△ アセット管理

Grav 1.6 では、テーマ内の CSS や JavaScript のアセットをより柔軟に管理できるよう、Asset Manager が完全に書き直されました。Asset Manager の主な目的は、テーマやプラグインからアセットを追加するプロセスを簡素化し、優先順位などの機能を強化することです。また、ブラウザのリクエスト数を減らし、アセット全体のサイズを小さくするために、アセットを最小化、圧縮、インライン化するために使用できる Asset Pipeline を提供することでもあります。

以前よりずっと柔軟で信頼できるようになりました。また、コードを見ると、かなり「すっきり」していると思います。Asset Manager は Grav 全体で利用可能で、プラグインのイベントフックや、テーマから Twig 経由でのアクセスが可能です。

技術詳細: 主要な Assets クラスは、大幅に簡素化され、縮小されました。ロジックの多くは、3 つに分割されました。テストで主に使用される関数を含む testing trait 、通常のアセットタイプ (js, inline_js, css, inline_css) と minify や compression ができる assets pipeline の間で共有されるメソッドを含む utils trait 、最後にショートカットや回避策として今後使用すべきでないメソッドを含む legacy trait が用意されています。

アセットマネージャーは、Grav 1.6 より前のバージョンで使用された構文と完全に下位互換性がありますが、以下のドキュメントでは新しい 優先構文 をカバーします。


Grav Asset Manager には、シンプルな設定オプションがあります。 デフォルト値はシステムの system.yaml ファイルにありますが、 user/config/system.yaml ファイルでその一部または全部を上書きすることができます。

assets:                                        # Configuration for Assets Manager (JS, CSS)
  css_pipeline: false                          # 複数のCSSリソースを1つのファイルに統一するのが CSS パイプラインです。
  css_pipeline_include_externals: true         # 外部URLのデフォルトを CSS パイプラインに含める
  css_pipeline_before_excludes: true           # Render the pipeline before any excluded files
  css_minify: true                             # Minify the CSS during pipelining
  css_minify_windows: false                    # Minify Override for Windows platforms, also applies to js. False by default due to ThreadStackSize
  css_rewrite: true                            # Rewrite any CSS relative URLs during pipelining
  js_pipeline: false                           # The JS pipeline is the unification of multiple JS resources into one file
  js_pipeline_include_externals: true          # Include external URLs in the pipeline by default
  js_pipeline_before_excludes: true            # Render the pipeline before any excluded files
  js_module_pipeline: false                    # The JS Module pipeline is the unification of multiple JS Module resources into one file
  js_module_pipeline_include_externals: true   # Include external URLs in the pipeline by default
  js_module_pipeline_before_excludes: true     # Render the pipeline before any excluded files
  js_minify: true                              # Minify the JS during pipelining
  enable_asset_timestamp: false                # Enable asset timestamps
    jquery: system://assets/jquery/jquery-2.x.min.js


スコープ制御には、下図に示すように複数のレベルがあります。 順に説明すると、以下のようになります。

  • Group - allows the grouping of assets such as head(default) and bottom
  • Position - before, pipeline(default), and after. Basically this allows you to specify where in the group the asset should be loaded.
  • Priority - This controls the order, where larger integers (e.g. 100) will be output before lower integers. 10 is default.
│ Group (head)          │
│┌─────────────────────┐│        ┌──────────────────┐
││ Position            ││        │   priority 100   │─────┐     ┌──────────────────┐
││┌───────────────────┐││        ├──────────────────┤     ├────▶│       CSS        │
│││                   │││        │   priority 99    │─────┤     └──────────────────┘
│││      before       │├┼──┬────▶├──────────────────┤     │
│││                   │││  │     │    priority 1    │─────┤     ┌──────────────────┐
││├───────────────────┤││  │     ├──────────────────┤     ├────▶│    inline CSS    │
│││                   │││  │     │    priority 0    │─────┘     └──────────────────┘
│││     pipeline      │├┼──┤     └──────────────────┘
│││                   │││  │
││├───────────────────┤││  │
│││                   │││  │
│││       after       │├┼──┘
│││                   │││

│ Group (head)          │
│┌─────────────────────┐│        ┌──────────────────┐
││ Position            ││        │   priority 100   │─────┐     ┌──────────────────┐
││┌───────────────────┐││        ├──────────────────┤     ├────▶│        JS        │
│││                   │││        │   priority 99    │─────┤     └──────────────────┘
│││      before       │├┼──┬────▶├──────────────────┤     │
│││                   │││  │     │    priority 1    │─────┤     ┌──────────────────┐
││├───────────────────┤││  │     ├──────────────────┤     ├────▶│    inline JS     │
│││                   │││  │     │    priority 0    │─────┘     └──────────────────┘
│││     pipeline      │├┼──┤     └──────────────────┘
│││                   │││  │
││├───────────────────┤││  │
│││                   │││  │
│││       after       │├┼──┘
│││                   │││

JS Module
│ Group (head)          │
│┌─────────────────────┐│        ┌──────────────────┐
││ Position            ││        │   priority 100   │─────┐     ┌─────────────────────────┐
││┌───────────────────┐││        ├──────────────────┤     ├────▶│        JS Module        │
│││                   │││        │   priority 99    │─────┤     └─────────────────────────┘
│││      before       │├┼──┬────▶├──────────────────┤     │
│││                   │││  │     │    priority 1    │─────┤     ┌─────────────────────────┐
││├───────────────────┤││  │     ├──────────────────┤     ├────▶│    inline JS Module     │
│││                   │││  │     │    priority 0    │─────┘     └─────────────────────────┘
│││     pipeline      │├┼──┤     └──────────────────┘
│││                   │││  │
││├───────────────────┤││  │
│││                   │││  │
│││       after       │├┼──┘
│││                   │││

By defaults, CSS, JS and JS Module default to display in the pipeline position when they are output. While InlineCSS, InlineJS and Inline JS Module default to be in the after position. This is configurable though, and you can set any asset to be in any position.

Assets in Themes


In general, you add CSS assets one by one using assets.addCss() or assets.addInlineCss() calls, then render those assets via assets.css(). Options controlling priority, pipelining or inlining can be specified per asset when adding it, or at rendering time for a group of assets.

JS assets are handled similarly with assets.addJs() and assets.addInlineJs() calls. There is also a generic assets.add() method that tries to guess the type of asset you are adding, but it is recommended to use the more specific method calls.

Since version 1.7.27, Grav's Assets Manager also supports JS Modules. These assets work exactly like JS assets but their type is type="module" and they are handled with assets.addJsModule() and assets.addInlineJsModule() calls. The generic assets.add() method will only fallback to JS Module if the extension detected is .mjs. Otherwise, any .js file will be treated as regular JS.

The Asset Manager also supports:

  • adding assets to named groups in order to render such groups at different places and/or with different sets of options,
  • configuring named asset collections, which can be added in a single assets.add*() call.


An example of how you can add CSS files in your theme can be found in the default quark theme that comes bundled with Grav. If you have a look at the templates/partials/base.html.twig partial, you will see something similar to the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    {% block stylesheets %}
        {% do assets.addCss('theme://css-compiled/spectre.css') %}
        {% do assets.addCss('theme://css-compiled/theme.css') %}
        {% do assets.addCss('theme://css/custom.css') %}
        {% do assets.addCss('theme://css/line-awesome.min.css') %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block javascripts %}
        {% do assets.addJs('jquery', 101) %}
        {% do assets.addJs('theme://js/jquery.treemenu.js', { group: 'bottom' }) %}
        {% do assets.addJs('theme://js/site.js', { group: 'bottom' }) %}
        {% do assets.addJsModule('plugin://my_plugin/app/main.js', { group: 'bottom' }) %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block assets deferred %}
        {{ assets.css()|raw }}
        {{ assets.js()|raw }}
    {% endblock %}


    {% block bottom %}
        {{ assets.js('bottom')|raw }}
    {% endblock %}

The block stylesheets twig tag just defines a region that can be replaced or appended to in templates that extend the one. Within the block, you will see a number of do assets.addCss() calls.

The {% do %} tag is actually one built in to Twig itself, and it lets you manipulate variables without generating any output.

The addCss() method adds CSS assets to the Asset Manager. If you specify a second numeric parameter, that sets the priority of the stylesheet. If you do not specify a priority, the priority that the assets are added will dictate the order they are rendered. You will notice the use of a PHP stream wrapper theme:// to provide an easy way for Grav to determine the current theme's relative path.

The assets.addJs('jquery', 101) will include the jquery collection defined in the global Assets configuration. The optional param here of 101 sets the priority to be quite high to ensure it renderes first. The default priority when not provided is a value of 10. A more flexible way of writing this would be assets.addJs('jquery', {priority: 101}). This allows you to add other parameters alongside the priority.

The assets.css()|raw call renders the CSS assets as HTML tags. As there is no parameter supplied to this method, the group is by default set to head. Note how this is wrapped in an assets deferred block. This is a new feature in Grav 1.6 that allows you to add assets from other Twig templates that are included further down the page (or anywhere really), and still ensure that they can render in this head block if required.

The bottom block at the very end of your theme output, renders JavaScript that has been assigned to the bottom group.

Adding Assets

add(asset, [options])

The add method does its best attempt to match an asset based on file extension. It is a convenience method, it's better to call one of the direct methods for CSS, Link, JS and JS Module. See the direct methods for details.

The options array is the preferred approach for passing multiple options. However, as in the previous example with jquery, you can use a shortcut and pass in an integer for the second argument in the method if all you wish to set is the priority.

addCss(asset, [options])

This method will add assets to the list of CSS assets. The priority defaults to 10 if not provided. A higher number means it will display before lower priority assets. The pipeline option controls whether this asset should be included in the combination/minify pipeline. If not pipelined, the loading option controls whether the asset should be rendered as a link to an external stylesheet or whether its contents should be inlined inside an inline style tag.

addLink($asset, [options])

This method will add assets to the of Link assets, in the form of <link> tag. It is useful for adding link tags to the head from anywhere in your site that are not CSS files. The priority defaults to 10 if not provided. A higher number means it will display before lower priority assets.

Differently than the other methods for adding assets, link() does not support pipelining, nor does support inline.

addInlineCss(css, [options])

Lets you add a string of CSS inside an inline style tag. Useful for initialization or anything dynamic. To inline a regular asset file's content, see the { 'loading': 'inline' } option of the addCss() and css() methods.

addJs(asset, [options])

This method will add assets to the list of JavaScript assets. The priority defaults to 10 if not provided. A higher number means it will display before lower priority assets. The pipeline option controls whether this asset should be included in the combination/minify pipeline. If not pipelined, the loading option controls whether the asset should be rendered as a link to an external script file or whether its contents should be inlined inside an inline script tag.

addInlineJs(javascript, [options])

Lets you add a string of JavaScript inside an inline script tag. Useful for initialization or anything dynamic. To inline a regular asset file's content, see the { 'loading': 'inline' } option of the addJs() and js() methods.

addJsModule(asset, [options])

This method will add assets to the list of JavaScript Modules assets. The priority defaults to 10 if not provided. A higher number means it will display before lower priority assets. The pipeline option controls whether this asset should be included in the combination/minify pipeline. If not pipelined, the loading option controls whether the asset should be rendered as a link to an external script file or whether its contents should be inlined inside an inline script tag.

addInlineJsModule(javascript, [options])

Lets you add a string of JavaScript inside an inline module script tag. To inline a regular asset file's content, see the { 'loading': 'inline' } option of the addJsModule() and js() methods.

registerCollection(name, array)

Allows you to register an array of CSS and JavaScript assets with a name for later use by the add() method. Particularly useful if you want to register a collection that may be used by multiple themes or plugins, such as jQuery or Bootstrap.


Where appropriate, you can pass in an array of asset options. The core options are:


  • priority: Integer value (default value is 10)

  • position: pipeline is default but can also be before or after the assets in pipeline position.

  • loading: inline if this asset should be output inline rather (default: referenced via a link to the stylesheet). Should be used in conjunction with position: before or position: after as it will have no effect with position: pipeline (default).

  • group: string to specify a unique group name for asset (default is head)

For JS and JS Module

  • priority: Integer value (default value is 10)

  • position: pipeline is default but can also be before or after the assets in pipeline position.

  • loading: supports any loading type such as, async, defer, async defer or inline. Should be used in conjunction with position: before or position: after as it will have no effect with position: pipeline (default).

  • group: string to specify a unique group name for asset (default is head)

Other Attributes

You can also pass anything else you like in the options array, and if they are not these standard types, they will simply be rendered as attributes such as {id: 'custom-id'} will render as id="custom-id" in the HTML tag. This can be also used to include structured data such as json-ld via addInlineJs() by using {type: 'application/ld+json'}.


For example:

{% do assets.addCss('page://01.blog/assets-test/example.css?foo=bar', { priority: 20, loading: 'inline', position: 'before'}) %}

Will render as:

h1.blinking {
    text-decoration: underline;

Another example:

{% do assets.addJs('page://01.blog/assets-test/example.js', {loading: 'async', id: 'custom-css'}) %}

Will render as:

<script src="/grav/user/pages/01.blog/assets-test/example.js" async id="custom-css"></script>

A Link example:

{% do assets.addLink('theme://images/favicon.png', { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/png' }) %}
{% do assets.addLink('plugin://grav-plugin/build/js/vendor.js', { rel: 'modulepreload' }) %}

Wil render as:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/user/themes/quark/images/favicon.png">
<link href="/user/plugins/grav-plugin/build/js/vendor.js" rel="modulepreload">

Rendering Assets

The following allow you to render the current state of the CSS and JavaScript assets.

css(group, [options], include_link = true)

Renders CSS assets that have been added to an Asset Manager's group (default is head). Options are

  • loading: inline if all assets in this group should be inlined (default: render each asset according to its position option)

  • link attributes, see below (default: {'type': 'text/css', 'rel': 'stylesheet'}). Effective only if inline is not used as this group's rendering option

When include_link is enabled, which it is by default, calling css() will also propagate to calling link().

If pipelining is turned off in the configuration, the group's assets are rendered individually, ordered by asset priority (high to low), followed by the order in which assets were added.

If pipelining is turned on in the configuration, assets in the pipeline position are combined in the order in which assets were added, then processed according to the pipeline configuration.

Each asset is rendered either as a stylesheet link or inline, depending on the asset's loading option and whether {'loading': 'inline'} is used for this group's rendering. CSS added by addInlineCss() will be rendered in the after position by default, but you can configure it to render before the pipelined output with position: before

link(group, [options])

Renders Link assets that have been added to an Asset Manager's group (default is head). It is not recommended using a group different from head, this is where the browser expect the tag to be found and processed.

Differently than the other methods for adding assets, link() does not support pipelining, nor does support inline.

js(group, [options], include_js_module = true)

Renders JavaScript assets that have been added to an Asset Manager's group (default is head). Options are

  • loading: inline if all assets in this group should be inlined (default: render each asset according to its position option)

  • script attributes, see below (default: {'type': 'text/javascript'}). Effective only if inline is not used as this group's rendering option

When include_js_module is enabled, which it is by default, calling js() will also propagate to calling jsModule().

If pipelining is turned off in the configuration, the group's assets are rendered individually, ordered by asset priority (high to low), followed by the order in which assets were added.

If pipelining is turned on in the configuration, assets in the pipeline position are combined in the order in which assets were added, then processed according to the pipeline configuration. The combined pipeline result is then rendered before or after non-pipelined assets depending on the setting of js_pipeline_before_excludes.

Each asset is rendered either as a script link or inline, depending on the asset's loading option and whether {'loading': 'inline'} is used for this group's rendering. Note that the only way to inline a JS pipeline is to use inline loading as an option of the js() method. JS added by addInlineJs() will be rendered in the after position by default, but you can configure it to render before the pipelined output with position: before

jsModule(group, [options])

Works exactly like the js() renderer, but for JavaScript modules. The default script type attribute is type="module", even when rendering inline.

all(group, [options])

Renders every asset above in the order: css(), link(), js(), jsModule()

This is the recommended way of including deferred assets into your main twig file (usually base.html.twig).

{% block assets deferred %}
  {{ assets.all()|raw }}
{% endblock %}

Named Assets and Collections

Grav now has a powerful feature called named assets that allows you to register a collection of CSS and JavaScript assets with a name. Then you can simply add those assets to the Asset Manager via the name you registered the collection with. Grav comes preconfigured with jQuery but has the ability to define custom collections in the system.yaml to be used by any theme or plugin:

    jquery: system://assets/jquery/jquery-2.1.3.min.js
        - https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css
        - https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
        - https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/js/bootstrap.min.js

You can also use the registerCollection() method programmatically.

$assets = $this->grav['assets'];
$bootstrapper_bits = [https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css,
$assets->registerCollection('bootstrap', $bootstrap_bits);
$assets->add('bootstrap', 100);

An example of this action can be found in the bootstrapper plugin.

Collections with attributes

Sometimes you might want to specify custom and/or different attributes to specific items in a collection, for example if you are loading assets from a remote CDN, and you wish to include the integrity check (SRI). This is possible by treating the value of the named asset as an array where the key is the asset location, and the value is the list of additional attributes. For example:

            integrity: 'sha512-894YE6QWD5I59HgZOGReFYm4dnWc1Qt5NtvYSaNcOP+u1T9qYdvdihz0PPSiiqn/+/3e7Jo4EaG7TubfWGUrMQ=='
            group: 'bottom'
            integrity: 'sha512-uto9mlQzrs59VwILcLiRYeLKPPbS/bT71da/OEBYEwcdNUk8jYIy+D176RYoop1Da+f9mvkYrmj5MCLZWEtQuA=='
            group: 'bottom'

Then, after you add the JS in your twig via {% do assets.addJs('jquery_and_ui', { defer: true }) %}, the assets will load as:

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js" defer="1" integrity="sha512-894YE6QWD5I59HgZOGReFYm4dnWc1Qt5NtvYSaNcOP+u1T9qYdvdihz0PPSiiqn/+/3e7Jo4EaG7TubfWGUrMQ=="></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js" defer="1" integrity="sha512-uto9mlQzrs59VwILcLiRYeLKPPbS/bT71da/OEBYEwcdNUk8jYIy+D176RYoop1Da+f9mvkYrmj5MCLZWEtQuA=="></script>

Note that defer was defined at the twig level and it was applied to all the assets in the collection. This is because Grav will merge together the attributes from both the twig and the yaml definition, giving priority to the ones in the yaml definition.

If the jquery-ui.min.js asset included also an attribute defer: null then it would have taken precedence over the twig defer: 1 and it would have not been rendered.

Grouped Assets

The Asset manager lets you pass an optional group as part of an options array when adding assets. While this is of marginal use for CSS, it is especially useful for JavaScript where you may need to have some JS files or Inline JS referenced in the header, and some at the bottom of the page.

To take advantage of this capability you must specify the group when adding the asset, and should use the options syntax:

{% do assets.addJs('theme://js/example.js', {'priority':102, 'group':'bottom'}) %}

Then for these assets in the bottom group to render, you must add the following to your theme:

{{ assets.js('bottom')|raw }}

If no group is defined for an asset, then head is the default group. If no group is set for rendering, the head group will be rendered. This ensures the new functionality is 100% backwards compatible with existing themes.

The same goes for CSS files:

{% do assets.addCss('theme://css/ie8.css', {'group':'ie'}) %}

and to render:

{{ assets.css('ie')|raw }}

Change attribute of the rendered CSS/JS assets

CSS is by default added using the rel="stylesheet" attribute, and type="text/css" , while JS has type="text/javascript".

To change the defaults, or to add new attributes, you need to create a new group of assets, and tell Grav to render it with that attribute.

Example of editing the rel attribute on a group of assets:

{% do assets.addCSS('theme://whatever.css', {'group':'my-alternate-group'}) %}
{{ assets.css('my-alternate-group', {'rel': 'alternate'})|raw }}

Inlining Assets

Inlining allows the placing critical CSS (and JS) code directly into the HTML document enables the browser to render a page immediately without waiting for external stylesheet or script downloads. This can improve site performance noticeably for users, particularly over mobile networks. Details can be found in this article on optimizing CSS delivery.

However, directly inserting CSS or JavaScript code into a page template is not always feasible, for example, where Sass-complied CSS is used. Keeping CSS and JS assets in separate files also simplifies maintenance. Using the Asset Manager's inline capability enables you to optimize for speed without changing the way your assets are stored. Even entire pipelines can be inlined.

To inline an asset file's content, use the option {'loading': 'inline'} with addCss() or addJs(). You can also inline all assets when rendering a group with js() or css(), which provide the same option.

Example of using system.yaml to define asset collections named according to asset loading requirements, with app.css being a Sass-generated CSS file:

      - 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu:400|Open+Sans:400,400i,700'
      - 'theme://css-compiled/app.css'
      - 'https://use.fontawesome.com/<embedcode>.js'
      - 'theme://foundation/dist/assets/js/app.js'
      - 'theme://js/header-display.js'

The template inserts each collection into its corresponding group, namely head and head-link for CSS, head and head-async for JS. The default group head is used for inline loading in each case:

{% block stylesheets %}
    {% do assets.addCss('css-inline') %}
    {% do assets.addCss('css-link', {'group': 'head-link'}) %}
{% endblock %}
{{ assets.css('head-link')|raw }}
{{ assets.css('head', {'loading': 'inline'})|raw }}
{% block javascripts %}
    {% do assets.addJs('js-inline') %}
    {% do assets.addJs('js-async', {'group': 'head-async'}) %}
{% endblock %}
{{ assets.js('head-async', {'loading': 'async'})|raw }}
{{ assets.js('head', {'loading': 'inline'})|raw }}

Static Assets

Sometimes there is a need to reference assets without using the Asset Manager. There is a url() helper method available to achieve this. An example of this could be if you wanted to reference an image from the theme. The syntax for this is:

<img src="{{ url("theme://" ~ widget.image)|e }}" alt="{{ widget.text|e }}" />

The url() method takes an optional second parameter of true or false to enable the URL to include the schema and domain. By default this value is assumed false resulting in just the relative URL. For example:

<script src="{{ url('theme://some/extra.css', true)|e }}"></script>

オリジナル : https://learn.getgrav.org/17/themes/asset-manager