() : mixed |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Template/\Grav\Framework\Flex\TemplateWrapper |
protected | jsonDecode(array $data) : array Recursively JSON decode POST data. |
protected | parseRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : array Parse PSR-7 ServerRequest into data and files. |
protected | setError(\string $error) : void Set a single error. |
protected | setErrors(array $errors) : void Set all errors. |
protected | setFlashLookupFolder(\string $folder) : void |
protected | setName(\string $type, \string $name) : void |
protected | setObject(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface $object) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this Note: this method clones the object. |
protected | setSessionId(\string $sessionId) : void |
protected | unsetFlash() : void |
protected | validateData(\ArrayAccess/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Data/null $data=null) : void Validate data and throw validation exceptions if validation fails. |
protected | validateUpload(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $file) : void Validate uploaded file. |
protected | validateUploads(array $files) : void Validate all uploaded files. |
$data->def('', 'default');
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectFormInterface, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexFormInterface, \JsonSerializable
Class FlexFormFlash
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config) : void |
public | addFile(\string $filename, \string $field, array/null/array $crop=null) : bool Add existing file to the form flash. |
public | addUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $upload, \string $field=null, array/null/array $crop=null) : string Return name of the file Add uploaded file to the form flash. |
public | clearFiles() : void Clear form flash from all uploaded files. |
public | delete() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this Delete this form flash. |
public | exists() : bool Check if this form flash exists. |
public | getCreatedTimestamp() : int Get creation timestamp for this form flash. |
public | getData() : array/null Get raw form data. |
public | getDirectory() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory/null |
public | getFilesByField(\string $field) : array Get all files associated to a form field. |
public | getFilesByFields(bool $includeOriginal=false) : array Get all files grouped by the associated form fields. |
public | getFormName() : string Get form name associated to this form instance. |
public | getObject() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObjectInterface/null |
public | getSessionId() : string Get session Id associated to this form instance. |
public | getUniqueId() : string Get unique identifier associated to this form instance. |
public | getUpdatedTimestamp() : int Get last updated timestamp for this form flash. |
public | getUrl() : string Get URL associated to this form instance. |
public | getUserEmail() : string Get email from the user who was associated to this form instance. |
public | getUsername() : string Get username from the user who was associated to this form instance. |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | removeFile(\string $name, \string $field=null) : bool Remove any file from form flash. |
public | save() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this Save this form flash. |
public | setData(array/null/array $data) : void Set raw form data. |
public | setDirectory(\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory) : void |
public static | setFlex(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexInterface $flex) : void |
public | setObject(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface $object) : void |
protected | init(array/null/array $data, array $config) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Form\FormFlash
This class implements \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormFlashInterface
Class FlexForm
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $name, \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory, array/null/array $options=null) : void FlexForm constructor. |
public | __get(string $name) : mixed/null |
public | __isset(string $name) : bool |
public | __set(string $name, mixed $value) : void |
public | __unset(string $name) : void |
public | def(string $name, mixed $default=null, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this Set default value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | get(string $name, mixed $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed |
public | getAction() : string |
public | getAllFlashes() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormFlashInterface[] Get all available form flash objects for this form. |
public | getBlueprint() : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint |
public | getButtons() : array |
public | getData() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Data/object |
public | getDefaultValue(\string $name) : array/mixed/null |
public | getDefaultValues() : array |
public | getDirectory() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory |
public | getError() : string/null |
public | getErrors() : array |
public | getFields() : array |
public | getFileDeleteAjaxRoute(string $field, string $filename) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Route/null |
public | getFileUploadAjaxRoute() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Route/null |
public | getFiles() : array/\Grav\Framework\Flex\UploadedFileInterface[] |
public | getFlash() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FormFlashInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexFormFlash Get form flash object. |
public | getFlexType() : string |
public | getFormName() : string |
public | getId() : string |
public | getMediaTaskRoute(array $params=array(), \string $extension=null) : string |
public | getName() : string |
public | getNonce() : string |
public | getNonceAction() : string |
public | getNonceName() : string |
public | getTask() : string |
public | getTasks() : array |
public | getUniqueId() : string |
public | getValue(\string $name) : mixed Get a value from the form. Note: Used in form fields. |
public | handleRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FormInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | initialize() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public static | instance(array $options=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexFormInterface (string) name: Form name, allows you to use custom form. (string) unique_id: Unique id for this form instance. (array) form: Custom form fields. (FlexDirectory) directory: Flex Directory, mandatory. |
public | isSubmitted() : bool |
public | isValid() : bool |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | offsetExists(string $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(string $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(string/null $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(string/null $offset) : void Unsets variable at specified offset. |
public | render(\string $layout=null, array $context=array()) : void |
public | reset() : void |
public | serialize() : string Implements \Serializable::serialize(). |
public | set(string $name, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | setId(\string $id) : void |
public | setRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FormInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | setUniqueId(\string $uniqueId) : void |
public | submit(array $data, \Grav\Framework\Flex\UploadedFileInterface[]/null/array $files=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FormInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | undef(string $name, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this Unset value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. |
public | unserialize(string $data) : void Implements \Serializable::unserialize(). |
public | validate() : bool |
protected | decodeData(array $data) : array Decode POST data |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | doSubmit(array $data, array $files) : void |
protected | doTraitSerialize() : array |
protected | doTraitUnserialize(array $data) : void |
protected | doUnserialize(array $data) : void |
protected | filterData(\Grav\Framework\Flex\ArrayAccess/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Data/null $data=null) : void Filter validated data. |
protected | getFlashFolder() : string/null |
protected | getFlashLookupFolder() : string |
protected | getSessionId() : mixed |
protected | getTemplate(string $layout) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Template/\Grav\Framework\Flex\TemplateWrapper |
protected | jsonDecode(array $data) : array Recursively JSON decode POST data. |
protected | parseRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : array Parse PSR-7 ServerRequest into data and files. |
protected | setDirectory(\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this Note: this method clones the object. |
protected | setError(\string $error) : void Set a single error. |
protected | setErrors(array $errors) : void Set all errors. |
protected | setFlashLookupFolder(\string $folder) : void |
protected | setName(\string $type, \string $name) : void |
protected | setSessionId(\string $sessionId) : void |
protected | unsetFlash() : void |
protected | validateData(\ArrayAccess/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Data/null $data=null) : void Validate data and throw validation exceptions if validation fails. |
protected | validateUpload(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $file) : void Validate uploaded file. |
protected | validateUploads(array $files) : void Validate all uploaded files. |
$data->def('', 'default');
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexDirectoryFormInterface, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexFormInterface, \JsonSerializable
Class FlexDirectory
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $type, \string $blueprint_file, array $defaults=array()) : void FlexDirectory constructor. |
public | clearCache() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\$this |
public | createCollection(array $entries, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface |
public | createIndex(array $entries, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexIndexInterface |
public | createObject(array $data, \string $key='' , \bool $validate=false) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface |
public | getAuthorizeRule(\string $scope, \string $action) : string |
public | getBlueprint(\string $type='' , \string $context='' ) : \Grav\Common\Data\BlueprintReturns a new uninitialized instance of blueprint. Always use $object->getBlueprint() or $object->getForm()->getBlueprint() instead. |
public | getBlueprintFile(\string $view='' ) : string |
public | getCache(\string $namespace=null) : \Grav\Framework\Cache\CacheInterface |
public | getCollection(array/null/array $keys=null, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface Get collection. In the site this will be filtered by the default filters (published etc). Use $directory->getIndex() if you want unfiltered collection. |
public | getCollectionClass() : string |
public | getConfig(\string $name=null, mixed $default=null) : mixed |
public | getDescription() : string |
public | getDirectoryBlueprint() : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint |
public | getDirectoryConfigUri(\string $name=null) : string |
public | getDirectoryForm(\string $name=null, array $options=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexFormInterface |
public | getFlexType() : string |
public | getIndex(array/null/array $keys=null, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexIndexInterface Get the full collection of all stored objects. Use $directory->getCollection() if you want a filtered collection. |
public | getIndexClass() : string |
public | getMediaFolder(\string $key=null) : string/null |
public | getObject(string/null $key=null, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObjectInterface/null Returns an object if it exists. If no arguments are passed (or both of them are null), method creates a new empty object. Note: It is not safe to use the object without checking if the user can access it. |
public | getObjectClass() : string |
public | getStorage() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface |
public | getStorageFolder(\string $key=null) : string/null |
public | getTitle() : string |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use ->getFlexType() method instead. |
public | isAuthorized(\string $action, \string $scope=null, \Grav\Framework\Flex\UserInterface/null/\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user=null) : bool/null Check if user is authorized for the action. Note: There are two deny values: denied (false), not set (null). This allows chaining multiple rules together when the previous rules were not matched. To override the default behavior, please use isAuthorizedOverride(). |
public | isEnabled() : bool |
public | isListed() : bool |
public | loadCollection(array $entries, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface |
public | loadDirectoryConfig(\string $name) : array |
public | loadObjects(array $entries) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface[] |
public | reloadIndex() : void |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use $object->delete() instead. |
public | saveDirectoryConfig(\string $name, array $data) : void |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use $object->update()->save() instead. |
protected | createStorage() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface |
protected | dynamicDataField(array $field, string $property, array $call) : void |
protected | dynamicFlexField(array $field, string $property, array $call) : void |
protected | getActiveUser() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\UserInterface/null |
protected | getAuthorizeAction(\string $action) : string |
protected | getAuthorizeScope() : string |
protected | getBlueprintInternal(\string $type_view='' , \string $context='' ) : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint |
protected | getDirectoryConfig(\string $name=null) : array |
protected | isAuthorizedAction(\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user, \string $action, \string $scope, \bool $isMe) : bool/null Check if user is authorized for the action. |
protected | isAuthorizedOverride(\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user, \string $action, \string $scope, \bool $isMe) : bool/null Please override this method |
protected | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Not needed for Flex Users. |
protected | loadIndex(\string $keyField) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexIndexInterface |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexAuthorizeInterface
Implements PageTranslateInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | getLanguage() : string Get used language. |
public | getLanguages(\bool $includeDefault=false) : array Returns all translated languages. |
public | getTranslation(\string $languageCode=null, \bool $fallback=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\static/null Get translation. |
public | hasTranslation(\string $languageCode=null, \bool $fallback=null) : bool Returns true if object has a translation in given language (or any of its fallback languages). |
Defines Forms for Flex Objects.
Visibility | Function |
public | getFileDeleteAjaxRoute(string $field, string $filename) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\Route/null Returns Route object or null if file uploads are not enabled. Get route for deleting files by AJAX. |
public | getFileUploadAjaxRoute() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\Route/null Returns Route object or null if file uploads are not enabled. Get route for uploading files by AJAX. |
public | getMediaTaskRoute() : string Returns admin route for media tasks. Get media task route. |
This class implements \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface
Interface FlexInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | addDirectory(\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\$this |
public | addDirectoryType(\string $type, \string $blueprint, array $config=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\$this |
public | count() : int |
public | getCollection(\string $type, array/null/array $keys=null, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface/null |
public | getDirectories(array/string[]/null/array $types=null, \bool $keepMissing=false) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\array<FlexDirectory/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\null> |
public | getDirectory(\string $type) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexDirectory/null |
public | getMixedCollection(array $keys, array $options=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface collection_class: Class to be used to create the collection. Defaults to ObjectCollection. |
public | getObject(\string $key, \string $type=null, \string $keyField=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface/null |
public | getObjects(array $keys, array $options=array()) : array types: List of allowed types. type: Allowed type if types isn't defined, otherwise acts as default_type. default_type: Set default type for objects given without type (only used if key_field isn't set). keep_missing: Set to true if you want to return missing objects as null. key_field: Key field which is used to match the objects. |
public | hasDirectory(\string $type) : bool |
This class implements \Countable
Defines Flex Objects.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements, string $key, \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory, \bool $validate=false) : void Construct a new Flex Object instance. |
public | create(\string $key=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\static Create new object into the storage. |
public | delete() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\static Delete object from the storage. |
public | exists() : bool Returns true if the object exists, false otherwise.Returns true if the object exists in the storage. |
public | getBlueprint(\string $name='' ) : Blueprint Returns a Blueprint.Returns the blueprint of the object. |
public | getDefaultValue(\string $name, \string $separator=null) : mixed/null Returns default value of the field, null if there is no default value. Returns default value suitable to be used in a form for the given property. |
public | getDefaultValues() : array Returns default values. Returns default values suitable to be used in a form for the given property. |
public | getFlexKey() : string Returns Flex Key of the object. Get a unique key for the object. Flex Keys can be used without knowing the Directory the Object belongs into. |
public | getForm(\string $name='' , array/null/array $options=null) : FlexFormInterface Returns a Form.Returns a form instance for the object. |
public | getFormValue(\string $name, mixed $default=null, \string $separator=null) : mixed Returns value of the field. Returns raw value suitable to be used in a form for the given property. |
public | getMetaData() : array Returns metadata of the object. Get index data associated to the object. |
public | getStorageKey() : string Returns storage key of the Object. Get an unique storage key (within the directory) which is used for figuring out the filename or database id. |
public | hasKey() : bool Returns true if object has a key. |
public | prepareStorage() : array Returns an array of object properties containing only scalars and arrays. Prepare object for saving into the storage. |
public | save() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\static Save object into the storage. |
public | search(\string $search, string/string[]/null $properties=null, array/null/array $options=null) : float Returns a weight between and 1. Search a string from the object, returns weight between 0 and 1. Note: If you override this function, make sure you return value in range 0...1! |
public | update(array $data, array/array/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\UploadedFileInterface[] $files=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\static Updates object in the memory. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Defines Forms for Flex Objects.
Visibility | Function |
public | getObject() : FlexObjectInterface Returns Flex Object associated to the form. Get object associated to the form. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexFormInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormInterface, \Serializable
Defines a collection of Flex Objects.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface[] $entries=array(), \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexDirectory/null/\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory=null) : void Creates a new Flex Collection. |
public static | createFromArray(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface[] $entries, \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory, \string $keyField=null) : static Returns a new Flex Collection. Creates a Flex Collection from an array. |
public | filterBy(array $filters) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface Filter collection by filter array with keys and values. |
public | getCollection() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface Load all the objects into memory, |
public | getFlexKeys() : string[] Returns[key => flex_key, ...] pairs. Get Flex keys from all the objects in the collection. |
public | getIndex() : FlexIndexInterface Returns a Flex Index from the current collection. Get Flex Index from the Flex Collection. |
public | getMetaData(\string $key) : array Get metadata associated to the object |
public | getStorageKeys() : string[] Returns [key => storage_key, ...] pairs. Get storage keys from all the objects in the collection. |
public | getTimestamps() : int[] Returns [key => timestamp, ...] pairs. Get timestamps from all the objects in the collection. This method can be used for example in caching. |
public | search(\string $search, string/string[]/null $properties=null, array/null/array $options=null) : FlexCollectionInterface Returns a Flex Collection with only matching objects. Search a string from the collection. |
public | sort(array $orderings) : FlexCollectionInterface Returns a sorted version from the collection. Sort the collection. |
public | withKeyField(\string $keyField=null) : FlexCollectionInterface Returns a new Flex Collection with new key field. Return new collection with a different key. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface
Defines authorization checks for Flex Objects.
Visibility | Function |
public | isAuthorized(\string $action, \string $scope=null, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\UserInterface/null/\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user=null) : bool/null Check if user is authorized for the action. Note: There are two deny values: denied (false), not set (null). This allows chaining multiple rules together when the previous rules were not matched. |
Defines Indexes for Flex Objects. Flex indexes are similar to database indexes, they contain indexed fields which can be used to quickly look up or find the objects without loading them.
Visibility | Function |
public static | createFromStorage(\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexDirectory $directory) : static Returns a new Flex Index. Helper method to create Flex Index. |
public | getIndexMap(\string $indexKey=null) : array |
public static | loadEntriesFromStorage(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface $storage) : array Returns a list of existing objects [storage_key => [storage_key => xxx, storage_timestamp => 123456, ...]] Method to load index from the object storage, usually filesystem. |
public | withKeyField(\string $keyField=null) : static Returns a new Flex Collection with new key field. Return new collection with a different key. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface
Defines Flex Storage layer.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $options) : void StorageInterface constructor. |
public | copyRow(\string $src, \string $dst) : bool |
public | createRows(array $rows) : array Returns created rows as `[key => row, ...] pairs. Create new rows into the storage. New keys will be assigned when the objects are created. |
public | deleteRows(array $rows) : array Returns deleted rows. Note that non-existing rows have null as their value.Delete rows from the storage. |
public | getExistingKeys() : array Returns all existing keys as [key => [storage_key => key, storage_timestamp => timestamp], ...] .Returns associated array of all existing storage keys with a timestamp. |
public | getKeyField() : string |
public | getMediaPath(\string $key=null) : string/null Path in the filesystem. Can be URI or null if media isn't supported. Get filesystem path for the collection or object media. |
public | getMetaData(string[] $keys, \bool $reload=false) : array |
public | getStoragePath(\string $key=null) : string/null Path in the filesystem. Can be URI or null if storage is not filesystem based. Get filesystem path for the collection or object storage. |
public | hasKey(\string $key) : bool Returns true if the key exists in the storage, false otherwise.Check if the key exists in the storage. |
public | hasKeys(string[] $keys) : bool[] Returns keys with true if the key exists in the storage, false otherwise.Check if the key exists in the storage. |
public | readRows(array $rows, array/null $fetched=null) : array Returns rows. Note that non-existing rows will have null as their value.Read rows from the storage. If you pass object or array as value, that value will be used to save I/O. |
public | renameRow(\string $src, \string $dst) : bool |
public | replaceRows(array $rows) : array Returns both created and updated rows. Replace rows regardless if they exist or not. All rows should have a specified key for replace to work properly. |
public | updateRows(array $rows) : array Returns updated rows. Note that non-existing rows will not be saved and have null as their value.Update existing rows in the storage. |
Defines common interface shared with both Flex Objects and Collections.
Visibility | Function |
public | getCacheChecksum() : string Returns cache checksum. Get cache checksum for the object / collection. If checksum changes, cache gets invalided. |
public | getCacheKey() : string Returns cache key. Get a cache key which is used for caching the object / collection. |
public | getFlexDirectory() : FlexDirectory Returns associated Flex Directory. Get Flex Directory for the object / collection. |
public | getFlexFeatures() : array Get full list of features the object / collection implements. |
public | getFlexType() : string Returns Flex Type of the collection. Get Flex Type of the object / collection. |
public | getTimestamp() : int Returns Unix timestamp. Get last updated timestamp for the object / collection. |
public | hasFlexFeature(\string $name) : bool Test whether the feature is implemented in the object / collection. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface
Defines Forms for Flex Objects.
Visibility | Function |
public | getDirectory() : FlexObjectInterface Returns Flex Object associated to the form. Get object associated to the form. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexFormInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormInterface, \Serializable
Class FlexPageCollection
Visibility | Function |
public | adjacentSibling(string $path, int $direction=1) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/false The sibling item. Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. |
public | currentPosition(string $path) : int/null The index of the current page, null if not found. Returns the item in the current position. |
public static | getCachedMethods() : array |
public | getNextOrder() : string |
public | isFirst(string $path) : bool True if item is first. Check to see if this item is the first in the collection. |
public | isLast(string $path) : bool True if item is last. Check to see if this item is the last in the collection. |
public | nextSibling(string $path) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/false The next item. Gets the next sibling based on current position. |
public | prevSibling(string $path) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/false The previous item. Gets the previous sibling based on current position. |
public | withPublished(\bool $bool=true) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexCollectionInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexPageCollection |
public | withRoutable(\bool $bool=true) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexCollectionInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexPageCollection |
public | withVisible(\bool $bool=true) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexCollectionInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexPageCollection |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexCollection
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Class FlexPageObject
Visibility | Function |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | active() : bool True if it is active Returns whether or not this page is the currently active page requested via the URL. |
public | activeChild() : bool True if active child exists Returns whether or not this URI's URL contains the URL of the active page. Or in other words, is this page's URL in the current URL |
public | addContentMeta(string $name, string $value) : void Add an entry to the page's contentMeta array |
public | addForms(array $new, bool $override=true) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\$this Add forms to this page. |
public | adjacentSibling(int $direction=1) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/false the sibling page Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. |
public | ancestor(string/null $lookup=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/null page you were looking for if it exists Helper method to return an ancestor page. |
public | blueprintName() : string Get the blueprint name for this page. Use the blueprint form field if set |
public | cacheControl(string/null $var=null) : string/null Gets and sets the cache-control property. If not set it will return the default value (null) for more details on valid options |
public | cachePageContent() : void Fires the onPageContentProcessed event, and caches the page content using a unique ID for the page |
public | canonical(bool $include_lang=true) : string Returns the canonical URL for a page |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use Media class that implements MediaUploadInterface instead. |
public | checkUploadedMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, \string $field=null) : void |
public | childType() : string Returns child page type. |
public | children() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexIndexInterface Returns children of this page. |
public | collection(string/string/array $params='content' , bool $pagination=true) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\CollectionGet a collection of pages in the current context. |
public | content(string/null $var=null) : string Content Gets and Sets the content based on content portion of the .md file |
public | contentMeta() : array Get the contentMeta array and initialize content first if it's not already |
public | copy(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $parent=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\$this Prepare a copy from the page. Copies also everything that's under the current page. Returns a new Page object for the copy. You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. |
public | createCopy(\string $key=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface |
public | currentPosition() : int/null the index of the current page. Returns the item in the current position. |
public | date(string/null $var=null) : int Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and sets the date for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers |
public | dateformat(string/null $var=null) : string String representation of a date format Gets and sets the date format for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers using typical PHP date string structure - |
public | debugger() : bool Returns the state of the debugger override setting for this page |
public | deleteMediaFile(\string $filename) : void |
public | eTag(bool/null $var=null) : bool show etag header Gets and sets the option to show the etag header for the page. |
public | evaluate(string/array $value, bool $only_published=true) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageCollectionInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\Collection |
public | expires(int/null $var=null) : int The expires value Gets and sets the expires field. If not set will return the default |
public | extension(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and sets the extension field. |
public | extra() : array Get unknown header variables. |
public | file() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\MarkdownFile/null Get file object to the page. |
public | filePath(string/null $var=null) : string/null the file path Gets and sets the path to the .md file for this Page object. |
public | filePathClean() : string/null The relative file path Gets the relative path to the .md file |
public | filter() : void Filter page header from illegal contents. |
public | find(string $url, bool $all=false) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/null page you were looking for if it exists Helper method to return a page. |
public | findTranslation(\string $languageCode=null, \bool $fallback=null) : string/null |
public | folder(string/null $var=null) : string/null Get/set the folder. |
public | folderExists() : bool Returns whether or not the current folder exists |
public | forms() : array Alias of $this->getForms(); |
public | frontmatter(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and Sets the page frontmatter |
public | getAction() : string/null The Action string. Gets the action. |
public | getAllLanguages(\bool $includeDefault=false) : array |
public | getAuthors() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\array<int,UserInterface> Get list of all author objects. |
public | getCacheKey() : mixed |
public static | getCachedMethods() : array |
public | getContentMeta(string/null $name=null) : string/array/null Return the whole contentMeta array as it currently stands |
public | getCreated_Timestamp() : int |
public | getFormValue(\string $name, mixed $default=null, \string $separator=null) : mixed |
public | getForms() : array Return all the forms which are associated to this page. Forms are returned as [name => blueprint, ...], where blueprint follows the regular form blueprint format. |
public | getLanguage() : string |
public | getLanguages(\bool $includeDefault=false) : array Returns all translated languages. |
public | getMasterKey() : string Get master storage key. |
protected | getMedia() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\MediaCollectionInterface/Media Representation of associated media. Gets the associated media collection. |
public | getMediaFolder() : string/null |
public | getMediaOrder() : array Get display order for the associated media. |
public | getMediaUri() : string/null Get URI ot the associated media. Method will return null if path isn't URI. |
public | getOriginal() : PageInterface The original version of the page. Gets the Page Unmodified (original) version of the page. |
public | getPermissions(\bool $inherit=false) : array |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null) : mixed |
public | getPublish_Timestamp() : int |
public | getRawContent() : string the current page content Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to get the raw page content |
public | getStorageFolder() : string/null |
public | getTranslation(\string $languageCode=null, \bool $fallback=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexObjectInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/null |
public | getUnpublish_Timestamp() : int/null |
public | getUpdated_Timestamp() : int |
public | hasAuthor(\string $username) : bool Returns true if object has the named author. |
public | hasTranslation(\string $languageCode=null, \bool $fallback=null) : bool |
public | header(object/array/null $var=null) : object the current YAML configuration Gets and Sets the header based on the YAML configuration at the top of the .md file |
public | home() : bool True if it is the homepage Returns whether or not this page is the currently configured home page. |
public | httpHeaders() : array |
public | httpResponseCode() : int |
public | id(string/null $var=null) : string The identifier Gets and sets the identifier for this Page object. |
public | inherited(string $field) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/null Helper method to return an ancestor page to inherit from. The current page object is returned. |
public | inheritedField(string $field) : array Helper method to return an ancestor field only to inherit from. The first occurrence of an ancestor field will be returned if at all. |
public | init(\SplFileInfo $file, string/null $extension=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\$this Initializes the page instance variables based on a file |
public | isDir() : bool True if its a directory Returns whether or not this Page object is a directory or a page. |
public | isFirst() : bool True if item is first. Check to see if this item is the first in an array of sub-pages. |
public | isLast() : bool True if item is last Check to see if this item is the last in an array of sub-pages. |
public | isModule() : bool |
public | isOrdered(\bool $test=true) : bool |
public | isPage() : bool True if its a page with a .md file associated Returns whether or not this Page object has a .md file associated with it or if its just a directory. |
public | isParentAuthorized(\string $action, \string $scope=null, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\UserInterface/null/\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user=null, \bool $isAuthor=false) : bool/null |
public | isPublished(\bool $test=true) : bool |
public | isRoutable(\bool $test=true) : bool |
public | isVisible(\bool $test=true) : bool |
public | language(string/null $var=null) : string/null Get page language |
public | lastModified(bool/null $var=null) : bool Show last_modified header Gets and sets the option to show the last_modified header for the page. |
public | link(bool $include_host=false) : string the permalink Gets the URL for a page - alias of url(). |
public | maxCount(int/null $var=null) : int the maximum number of sub-pages Gets and sets the maxCount field which describes how many sub-pages should be displayed if the sub_pages header property is set for this page object. |
public | media(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface/null $var=null) : MediaCollectionInterface Representation of associated media. Gets and sets the associated media as found in the page folder. |
public | menu(string/null $var=null) : string The menu field for the page Gets and sets the menu name for this Page. This is the text that can be used specifically for navigation. If no menu field is set, it will use the title() |
public | metadata(array/null $var=null) : array an Array of metadata values for the page Function to merge page metadata tags and build an array of Metadata objects that can then be rendered in the page. |
public | modified(int/null $var=null) : int Modified unix timestamp Gets and sets the modified timestamp. |
public | modifyHeader(string $key, string/array $value) : void Modify a header value directly |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.7 Use ->isModule() or ->modularTwig() method instead. |
public | modularTwig(bool/null $var=null) : bool true if modular_twig Gets and sets the modular_twig var that helps identify this page as a modular child page that will need twig processing handled differently from a regular page. |
public | move(\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $parent) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\$this Prepare move page to new location. Moves also everything that's under the current page. You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. |
public | name(string/null $var=null) : string The name of this page. Gets and sets the name field. If no name field is set, it will return ''. |
public | nextSibling() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/false the next Page item Gets the next sibling based on current position. |
public static | normalizeRoute(string $route) : string Method to normalize the route. |
public | order(int/null $var=null) : string/bool Order in a form of '02.' or false if not set Get/set order number of this page. |
public | orderBy(string/null $var=null) : string supported options include "default", "title", "date", and "folder" Gets and sets the order by which the sub-pages should be sorted. default - is the order based on the file system, ie 01.Home before 02.Advark title - is the order based on the title set in the pages date - is the order based on the date set in the pages folder - is the order based on the name of the folder with any numerics omitted |
public | orderDir(string/null $var=null) : string the order, either "asc" or "desc" Gets and sets the order by which any sub-pages should be sorted. |
public | orderManual(string/null $var=null) : array Gets the manual order set in the header. |
public | parent(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface $var=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/null the parent page object if it exists. Gets and Sets the parent object for this page |
public | parentStorageKey(string/null $var=null) : string/null Get/set the folder. |
public | path(string/null $var=null) : string/null the path Gets and sets the path to the folder where the .md for this Page object resides. This is equivalent to the filePath but without the filename. |
public | permalink() : string The permalink. Gets the URL with host information, aka Permalink. |
public | prevSibling() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\PageInterface/false the previous Page item Gets the previous sibling based on current position. |
public | process(array/null $var=null) : array Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false Gets and Sets the process setup for this Page. This is multi-dimensional array that consists of a simple array of arrays with the form array("markdown"=>true) for example |
public | publishDate(string/null $var=null) : int Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and Sets the Page publish date |
public | published(bool/null $var=null) : bool True if the page is published Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is considered published |
public | raw(string/null $var=null) : string Raw content string Gets and Sets the raw data |
public | rawMarkdown(string/null $var=null) : string Gets and Sets the Page raw content |
public | rawRoute(string/null $var=null) : string/null Gets and Sets the page raw route |
public | redirect(string/null $var=null) : string/null Gets the redirect set in the header. |
public | relativePagePath() : void Returns the clean path to the page file Needed in admin for Page Media. |
public | resetMetadata() : void Reset the metadata and pull from header again |
public | root(bool/null $var=null) : bool True if it is the root Returns whether or not this page is the root node of the pages tree. |
public | routable(bool/null $var=null) : bool true if the page is routable Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is routable, ie you can reach it via a URL. The page must be routable and published |
public | route(string $var=null) : string/null The route for the Page. Gets the route for the page based on the route headers if available, else from the parents route and the current Page's slug. |
public | routeAliases(array/null $var=null) : array The route aliases for the Page. Gets the route aliases for the page based on page headers. |
public | routeCanonical(string/null $var=null) : string/null Gets the canonical route for this page if its set. If provided it will use that value, else if it's true it will use the default route. |
public | save(bool/array/bool $reorder=true) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexObject/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\FlexObjectInterface |
public | setContentMeta(array $content_meta) : array Sets the whole content meta array in one shot |
public | setNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\$this |
public | setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\$this |
public | setRawContent(string $content) : void Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to set the raw page content |
public | setSummary(string $summary) : void Sets the summary of the page |
public | shouldProcess(string $process) : bool Whether or not the processing method is enabled for this Page Gets the configured state of the processing method. |
public | slug(string/null $var=null) : string The slug Gets and Sets the slug for the Page. The slug is used in the URL routing. If not set it uses the parent folder from the path |
public | ssl(bool/null $var=null) : bool/null |
public | summary(int/null $size=null, bool $textOnly=false) : string Get the summary. |
public | taxonomy(array/null $var=null) : array An array of taxonomies Gets and sets the taxonomy array which defines which taxonomies this page identifies itself with. |
public | template(string/null $var=null) : string the template name Gets and sets the template field. This is used to find the correct Twig template file to render. If no field is set, it will return the name without the .md extension |
public | templateFormat(string/null $var=null) : string Allows a page to override the output render format, usually the extension provided in the URL. (e.g. html , json , xml , etc). |
public | title(string/null $var=null) : string The title of the Page Gets and sets the title for this Page. If no title is set, it will use the slug() to get a name |
public | toArray() : array Convert page to an array. |
public | toJson() : string Convert page to JSON encoded string. |
public | toYaml() : string Convert page to YAML encoded string. |
public | topParent() : PageInterface The top parent page object. Gets the top parent object for this page. Can return page itself. |
public | translatedLanguages(bool $onlyPublished=false) : array the page translated languages Return an array with the routes of other translated languages |
public | unpublishDate(string/null $var=null) : int/null Unix timestamp representation of the date Gets and Sets the Page unpublish date |
public | unsetNestedProperty(string $property, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\$this |
public | unsetRouteSlug() : void Helper method to clear the route out so it regenerates next time you use it |
public | untranslatedLanguages(bool $includeUnpublished=false) : array the page untranslated languages Return an array listing untranslated languages available |
public | uploadMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile, \string $filename=null, \string $field=null) : void |
public | url(bool $include_host=false, bool $canonical=false, bool $include_base=true, bool $raw_route=false) : string The url. Gets the url for the Page. |
public | urlExtension() : string The extension of this page. For example .html Returns the page extension, got from the page url_extension config and falls back to the system config system.pages.append_url_extension . |
public | validate() : void Validate page header. |
public | visible(bool/null $var=null) : bool True if the page is visible Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is visible for navigation |
protected | addUpdatedMedia(\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : void |
protected | clearMediaCache() : void Clear media cache. |
protected | createMedium(string $uri) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\Medium/null |
protected | filterElements(array $elements, \bool $extended=false) : void |
protected | freeMedia() : void |
protected | getFallbackLanguages(\string $languageCode=null, \bool $fallback=null) : array |
protected | getFieldDateTime(\string $field) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\DateTime/null |
protected | getFieldSettings(\string $field) : mixed |
protected | getFieldTimestamp(\string $field) : int/null |
protected | getInheritedParams(string $field) : array Method that contains shared logic for inherited() and inheritedField() |
protected | getLanguageTemplates() : array |
protected | getMediaCache() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\CacheInterface |
protected | getMediaFieldSettings(\string $field) : array |
protected | getUpdatedMedia() : array<string, UploadedFileInterface/array/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\null> |
protected | isAuthorizedByGroup(\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user, \string $action, \string $scope, \bool $isMe, \bool $isAuthor) : bool/null Group authorization works as follows: 1. if any of the groups deny access, return false 2. else if any of the groups allow access, return true 3. else return null |
protected | isAuthorizedOverride(\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user, \string $action, \string $scope, \bool $isMe) : bool/null |
protected | loadAccounts() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\UserCollectionInterface/null |
protected | loadAuthors(\iterable $authors) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\array<int,UserInterface> |
protected | loadHeaderProperty(\string $property, mixed $var, \callable $filter) : mixed/null Common logic to load header properties. |
protected | loadPermissions(array $parent=array()) : array |
protected | loadProperty(\string $property, mixed $var, \callable $filter) : mixed/null Common logic to load header properties. |
protected | normalizeForm(array/null $form, string/null $name=null, array $rules=array()) : array/null |
protected | offsetLoad_header(mixed $value) : void |
protected | offsetLoad_media() : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\MediaCollectionInterface |
protected | offsetPrepare_header(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\Header/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\stdClass/array/null $value) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\Header |
protected | offsetSerialize_header(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\Header/null/\Grav\Common\Page\Header $value) : array |
protected | offsetSerialize_media() : null |
protected | pageContentValue(string $name, mixed/null $default=null) : mixed |
protected | processContent(string $content) : string Gets and Sets the content based on content portion of the .md file |
protected | processMarkdown(string $content, array $options=array()) : string Process the Markdown content. Uses Parsedown or Parsedown Extra depending on configuration. |
protected | processSummary(int/null $size=null, bool $textOnly=false) : string |
protected | processTwig(string $content) : string Process the Twig page content. |
protected | routeInternal() : string/null |
protected | saveUpdatedMedia() : void |
protected | setMedia(\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\MediaCollectionInterface/\Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\Media/\Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaCollectionInterface $media) : \Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\$this Sets the associated media collection. |
protected | setUpdatedMedia(array $files) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexObject
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexAuthorizeInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageLegacyInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageTranslateInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageRoutableInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageFormInterface, \Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces\PageContentInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexTranslateInterface
Class FlexPageObject
Visibility | Function |
public static | normalizeRoute(\string $route) : string |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexIndex
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexIndexInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCommonInterface, \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Class SimpleStorage
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $options) : void |
public | clearCache() : void |
public | copyRow(\string $src, \string $dst) : bool |
public | createRows(array $rows) : mixed |
public | deleteRows(array $rows) : void |
public | getExistingKeys() : mixed |
public | getMediaPath(\string $key=null) : mixed |
public | getMetaData(string[] $keys, \bool $reload=false) : array |
public | getStoragePath(\string $key=null) : mixed |
public | hasKey(\string $key) : bool |
public | parseKey(\string $key, \bool $variations=true) : array |
public | readRows(array $rows, mixed $fetched=null) : void |
public | renameRow(\string $src, \string $dst) : void |
public | replaceRows(array $rows) : void |
public | updateRows(array $rows) : void |
protected | buildIndex() : array Returns list of all stored keys in [key => timestamp] pairs. |
protected | getKeyFromPath(\string $path) : string Get key from the filesystem path. |
protected | getNewKey() : string |
protected | getObjectMeta(\string $key, \bool $reload=false) : array |
protected | loadRow(\string $key) : array |
protected | prepareRow(array $row) : void Prepares the row for saving and returns the storage key for the record. |
protected | save() : void |
protected | saveRow(\string $key, array $row) : array |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Storage\AbstractFilesystemStorage
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface
Class FolderStorage
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $options) : void |
public | clearCache() : void |
public | copyRow(\string $src, \string $dst) : bool |
public | createRows(array $rows) : mixed |
public | deleteRows(array $rows) : void |
public | getExistingKeys() : mixed |
public | getMediaPath(\string $key=null) : mixed |
public | getMetaData(string[] $keys, \bool $reload=false) : array |
public | getPathFromKey(\string $key) : string Get filesystem path from the key. |
public | getStoragePath(\string $key=null) : mixed |
public | hasKey(\string $key) : bool |
public | isIndexed() : bool |
public | parseKey(\string $key, \bool $variations=true) : array |
public | readRows(array $rows, mixed $fetched=null) : void |
public | renameRow(\string $src, \string $dst) : void |
public | replaceRows(array $rows) : void |
public | updateRows(array $rows) : void |
protected | buildIndex() : array Returns list of all stored keys in [key => timestamp] pairs. |
protected | buildIndexFromFilesystem(string $path) : array |
protected | buildPrefixedIndexFromFilesystem(string $path) : array |
protected | canDeleteFolder(\string $key) : bool |
protected | copyFolder(\string $src, \string $dst) : bool |
protected | deleteFile(\RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\File $file) : array/string |
protected | deleteFolder(\string $path, \bool $include_target=false) : bool |
protected | getKeyFromPath(\string $path) : string Get key from the filesystem path. |
protected | getNewKey() : string |
protected | getObjectMeta(\string $key, \bool $reload=false) : array |
protected | initOptions(array $options) : void |
protected | loadRow(\string $key) : array |
protected | moveFolder(\string $src, \string $dst) : bool |
protected | prepareRow(array $row) : void Prepares the row for saving and returns the storage key for the record. |
protected | saveRow(\string $key, array $row) : array |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Storage\AbstractFilesystemStorage
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface
Class AbstractFilesystemStorage
Visibility | Function |
public | buildStorageKey(array $keys, \bool $includeParams=true) : string |
public | buildStorageKeyParams(array $keys) : string |
public | extractKeysFromRow(array $row) : array |
public | extractKeysFromStorageKey(\string $key) : array |
public | getKeyField() : mixed |
public | hasKeys(array $keys) : bool |
public | isIndexed() : bool |
protected | detectDataFormatter(\string $filename) : string/null |
protected | generateKey() : string Generates a random, unique key for the row. |
protected | getFile(\string $filename) : \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\File |
protected | initDataFormatter(string/array $formatter) : void |
protected | resolvePath(\string $path) : string |
protected | validateKey(\string $key) : bool Checks if a key is valid. |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface
Class FileStorage
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $options) : void |
public | getMediaPath(\string $key=null) : mixed |
protected | buildIndex() : void |
protected | getKeyFromPath(\string $path) : mixed |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Flex\Storage\FolderStorage
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexStorageInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config) : void |
public | addFile(\string $filename, \string $field, array/null/array $crop=null) : bool Add existing file to the form flash. |
public | addUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $upload, \string $field=null, array/null/array $crop=null) : string Return name of the file Add uploaded file to the form flash. |
public | clearFiles() : void Clear form flash from all uploaded files. |
public | delete() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this Delete this form flash. |
public | exists() : bool Check if this form flash exists. |
public | getCreatedTimestamp() : int Get creation timestamp for this form flash. |
public | getData() : array/null Get raw form data. |
public | getFilesByField(\string $field) : array Get all files associated to a form field. |
public | getFilesByFields(bool $includeOriginal=false) : array Get all files grouped by the associated form fields. |
public | getFormName() : string Get form name associated to this form instance. |
public | getSessionId() : string Get session Id associated to this form instance. |
public | getTmpDir() : string |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6.11 Use '->getUniqueId()' method instead. |
public | getUniqueId() : string Get unique identifier associated to this form instance. |
public | getUpdatedTimestamp() : int Get last updated timestamp for this form flash. |
public | getUrl() : string Get URL associated to this form instance. |
public | getUserEmail() : string Get email from the user who was associated to this form instance. |
public | getUsername() : string Get username from the user who was associated to this form instance. |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | removeFile(\string $name, \string $field=null) : bool Remove any file from form flash. |
public | save() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this Save this form flash. |
public | setData(array/null/array $data) : void Set raw form data. |
public | setUrl(\string $url) : \Grav\Framework\Form\$this |
public | setUser(\Grav\Framework\Form\UserInterface/null/\Grav\Common\User\Interfaces\UserInterface $user=null) : \Grav\Framework\Form\$this |
public | setUserEmail(\string $email=null) : \Grav\Framework\Form\$this |
public | setUserName(\string $username=null) : \Grav\Framework\Form\$this |
protected | addFileInternal(string/null/\string $field, \string $name, array $data, array/null/array $crop=null) : void |
protected | getTmpIndex() : \RocketTheme\Toolbox\File\YamlFile |
protected | init(array/null/array $data, array $config) : void |
protected | loadStoredForm() : array/null Load raw flex flash data from the filesystem. |
protected | removeTmpDir() : void |
protected | removeTmpFile(\string $name) : void |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormFlashInterface, \JsonSerializable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $field, array $upload, \Grav\Framework\Form\FormFlash $flash) : void FormFlashFile constructor. |
public | __debugInfo() : array |
public | getClientFilename() : string |
public | getClientMediaType() : string |
public | getDestination() : string |
public | getError() : int |
public | getMetaData() : array |
public | getSize() : int |
public | getStream() : \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface |
public | getTmpFile() : string/null |
public | isMoved() : bool |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | moveTo(string $targetPath) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface, \JsonSerializable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $config) : void |
public | addFile(\string $filename, \string $field, array/null/array $crop=null) : bool Add existing file to the form flash. |
public | addUploadedFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $upload, \string $field=null, array/null/array $crop=null) : string Return name of the file Add uploaded file to the form flash. |
public | clearFiles() : void Clear form flash from all uploaded files. |
public | delete() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this Delete this form flash. |
public | exists() : bool Check if this form flash exists. |
public | getCreatedTimestamp() : int Get creation timestamp for this form flash. |
public | getData() : array/null Get raw form data. |
public | getFilesByField(\string $field) : array Get all files associated to a form field. |
public | getFilesByFields(bool $includeOriginal=false) : array Get all files grouped by the associated form fields. |
public | getFormName() : string Get form name associated to this form instance. |
public | getSessionId() : string Get session Id associated to this form instance. |
public | getUniqueId() : string Get unique identifier associated to this form instance. |
public | getUpdatedTimestamp() : int Get last updated timestamp for this form flash. |
public | getUrl() : string Get URL associated to this form instance. |
public | getUserEmail() : string Get email from the user who was associated to this form instance. |
public | getUsername() : string Get username from the user who was associated to this form instance. |
public | jsonSerialize() : array |
public | removeFile(\string $name, \string $field=null) : bool Remove any file from form flash. |
public | save() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this Save this form flash. |
public | setData(array/null/array $data) : void Set raw form data. |
This class implements \JsonSerializable
Visibility | Function |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use FormFactory::createFormByPage() instead. |
Interface FormInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | getAction() : string Get form action (URL). If action is empty, it points to the current page. |
public | getBlueprint() : \Grav\Common\Data\Blueprint Get blueprint used in the form. |
public | getData() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\Data/object Get current data passed to the form. |
public | getError() : string |
public | getErrors() : array |
public | getFields() : array Get form fields as an array. Note: Used in form fields. |
public | getFiles() : array/\Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\UploadedFileInterface[] Get files which were passed to the form. |
public | getFlash() : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\FormFlashInterface Get form flash object. |
public | getFormName() : string Get form name. |
public | getId() : string Get HTML id="..." attribute. |
public | getName() : string |
public | getNonce() : string Get the nonce value for a form |
public | getNonceAction() : string Get nonce action. |
public | getNonceName() : string Get nonce name. |
public | getTask() : string Get task for the form if set in blueprints. |
public | getUniqueId() : string Get unique id for the current form instance. By default regenerated on every page reload. This id is used to load the saved form state, if available. |
public | getValue(\string $name) : mixed Get a value from the form. Note: Used in form fields. |
public | handleRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this |
public | isSubmitted() : bool |
public | isValid() : bool |
public | reset() : void Reset form. |
public | setId(\string $id) : void Sets HTML id="" attribute. |
public | setUniqueId(\string $uniqueId) : void Sets unique form id. |
public | submit(array $data, \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\UploadedFileInterface[]/null/array $files=null) : \Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces\$this |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\RenderInterface, \Serializable
Defines common interface to render any object.
Visibility | Function |
public | render(\string $layout=null, array $context=array()) : \Grav\Framework\Interfaces\ContentBlockInterface/HtmlBlock Returns HtmlBlock containing the rendered output.Renders the object. |
$block = $object->render('custom', ['variable' => 'value']);{% render object layout 'custom' with { variable: 'value' } %}
DEPRECATED 1.7 Not used currently
Visibility | Function |
public | deleteMediaFile(\string $filename) : void |
public | uploadMediaFile(\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile) : void |
This class implements \Grav\Common\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface, \Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces\MediaInterface
Class implements media collection interface.
Visibility | Function |
This class implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \Iterator, \Traversable
Class implements media object interface.
Visibility | Function |
Class implements media interface.
Visibility | Function |
public | getMedia() : MediaCollectionInterface Collection of associated media. Gets the associated media collection. |
public | getMediaFolder() : string/null Media path or null if the object doesn't have media folder. Get filesystem path to the associated media. |
public | getMediaOrder() : array Empty array means default ordering. Get display order for the associated media. |
Array Objects keep the data in private array property.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string $key=null) : void |
public | __get(mixed $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | __isset(mixed $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Checks whether or not an offset exists. |
public | __set(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | __toString() : string Returns a string representation of this object. |
public | __unset(mixed $offset) : void Magic method to unset the attribute |
public | defNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $default, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | defProperty(string $property, mixed $default) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | getKey() : string |
public | getNestedProperty(string $property, mixed/null $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed Property value. |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null) : mixed Property value. |
public | getType(bool $prefix=true) : string |
public | hasKey() : bool |
public | hasNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | hasProperty(string $property) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | jsonSerialize() : array Implements JsonSerializable interface. |
public | offsetExists(mixed $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(mixed $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(mixed $offset) : void Unsets an offset. |
public | serialize() : string Implements Serializable interface. |
public | setNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void |
public | unsetNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | unsetProperty(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
protected | doGetProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null, bool $doCreate=false) : mixed Property value. |
protected | doHasProperty(string $property) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | doSetProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : void |
protected | doUnserialize(array $serialized) : void |
protected | doUnsetProperty(string $property) : void |
protected | getElement(string $property, mixed/null $default=null) : mixed/null |
protected | getElements() : array |
protected | getTypePrefix() : string |
protected | setElements(array $elements) : void |
protected | setKey(string $key) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Keeps index of objects instead of collection of objects. This class allows you to keep a list of objects and load them on demand. The class can be used seemingly instead of ObjectCollection when the objects haven't been loaded yet. This is an abstract class and has some protected abstract methods to load objects which you need to implement in order to use the class.
Visibility | Function |
public | abstract __call(string $name, array $arguments) : mixed |
public | call(string $method, array $arguments=array()) : array/mixed |
public | collectionGroup(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface[] Group items in the collection by a field and return them as associated array of collections. |
public | copy() : \Grav\Framework\Object\static Create a copy from this collection by cloning all objects in the collection. |
public | defNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $default, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
public | defProperty(string $property, mixed $default) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
public | getKey() : string |
public | getNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null, string $separator=null) : mixed[] Property values. |
public | getObjectKeys() : array |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null) : mixed[] Property values. |
public | getType(bool $prefix=true) : string |
public | group(string $property) : array Group items in the collection by a field and return them as associated array. |
public | hasNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : bool[] True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | hasProperty(string $property) : bool[] True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | matching(\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria $criteria) : void |
public | orderBy(array $ordering) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
public | setKey(string $key) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | setNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
public | setProperty(string $property, string $value) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
public | unsetNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
public | unsetProperty(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
protected | getTypePrefix() : string |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Collection\AbstractIndexCollection
This class implements \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Lazy Objects keep their data in both protected object properties and falls back to a stored array if property does not exist or is not initialized.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string/null $key=null) : void |
public | __get(mixed $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | __isset(mixed $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Checks whether or not an offset exists. |
public | __set(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | __toString() : string Returns a string representation of this object. |
public | __unset(mixed $offset) : void Magic method to unset the attribute |
public | defNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $default, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | defProperty(string $property, mixed $default) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | getKey() : string |
public | getNestedProperty(string $property, mixed/null $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed Property value. |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null) : mixed Property value. |
public | getType(bool $prefix=true) : string |
public | hasKey() : bool |
public | hasNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | hasProperty(string $property) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | jsonSerialize() : array Implements JsonSerializable interface. |
public | offsetExists(mixed $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(mixed $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(mixed $offset) : void Unsets an offset. |
public | serialize() : string Implements Serializable interface. |
public | setNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void |
public | unsetNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | unsetProperty(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
protected | doGetProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null, bool/callable/bool $doCreate=false) : mixed Property value. |
protected | doHasProperty(string $property) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | doSetProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : void |
protected | doUnserialize(array $serialized) : void |
protected | doUnsetProperty(string $property) : void |
protected | getElement(string $property, mixed/null $default=null) : mixed/null |
protected | getElements() : array |
protected | getTypePrefix() : string |
protected | initObjectProperties() : void |
protected | isPropertyLoaded(string $property) : bool True if property has been loaded. |
protected | offsetLoad(string $offset, mixed $value) : mixed |
protected | offsetPrepare(string $offset, mixed $value) : mixed |
protected | offsetSerialize(string $offset, mixed $value) : mixed |
protected | setElements(array $elements) : void |
protected | setKey(string $key) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Class contains a collection of objects.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string $key=null) : void |
public | __toString() : string Returns a string representation of this object. |
public | call(string $method, array $arguments=array()) : mixed[] Return values. |
public | collectionGroup(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\static[] Group items in the collection by a field and return them as associated array of collections. |
public | copy() : \Grav\Framework\Object\static Create a copy from this collection by cloning all objects in the collection. |
public | defNestedProperty(string $property, string $default, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | defProperty(string $property, mixed $default) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | doDefProperty(string $property, mixed $default) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | doGetProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null) : mixed[] Key/Value pairs of the properties. |
public | doHasProperty(string $property) : bool[] Key/Value pairs of the properties. |
public | doSetProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | doUnsetProperty(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | getKey() : string |
public | getNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null, string $separator=null) : array Key/Value pairs of the properties. |
public | getObjectKeys() : array |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null) : mixed[] Property values. |
public | getType(bool $prefix=true) : string |
public | group(string $property, string $separator=null) : array Group items in the collection by a field. |
public | hasKey() : bool |
public | hasNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : array Key/Value pairs of the properties. |
public | hasProperty(string $property) : bool[] True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | jsonSerialize() : array Implements JsonSerializable interface. |
public | limit(int $start, int/null $limit=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\static |
public | matching(\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria $criteria) : void |
public | orderBy(array $ordering) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Collection/\Grav\Framework\Object\static |
public | serialize() : string Implements Serializable interface. |
public | setKey(string $key) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | setNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void |
public | unsetNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | unsetProperty(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | doUnserialize(array $serialized) : void |
protected | getElements() : array |
protected | getTypePrefix() : string |
protected | setElements(array $elements) : array |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Collection\ArrayCollection
This class implements \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface
Property Objects keep their data in protected object properties.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $elements=array(), string/null $key=null) : void |
public | __get(mixed $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | __isset(mixed $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Checks whether or not an offset exists. |
public | __set(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | __toString() : string Returns a string representation of this object. |
public | __unset(mixed $offset) : void Magic method to unset the attribute |
public | defNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $default, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | defProperty(string $property, mixed $default) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | getKey() : string |
public | getNestedProperty(string $property, mixed/null $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed Property value. |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null) : mixed Property value. |
public | getType(bool $prefix=true) : string |
public | hasKey() : bool |
public | hasNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | hasProperty(string $property) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | jsonSerialize() : array Implements JsonSerializable interface. |
public | offsetExists(mixed $offset) : bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Whether or not an offset exists. |
public | offsetGet(mixed $offset) : mixed Can return all value types. Returns the value at specified offset. |
public | offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void Assigns a value to the specified offset. |
public | offsetUnset(mixed $offset) : void Unsets an offset. |
public | serialize() : string Implements Serializable interface. |
public | setNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | unserialize(string $serialized) : void |
public | unsetNestedProperty(string $property, string $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
public | unsetProperty(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
protected | doGetProperty(string $property, mixed $default=null, bool/callable/bool $doCreate=false) : mixed Property value. |
protected | doHasProperty(string $property) : bool True if property has been defined (can be null). |
protected | doSerialize() : array |
protected | doSetProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : void |
protected | doUnserialize(array $serialized) : void |
protected | doUnsetProperty(string $property) : void |
protected | getElement(string $property, mixed/null $default=null) : mixed/null |
protected | getElements() : array |
protected | getTypePrefix() : string |
protected | initObjectProperties() : void |
protected | isPropertyLoaded(string $property) : bool True if property has been loaded. |
protected | offsetLoad(string $offset, mixed $value) : mixed |
protected | offsetPrepare(string $offset, mixed $value) : mixed |
protected | offsetSerialize(string $offset, mixed $value) : mixed |
protected | setElements(array $elements) : void |
protected | setKey(string $key) : \Grav\Framework\Object\$this |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\NestedObjectInterface, \Serializable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \ArrayAccess
Visibility | Function |
public static | filterLength(string $str) : int |
public static | filterLower(string $str) : string |
public static | filterLtrim(string $str) : string |
public static | filterRtrim(string $str) : string |
public static | filterTrim(string $str) : string |
public static | filterUpper(string $str) : string |
public static | getObjectFieldValue(object $object, string $field) : mixed Accesses the field of a given object. |
public static | sortByField(string $name, int $orientation=1, \Closure/null/\Closure $next=null) : \Closure Helper for sorting arrays of objects based on multiple fields + orientations. |
public | walkComparison(\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr\Comparison $comparison) : void |
This class extends \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr\ClosureExpressionVisitor
Object Interface
Visibility | Function |
public | defProperty(string $property, mixed $default) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | getKey() : string |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed/null $default=null) : mixed Property value. |
public | getType() : string |
public | hasProperty(string $property) : bool True if property has been defined (property can be null). |
public | setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | unsetProperty(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
This class implements \Serializable, \JsonSerializable
Common Interface for both Objects and Collections
Visibility | Function |
public | defNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $default, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | getNestedProperty(string $property, mixed/null $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed[] List of [key => value] pairs. |
public | hasNestedProperty(string $property, string/null $separator=null) : bool[] List of [key => bool] pairs. |
public | setNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | unsetNestedProperty(string $property, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface, \Serializable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \ArrayAccess, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \JsonSerializable, \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface
Common Interface for both Objects and Collections
Visibility | Function |
public | defNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $default, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | getNestedProperty(string $property, mixed/null $default=null, string/null $separator=null) : mixed/mixed[] Property value. |
public | hasNestedProperty(string $property, string/null $separator=null) : bool/bool[] True if property has been defined (can be null). |
public | setNestedProperty(string $property, mixed $value, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | unsetNestedProperty(string $property, string/null $separator=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Serializable
ObjectCollection Interface
Visibility | Function |
public | call(string $name, array $arguments=array()) : array Return values. |
public | collectionGroup(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\static[] Group items in the collection by a field and return them as associated array of collections. |
public | copy() : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\static Create a copy from this collection by cloning all objects in the collection. |
public | defProperty(string $property, mixed $default) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | getKey() : string |
public | getObjectKeys() : array |
public | getProperty(string $property, mixed/null $default=null) : mixed[] List of [key => value] pairs. |
public | getType() : string |
public | group(string $property) : array Group items in the collection by a field and return them as associated array. |
public | hasProperty(string $property) : bool[] List of [key => bool] pairs. |
public | limit(int $start, int/null $limit=null) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
public | orderBy(array $ordering) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectCollectionInterface |
public | setKey(string $key) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
public | unsetProperty(string $property) : \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\$this |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Collection\CollectionInterface, \JsonSerializable, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable, \Serializable
Visibility | Function |
public | getLabel() : mixed |
public | getNumber() : mixed |
public | getOptions() : mixed |
public | getUrl() : mixed |
public | isActive() : bool |
public | isEnabled() : bool |
protected | setOptions(array $options) : void |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationPageInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Framework\Route\Route $route, \int $total, \int $pos=null, \int $limit=null, array $options=null) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Pagination\AbstractPagination
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | count() : int |
public | getFirstPage(\string $label=null, \int $count) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\PaginationPage/null |
public | getIterator() : \ArrayIterator |
public | getLastPage(\string $label=null, \int $count) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\PaginationPage/null |
public | getLimit() : int |
public | getNextNumber(\int $count=1) : int/null |
public | getNextPage(\string $label=null, \int $count=1) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\PaginationPage/null |
public | getOptions() : array |
public | getPage(\int $page, \string $label=null) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\PaginationPage/null |
public | getPageNumber() : int |
public | getPages() : array |
public | getPrevNumber(\int $count=1) : int/null |
public | getPrevPage(\string $label=null, \int $count=1) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\PaginationPage/null |
public | getRoute() : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Route/null |
public | getStart() : int |
public | getTotal() : int |
public | getTotalPages() : int |
public | isEnabled() : bool |
protected | calculateLimits() : void |
protected | calculateRange() : void |
protected | initialize(\Grav\Framework\Route\Route $route, \int $total, \int $pos=null, \int $limit=null, array/null/array $options=null) : void |
protected | loadItems() : void |
protected | setLimit(\int $limit=null) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\$this |
protected | setOptions(array/null/array $options=null) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\$this |
protected | setPage(\int $page=null) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\$this |
protected | setRoute(\Grav\Framework\Route\Route $route) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\$this |
protected | setStart(\int $start=null) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\$this |
protected | setTotal(\int $total) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\$this |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationInterface, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate, \Countable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $options=array()) : void |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Pagination\AbstractPaginationPage
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationPageInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | count() : int |
public | getFirstPage(\string $label=null, \int $count) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationPage/null |
public | getLastPage(\string $label=null, \int $count) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationPage/null |
public | getLimit() : int |
public | getNextNumber(\int $count=1) : int/null |
public | getNextPage(\string $label=null, \int $count=1) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationPage/null |
public | getOptions() : array |
public | getPage(\int $page, \string $label=null) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationPage/null |
public | getPageNumber() : int |
public | getPrevNumber(\int $count=1) : int/null |
public | getPrevPage(\string $label=null, \int $count=1) : \Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces\PaginationPage/null |
public | getStart() : int |
public | getTotal() : int |
public | getTotalPages() : int |
This class implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable
Visibility | Function |
public | getLabel() : string |
public | getNumber() : int/null |
public | getOptions() : array |
public | getUrl() : string/null |
public | isActive() : bool |
public | isEnabled() : bool |
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $method, string/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\UriInterface $uri, array $headers=array(), string/null/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\resource/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\StreamInterface $body=null, \string $version='1.1' ) : void |
public | getBody() : mixed |
public | getHeader(mixed $header) : mixed |
public | getHeaderLine(mixed $header) : mixed |
public | getHeaders() : mixed |
public | getMethod() : mixed |
public | getProtocolVersion() : mixed |
public | getRequest() : \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface Returns the decorated request. Since the underlying Request is immutable as well exposing it is not an issue, because it's state cannot be altered |
public | getRequestTarget() : mixed |
public | getUri() : mixed |
public | hasHeader(mixed $header) : bool |
public | withAddedHeader(mixed $header, mixed $value) : void |
public | withBody(\Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $body) : void |
public | withHeader(mixed $header, mixed $value) : void |
public | withMethod(mixed $method) : void |
public | withProtocolVersion(mixed $version) : void |
public | withRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request) : \Grav\Framework\Psr7\self Exchanges the underlying request with another. |
public | withRequestTarget(mixed $requestTarget) : void |
public | withUri(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri, bool $preserveHost=false) : void |
public | withoutHeader(mixed $header) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, \Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface
Class ServerRequest
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $method, string/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\UriInterface $uri, array $headers=array(), string/null/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\resource/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\StreamInterface $body=null, \string $version='1.1' , array $serverParams=array()) : void |
public | getAttribute(string $name, mixed $default=null) : mixed Retrieve a single derived request attribute. Retrieves a single derived request attribute as described in getAttributes(). If the attribute has not been previously set, returns the default value as provided. This method obviates the need for a hasAttribute() method, as it allows specifying a default value to return if the attribute is not found. |
public | getAttributes() : array Attributes derived from the request. Retrieve attributes derived from the request. The request "attributes" may be used to allow injection of any parameters derived from the request: e.g., the results of path match operations; the results of decrypting cookies; the results of deserializing non-form-encoded message bodies; etc. Attributes will be application and request specific, and CAN be mutable. |
public | getBody() : mixed |
public | getContentCharset() : string/null Get serverRequest content character set, if known. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getContentLength() : int/null Get serverRequest content length, if known. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getContentType() : string/null The serverRequest content type, if known Get serverRequest content type. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getCookieParam(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed Fetch cookie value from cookies sent by the client to the server. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getCookieParams() : array Retrieve cookies. Retrieves cookies sent by the client to the server. The data MUST be compatible with the structure of the $_COOKIE superglobal. |
public | getHeader(mixed $header) : mixed |
public | getHeaderLine(mixed $header) : mixed |
public | getHeaders() : mixed |
public | getMediaType() : string/null The serverRequest media type, minus content-type params Get serverRequest media type, if known. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getMediaTypeParams() : mixed[] Get serverRequest media type params, if known. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getMethod() : mixed |
public | getParam(string $key, string $default=null) : mixed The parameter value. Fetch serverRequest parameter value from body or query string (in that order). Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getParams() : mixed[] Fetch associative array of body and query string parameters. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getParsedBody() : null/array/object The deserialized body parameters, if any. These will typically be an array or object. Retrieve any parameters provided in the request body. If the request Content-Type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, and the request method is POST, this method MUST return the contents of $_POST. Otherwise, this method may return any results of deserializing the request body content; as parsing returns structured content, the potential types MUST be arrays or objects only. A null value indicates the absence of body content. |
public | getParsedBodyParam(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed Fetch parameter value from serverRequest body. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getProtocolVersion() : mixed |
public | getQueryParam(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed Fetch parameter value from query string. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getQueryParams() : array Retrieve query string arguments. Retrieves the deserialized query string arguments, if any. Note: the query params might not be in sync with the URI or server params. If you need to ensure you are only getting the original values, you may need to parse the query string from getUri()->getQuery() or from the QUERY_STRING server param. |
public | getRequest() : \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface Returns the decorated request. Since the underlying Request is immutable as well exposing it is not an issue, because it's state cannot be altered |
public | getRequestTarget() : mixed |
public | getServerParam(string $key, mixed $default=null) : mixed Retrieve a server parameter. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getServerParams() : array Retrieve server parameters. Retrieves data related to the incoming request environment, typically derived from PHP's $_SERVER superglobal. The data IS NOT REQUIRED to originate from $_SERVER. |
public | getUploadedFiles() : array An array tree of UploadedFileInterface instances; an empty array MUST be returned if no data is present. Retrieve normalized file upload data. This method returns upload metadata in a normalized tree, with each leaf an instance of Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface. These values MAY be prepared from $_FILES or the message body during instantiation, or MAY be injected via withUploadedFiles(). |
public | getUri() : mixed |
public | hasHeader(mixed $header) : bool |
public | isDelete() : bool Is this a DELETE serverRequest? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isGet() : bool Is this a GET serverRequest? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isHead() : bool Is this a HEAD serverRequest? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isMethod(string $method) : bool Does this serverRequest use a given method? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isOptions() : bool Is this a OPTIONS serverRequest? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isPatch() : bool Is this a PATCH serverRequest? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isPost() : bool Is this a POST serverRequest? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isPut() : bool Is this a PUT serverRequest? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isXhr() : bool Is this an XHR serverRequest? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | withAddedHeader(mixed $header, mixed $value) : void |
public | withAttribute(string $name, mixed $value) : \Psr\Http\Message\static Return an instance with the specified derived request attribute. This method allows setting a single derived request attribute as described in getAttributes(). This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated attribute. |
public | withAttributes(array $attributes) : void |
public | withBody(\Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $body) : void |
public | withCookieParams(array $cookies) : \Psr\Http\Message\static Return an instance with the specified cookies. The data IS NOT REQUIRED to come from the $_COOKIE superglobal, but MUST be compatible with the structure of $_COOKIE. Typically, this data will be injected at instantiation. This method MUST NOT update the related Cookie header of the request instance, nor related values in the server params. This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated cookie values. |
public | withHeader(mixed $header, mixed $value) : void |
public | withMethod(mixed $method) : void |
public | withParsedBody(null/array/object $data) : \Psr\Http\Message\static Return an instance with the specified body parameters. These MAY be injected during instantiation. If the request Content-Type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, and the request method is POST, use this method ONLY to inject the contents of $_POST. The data IS NOT REQUIRED to come from $_POST, but MUST be the results of deserializing the request body content. Deserialization/parsing returns structured data, and, as such, this method ONLY accepts arrays or objects, or a null value if nothing was available to parse. As an example, if content negotiation determines that the request data is a JSON payload, this method could be used to create a request instance with the deserialized parameters. This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated body parameters. typically be in an array or object. |
public | withProtocolVersion(mixed $version) : void |
public | withQueryParams(array $query) : \Psr\Http\Message\static Return an instance with the specified query string arguments. These values SHOULD remain immutable over the course of the incoming request. They MAY be injected during instantiation, such as from PHP's $_GET superglobal, or MAY be derived from some other value such as the URI. In cases where the arguments are parsed from the URI, the data MUST be compatible with what PHP's parse_str() would return for purposes of how duplicate query parameters are handled, and how nested sets are handled. Setting query string arguments MUST NOT change the URI stored by the request, nor the values in the server params. This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated query string arguments. $_GET. |
public | withRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request) : \Grav\Framework\Psr7\self Exchanges the underlying request with another. |
public | withRequestTarget(mixed $requestTarget) : void |
public | withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles) : \Psr\Http\Message\static Create a new instance with the specified uploaded files. This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated body parameters. |
public | withUri(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri, bool $preserveHost=false) : void |
public | withoutAttribute(string $name) : \Psr\Http\Message\static Return an instance that removes the specified derived request attribute. This method allows removing a single derived request attribute as described in getAttributes(). This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that removes the attribute. |
public | withoutHeader(mixed $header) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, \Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface, \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Grav\Framework\Psr7\StreamInterface/string/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\resource $streamOrFile, int $size, int $errorStatus, string/null $clientFilename=null, string/null $clientMediaType=null) : void |
public | getClientFilename() : mixed |
public | getClientMediaType() : mixed |
public | getError() : mixed |
public | getSize() : mixed |
public | getStream() : mixed |
public | moveTo(mixed $targetPath) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\string $uri='' ) : void |
public | __toString() : void |
public | getAuthority() : mixed |
public | getFragment() : mixed |
public | getHost() : mixed |
public | getPath() : mixed |
public | getPort() : mixed |
public | getQuery() : mixed |
public | getQueryParams() : array |
public | getScheme() : mixed |
public | getUserInfo() : mixed |
public | isAbsolute() : bool Whether the URI is absolute, i.e. it has a scheme. An instance of UriInterface can either be an absolute URI or a relative reference. This method returns true if it is the former. An absolute URI has a scheme. A relative reference is used to express a URI relative to another URI, the base URI. Relative references can be divided into several forms: - network-path references, e.g. '//' - absolute-path references, e.g. '/path' - relative-path references, e.g. 'subpath' |
public | isAbsolutePathReference() : bool Whether the URI is a absolute-path reference. A relative reference that begins with a single slash character is termed an absolute-path reference. |
public | isDefaultPort() : bool Whether the URI has the default port of the current scheme. $uri->getPort() may return the standard port. This method can be used for some non-http/https Uri. |
public | isNetworkPathReference() : bool Whether the URI is a network-path reference. A relative reference that begins with two slash characters is termed an network-path reference. |
public | isRelativePathReference() : bool Whether the URI is a relative-path reference. A relative reference that does not begin with a slash character is termed a relative-path reference. |
public | isSameDocumentReference(\Grav\Framework\Psr7\UriInterface/null/\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $base=null) : bool Whether the URI is a same-document reference. A same-document reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its fragment component, identical to the base URI. When no base URI is given, only an empty URI reference (apart from its fragment) is considered a same-document reference. |
public | withFragment(mixed $fragment) : void |
public | withHost(mixed $host) : void |
public | withPath(mixed $path) : void |
public | withPort(mixed $port) : void |
public | withQuery(mixed $query) : void |
public | withQueryParams(array $params) : \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface |
public | withScheme(mixed $scheme) : void |
public | withUserInfo(mixed $user, mixed $password=null) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string/string/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\resource/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\StreamInterface $body='' ) : voidStream constructor. |
public | __destruct() : void |
public | __toString() : void |
public | close() : void |
public static | create(string/string/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\resource/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\StreamInterface $body='' ) : \Grav\Framework\Psr7\static |
public | detach() : void |
public | eof() : void |
public | getContents() : mixed |
public | getMetadata(mixed $key=null) : mixed |
public | getSize() : mixed |
public | isReadable() : bool |
public | isSeekable() : bool |
public | isWritable() : bool |
public | read(mixed $length) : void |
public | rewind() : void |
public | seek(mixed $offset, mixed $whence) : void |
public | tell() : void |
public | write(mixed $string) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
Class Response
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\int $status=200, array $headers=array(), string/null/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\resource/\Grav\Framework\Psr7\StreamInterface $body=null, \string $version='1.1' , \string $reason=null) : void |
public | __toString() : string Convert response to string. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | getBody() : mixed |
public | getHeader(mixed $header) : mixed |
public | getHeaderLine(mixed $header) : mixed |
public | getHeaders() : mixed |
public | getProtocolVersion() : mixed |
public | getReasonPhrase() : mixed |
public | getResponse() : \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface Returns the decorated response. Since the underlying Response is immutable as well exposing it is not an issue, because it's state cannot be altered |
public | getStatusCode() : mixed |
public | hasHeader(mixed $header) : bool |
public | isClientError() : bool Is this response a client error? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isEmpty() : bool Is this response empty? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isForbidden() : bool Is this response forbidden? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isInformational() : bool Is this response informational? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isNotFound() : bool Is this response not Found? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isOk() : bool Is this response OK? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isRedirect() : bool Is this response a redirect? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isRedirection() : bool Is this response a redirection? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isServerError() : bool Is this response a server error? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | isSuccessful() : bool Is this response successful? Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. |
public | withAddedHeader(mixed $header, mixed $value) : void |
public | withBody(\Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $body) : void |
public | withHeader(mixed $header, mixed $value) : void |
public | withJson(mixed $data, \int $status=null, \int $options, \int $depth=512) : \Grav\Framework\Psr7\static Json. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. This method prepares the response object to return an HTTP Json response to the client. |
public | withProtocolVersion(mixed $version) : void |
public | withRedirect(\string $url, int/null $status=null) : \Grav\Framework\Psr7\static Redirect. Note: This method is not part of the PSR-7 standard. This method prepares the response object to return an HTTP Redirect response to the client. |
public | withResponse(\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) : \Grav\Framework\Psr7\self Exchanges the underlying response with another. |
public | withStatus(mixed $code, string $reasonPhrase='' ) : void |
public | withoutHeader(mixed $header) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, \Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface
DEPRECATED 1.6 Using message PSR-7 decorators instead.
Visibility | Function |
public | abstract __construct() : void Please define constructor which calls $this->init(). |
public | __toString() : string |
public | abstract getAuthority() : string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format. Retrieve the authority component of the URI. If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The authority syntax of the URI is: |
public | abstract getFragment() : string The URI fragment. Retrieve the fragment component of the URI. If no fragment is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The leading "#" character is not part of the fragment and MUST NOT be added. The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.5. |
public | abstract getHost() : string The URI host. Retrieve the host component of the URI. If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986 Section 3.2.2. |
public | abstract getPath() : string The URI path. Retrieve the path component of the URI. The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all three syntaxes. Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g. the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task of the user to handle both "" and "/". The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3. As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance. |
public | abstract getPort() : null/int The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI. If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme, this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null. If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return a null value. If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null. |
public | abstract getQuery() : string The URI query string. Retrieve the query string of the URI. If no query string is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The leading "?" character is not part of the query and MUST NOT be added. The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.4. As an example, if a value in a key/value pair of the query string should include an ampersand ("&") not intended as a delimiter between values, that value MUST be passed in encoded form (e.g., "%26") to the instance. |
public | abstract getScheme() : string The URI scheme. Retrieve the scheme component of the URI. If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986 Section 3.1. The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be added. |
public | abstract getUserInfo() : string The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI. If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty string. If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value; additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the user value, with a colon (":") separating the values. The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST NOT be added. |
public | abstract withFragment(string $fragment) : static A new instance with the specified fragment. Return an instance with the specified URI fragment. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified URI fragment. Users can provide both encoded and decoded fragment characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getFragment(). An empty fragment value is equivalent to removing the fragment. |
public | abstract withHost(string $host) : static A new instance with the specified host. Return an instance with the specified host. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified host. An empty host value is equivalent to removing the host. |
public | abstract withPath(string $path) : static A new instance with the specified path. Return an instance with the specified path. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified path. The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all three syntaxes. If the path is intended to be domain-relative rather than path relative then it must begin with a slash ("/"). Paths not starting with a slash ("/") are assumed to be relative to some base path known to the application or consumer. Users can provide both encoded and decoded path characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getPath(). |
public | abstract withPort(null/int $port) : static A new instance with the specified port. Return an instance with the specified port. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified port. Implementations MUST raise an exception for ports outside the established TCP and UDP port ranges. A null value provided for the port is equivalent to removing the port information. removes the port information. |
public | abstract withQuery(string $query) : static A new instance with the specified query string. Return an instance with the specified query string. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified query string. Users can provide both encoded and decoded query characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getQuery(). An empty query string value is equivalent to removing the query string. |
public | abstract withScheme(string $scheme) : static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified scheme. Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required. An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme. |
public | abstract withUserInfo(string $user, null/string $password=null) : static A new instance with the specified user information. Return an instance with the specified user information. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified user information. Password is optional, but the user information MUST include the user; an empty string for the user is equivalent to removing user information. |
protected | getBaseUrl() : string Return the fully qualified base URL ( like ). Note that this method never includes a trailing / |
protected | getParts() : array |
protected | getPassword() : string |
protected | getUrl() : string |
protected | getUser() : string |
protected | initParts(array $parts) : void |
protected | isDefaultPort() : bool |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $middleware, \callable $default, \Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\ContainerInterface/null/\Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container=null) : void Delegate constructor. |
public | addCallable(\string $name, \callable $callable) : \Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\$this Add callable initializing Middleware that will be executed as soon as possible. |
public | addMiddleware(\string $name, \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface $middleware) : \Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\$this Add Middleware that will be executed as soon as possible. |
public | handle(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(string $message='' , mixed/null $invalidMiddleware=null, int $code, \Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\Exception\Throwable/null/\Throwable $previous=null) : voidInvalidArgumentException constructor. |
public | getInvalidMiddleware() : mixed/null Return the invalid middleware |
This class extends \InvalidArgumentException
This class implements \Throwable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Throwable/null/\Throwable $previous=null) : void NotFoundException constructor. |
public | getRequest() : mixed |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\Exception\RequestException
This class implements \Throwable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \string $message, \int $code=500, \Throwable/null/\Throwable $previous=null) : void |
public | getHttpCode() : mixed |
public | getHttpReason() : mixed |
public | getRequest() : \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface |
This class extends \RuntimeException
This class implements \Throwable
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Throwable/null/\Throwable $previous=null) : void PageExpiredException constructor. |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\Exception\RequestException
This class implements \Throwable
Visibility | Function |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\Exception\NotFoundException
This class implements \Throwable
Visibility | Function |
public | process(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : void |
This class implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface
Class RouteFactory
Visibility | Function |
public static | buildParams(array $params) : string |
public static | createFromLegacyUri(\Grav\Common\Uri $uri) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public static | createFromParts(array $parts) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public static | createFromString(\string $path) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public static | getLanguage() : string |
public static | getParamValueDelimiter() : string |
public static | getParams(\string $path) : array |
public static | getRoot() : string |
public static | parseParams(\string $str) : array |
public static | setLanguage(\string $language) : void |
public static | setParamValueDelimiter(\string $delimiter) : void |
public static | setRoot(string $root) : void |
public static | stripParams(\string $path, \bool $decode=false) : string |
public static | trimParams(\string $str) : string |
Implements Grav Route.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $parts=array()) : void You can use RouteFactory functions to create new Route objects. |
public | DEPRECATED - 1.6 Use ->toString(true) or ->getUri() instead. |
public | getBase(\string $language=null) : string |
public | getExtension() : string |
public | getGravParam(string $param) : string/null |
public | getGravParams() : array |
public | getLanguage() : string |
public | getLanguagePrefix() : string |
public | getParam(string $param) : string/array/null Return value of the parameter, looking into both Grav parameters and query parameters. If the parameter exists in both, return Grav parameter. |
public | getParams() : array Return array of both query and Grav parameters. If a parameter exists in both, prefer Grav parameter. |
public | getParts() : array |
public | getQueryParam(string $param) : string/array/null |
public | getQueryParams() : array |
public | getRootPrefix() : string |
public | getRoute(int $offset, int/null $length=null) : string |
public | getRouteParts(int $offset, int/null $length=null) : array |
public | getUri() : \Grav\Framework\Uri\Uri |
public | toString(\bool $includeRoot=false) : string |
public | withAddedPath(string $path) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | withExtension(string $extension) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | withGravParam(string $param, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | withLanguage(string $language) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | withQueryParam(string $param, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | withRoot(string $root) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route Allow the ability to set the root to something else |
public | withRoute(string $route) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route Allow the ability to set the route to something else |
public | withoutGravParams() : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | withoutParams() : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
public | withoutQueryParams() : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
protected | copy() : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
protected | getUriPath(bool $includeRoot=false) : string |
protected | getUriQuery() : string |
protected | initParts(array $parts) : void |
protected | withParam(string $type, string $param, mixed $value) : \Grav\Framework\Route\Route |
Class Session
Visibility | Function |
public | __get(string $name) : mixed Returns session variable. |
public | __isset(string $name) : bool Checks if session variable is defined. |
public | __set(string $name, mixed $value) : void Sets session variable. |
public | __unset(string $name) : void Removes session variable. |
public | clear() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Free all session variables. |
public | close() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Force the session to be saved and closed |
public | getAll() : array Returns all session variables. |
public | getId() : string/null Session ID Get session ID |
public static | getInstance() : \Grav\Framework\Session\Session Get current session instance. |
public | getIterator() : \ArrayIterator Return an ArrayIterator of $_SESSION Retrieve an external iterator |
public | getName() : string/null Get session name |
public | invalidate() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Invalidates the current session. |
public | isStarted() : bool Checks if the session was started. |
public | setId(string $id) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Set session ID |
public | setName(string $name) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Set session name |
public | setOptions(array $options) : void Sets session.* ini variables. |
public | start(bool $readonly=false) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Starts the session storage |
This class implements \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable
Class Session
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $options=array()) : void Session constructor. |
public | __get(string $name) : mixed Returns session variable. |
public | __isset(string $name) : bool Checks if session variable is defined. |
public | __set(string $name, mixed $value) : void Sets session variable. |
public | __unset(string $name) : void Removes session variable. |
public | clear() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Free all session variables. |
public | close() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Force the session to be saved and closed |
public | getAll() : array Returns all session variables. |
public | getId() : string/null Session ID Get session ID |
public static | getInstance() : \Grav\Framework\Session\Session Get current session instance. |
public | getIterator() : \ArrayIterator Return an ArrayIterator of $_SESSION Retrieve an external iterator |
public | getName() : string/null Get session name |
public | invalidate() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Invalidates the current session. |
public | isStarted() : bool Checks if the session was started. |
public | regenerateId() : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Regenerate session id but keep the current session information. Session id must be regenerated on login, logout or after long time has been passed. |
public | setId(string $id) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Set session ID |
public | setName(string $name) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Set session name |
public | setOptions(array $options) : void Sets session.* ini variables. |
public | start(bool $readonly=false) : \Grav\Framework\Session\$this Starts the session storage |
protected | isSessionStarted() : bool Check if session is started nicely. |
protected | onSessionStart() : void |
protected | setOption(string $key, mixed $value) : void |
This class implements \Grav\Framework\Session\SessionInterface, \Traversable, \IteratorAggregate
Visibility | Function |
This class extends \RuntimeException
This class implements \Throwable
Class Uri
Visibility | Function |
public static | buildQuery(array $params) : string Build query string from variables. |
public static | createFromEnvironment(array $env) : \Grav\Framework\Uri\Uri |
public static | createFromParts(array $parts) : \Grav\Framework\Uri\Uri Creates a URI from a array of parse_url() components. |
public static | createFromString(string $uri) : \Grav\Framework\Uri\Uri |
public static | parseQuery(string $query) : mixed Parse query string and return it as an array. |
public static | parseUrl(string $url) : array UTF-8 aware parse_url() implementation. |
public static | parseUrlFromEnvironment(array $env) : array |
Implements PSR-7 UriInterface.
Visibility | Function |
public | __construct(array $parts=array()) : void You can use UriFactory functions to create new Uri objects. |
public | getAuthority() : string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format. Retrieve the authority component of the URI. If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The authority syntax of the URI is: |
public | getBaseUrl() : string |
public | getFragment() : string The URI fragment. Retrieve the fragment component of the URI. If no fragment is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The leading "#" character is not part of the fragment and MUST NOT be added. The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.5. |
public | getHost() : string The URI host. Retrieve the host component of the URI. If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986 Section 3.2.2. |
public | getParts() : array |
public | getPassword() : string |
public | getPath() : string The URI path. Retrieve the path component of the URI. The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all three syntaxes. Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g. the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task of the user to handle both "" and "/". The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3. As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance. |
public | getPort() : null/int The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI. If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme, this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null. If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return a null value. If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null. |
public | getQuery() : string The URI query string. Retrieve the query string of the URI. If no query string is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The leading "?" character is not part of the query and MUST NOT be added. The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.4. As an example, if a value in a key/value pair of the query string should include an ampersand ("&") not intended as a delimiter between values, that value MUST be passed in encoded form (e.g., "%26") to the instance. |
public | getQueryParam(string $key) : string/null |
public | getQueryParams() : array |
public | getScheme() : string The URI scheme. Retrieve the scheme component of the URI. If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string. The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986 Section 3.1. The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be added. |
public | getUrl() : string |
public | getUser() : string |
public | getUserInfo() : string The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI. If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty string. If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value; additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the user value, with a colon (":") separating the values. The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST NOT be added. |
public | isAbsolute() : bool Whether the URI is absolute, i.e. it has a scheme. An instance of UriInterface can either be an absolute URI or a relative reference. This method returns true if it is the former. An absolute URI has a scheme. A relative reference is used to express a URI relative to another URI, the base URI. Relative references can be divided into several forms: - network-path references, e.g. '//' - absolute-path references, e.g. '/path' - relative-path references, e.g. 'subpath' |
public | isAbsolutePathReference() : bool Whether the URI is a absolute-path reference. A relative reference that begins with a single slash character is termed an absolute-path reference. |
public | isDefaultPort() : bool Whether the URI has the default port of the current scheme. $uri->getPort() may return the standard port. This method can be used for some non-http/https Uri. |
public | isNetworkPathReference() : bool Whether the URI is a network-path reference. A relative reference that begins with two slash characters is termed an network-path reference. |
public | isRelativePathReference() : bool Whether the URI is a relative-path reference. A relative reference that does not begin with a slash character is termed a relative-path reference. |
public | isSameDocumentReference(\Grav\Framework\Uri\UriInterface/null/\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $base=null) : bool Whether the URI is a same-document reference. A same-document reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its fragment component, identical to the base URI. When no base URI is given, only an empty URI reference (apart from its fragment) is considered a same-document reference. |
public | withFragment(string $fragment) : static A new instance with the specified fragment. Return an instance with the specified URI fragment. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified URI fragment. Users can provide both encoded and decoded fragment characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getFragment(). An empty fragment value is equivalent to removing the fragment. |
public | withHost(string $host) : static A new instance with the specified host. Return an instance with the specified host. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified host. An empty host value is equivalent to removing the host. |
public | withPath(string $path) : static A new instance with the specified path. Return an instance with the specified path. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified path. The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all three syntaxes. If the path is intended to be domain-relative rather than path relative then it must begin with a slash ("/"). Paths not starting with a slash ("/") are assumed to be relative to some base path known to the application or consumer. Users can provide both encoded and decoded path characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getPath(). |
public | withPort(null/int $port) : static A new instance with the specified port. Return an instance with the specified port. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified port. Implementations MUST raise an exception for ports outside the established TCP and UDP port ranges. A null value provided for the port is equivalent to removing the port information. removes the port information. |
public | withQuery(string $query) : static A new instance with the specified query string. Return an instance with the specified query string. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified query string. Users can provide both encoded and decoded query characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getQuery(). An empty query string value is equivalent to removing the query string. |
public | withQueryParam(string $key, string/null $value) : \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface |
public | withQueryParams(array $params) : \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface |
public | withScheme(string $scheme) : static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified scheme. Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required. An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme. |
public | withUserInfo(string $user, null/string $password=null) : static A new instance with the specified user information. Return an instance with the specified user information. This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified user information. Password is optional, but the user information MUST include the user; an empty string for the user is equivalent to removing user information. |
public | withoutQueryParam(string $key) : \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface |
This class extends \Grav\Framework\Psr7\AbstractUri
This class implements \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
Class Uri
Visibility | Function |
public static | filterHost(string $host) : string |
public static | filterPath(string $path) : string The RFC 3986 percent-encoded uri path. Filter Uri path. This method percent-encodes all reserved characters in the provided path string. This method will NOT double-encode characters that are already percent-encoded. |
public static | filterPort(int/null $port=null) : int/null Filter Uri port. This method |
public static | filterQueryOrFragment(string $query) : string The percent-encoded query string. Filters the query string or fragment of a URI. |
public static | filterScheme(string $scheme) : string |
public static | filterUserInfo(string $info) : string The percent-encoded user or password string. Filters the user info string. |
Grav installer. NOTE: This class can be initialized during upgrade from an older version of Grav. Make sure it runs there!
Visibility | Function |
public | __invoke(\string $zip) : void |
public | checkRequirements() : array List of failed requirements. If the list is empty, installation can go on. NOTE: This method can only be called after $grav['plugins']->init(). |
public | finalize() : void |
public | install() : void |
public static | instance() : void |
public | prepare() : void |
public | setZip(\string $zip) : void |
protected | checkPlugins(mixed $results, array $plugins) : void |
protected | checkVersion(mixed $results, mixed $type, mixed $name, array $check, mixed $version) : void |
オリジナル :